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Jesus in the clouds 2021

We are in the end times. The rapture is still a long way off. The current state of the world today is full of chaos. Wars, disease, famine. It will be worse before it gets better. Enter Jesus Christ with his golden chariot, guided by the Holy Ghost of justice and truth, who will set everything straight again, once and for all time. He’s coming to claim his people and rid the Earth of evil once and for all…

Hi, my name is Julie and I have been a freelance writer since 2009. I am writing to you today because I would like to talk about Jesus in the clouds 2021, Jesus coming in the clouds bible verse and sermon on look he is coming with the clouds

So let’s get started!

In the beginning, there was God and God was all.

Then God created the heavens and the earth, and on it he created man.

And man, toil-worn and tired by his many labors, cried out to God, “Why have you forsaken me?”

And God said: “I have not abandoned you; I am here with you always.”

And so it was until the day that man died.

In the year 2020, Jesus Christ will be resurrected from the dead and return to Earth.

Jesus in the clouds 2021

Jesus in the clouds 2021


I received a message from a good friend of mine the other day who is a professional photographer. She told me that she had come across some pictures of an image that appeared in the clouds over the Philippines. The image was of Jesus and it was big enough to see from several miles away. In fact, if you search for “Jesus in the Clouds” online, you will find many people talking about this phenomenon on YouTube and Facebook.

There was a rare event that happened recently over the Philippines and it is a nice feeling to have one of these happen during a time when we all needed something positive to look forward to.

The recent cloud formation in the Philippines was a rare event that happened on January 1st, 2020. It was a welcome sight for many people during this time of uncertainty and turmoil.

The cloud formation did not just look like a cross; it also had clouds that formed into three letters (IHS). This is an abbreviation for “Jesus Christ” and is used by some Christians as an alternative to writing out “Jesus Christ” fully. This made many people happy because they felt that it was God showing them his love at this difficult time.

I was also surprised to learn from her that it’s not uncommon for people in the media to see things in the sky and be told not to report them. This is more proof that we are being lied to about many things that are clearly visible in the sky.

I was also surprised to learn from her that it’s not uncommon for people in the media to see things in the sky and be told not to report them. This is more proof that we are being lied to about many things that are clearly visible in the sky.

jesus coming in the clouds bible verse

It is better for people who say they want truth and freedom to do so, because there is much more truth out there than most people realize, and those truths will ultimately set us free from the control grid we are currently operating in.

The truth is out there: it’s just hard to find. And when you do find it, you may not like what you see or hear because it goes against everything that your mind has been programmed with since childhood. Your mind has been programmed by a system of lies set up by those who have power over us (and all other life on Earth).

sermon on look he is coming with the clouds

Jesus in the clouds 2021.

Jesus is coming back—to the skies.

The year 2021 is here, and it’s time to welcome Jesus back to earth. But this time, he’s not coming quietly. He’s going to be seen by millions of people across the world in a series of cloud formations that spell out “JESUS.”

You’ll know these formations when you see them. They’ll be everywhere: on your T-shirt, your car, your dog’s collar—maybe even inside of you! That’s right: Jesus can be found anywhere and everywhere at once. So keep an eye out for him!

It was a clear, sunny day at the end of 2021. The sun was shining, birds were chirping—you could feel it in your bones that this was going to be a good day.

And then, out of nowhere: Jesus appeared in the clouds. He waved, smiled broadly, and then disappeared just as quickly as he’d come.

The entire world went into shock. A few people even fainted from sheer joy—it’s not every day you get to see Jesus!

People everywhere took to social media to share their thoughts on what they had just seen. Some people were skeptical, while others claimed that they had seen Jesus before and that this wasn’t anything new for them (we have no reason to doubt these claims). But most people seemed pretty sure that they knew what they saw: Jesus himself, right there in the sky above them!

And now? Well now we wait and see what happens next!


I was happy to see that my friend was able to share the news about this rare occurrence and she did a great job of putting it all together with her video, which is just one more example of what’s possible when someone takes the time to investigate things. Thank you for watching!

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