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Real angels from the bible

Real angels from the bible has amazing and inspiring stories of Biblical Angels. ‘Angel’ is a non-sex specific term that refers to a ‘messenger of god’ or a heavenly being. These heavenly beings are created by God to help us out in times of need, there are good and bad angels. There are higher and lower angels. The most powerful angel is Gabriel who delivered Allah’s revelation to the prophet Muhammad …

Bible scholars and researchers have been looking for real angels in the bible for hundreds of years. According to Dr. Jonathan Gallagher, a respected religious scholar, there are real angels in the bible. He goes further to explain that they can be your source of divine protection and power each and every day. Explains; Terrifying descriptions of angels, Bible verses about angels appearance.

Real angels from the bible

Real angels from the bible

Angels are spiritual beings that appear in all Abrahamic traditions. They are typically described as benevolent and celestial beings without material bodies, existing in the heavenly realm.

According to a number of scriptures, angels are created from light and have the ability to fly and travel at great speeds. They are organized into hierarchies led by Lucifer (Satan) who is their leader. Most angels work for God or his successor, Jesus Christ.

Their primary missions include communicating God’s messages, praising God, glorifying God, fulfilling God’s commandments and helping to save humanity from sin. Some believe that angels have always existed while others believe that they were created by God at some point in time.[1]

The Bible says:

“When angels appear on earth among humans, they usually manifest themselves as ordinary humans visible only to certain people who have been given the gift of seeing them by God.” [2] – The Bible Project

Terrifying descriptions of angels

The Bible contains many descriptions of angels that can be considered terrifying, as well as several accounts of what it is like to encounter them in person. While some people might fearfully avoid any mention of angels in scripture, others might find comfort in knowing that God has sent these messengers to help us.

Angels are God’s servants and messengers, who perform His will by carrying out His orders. They do not have the power to disobey God or choose their own actions; rather they must always obey His commands and directives (Psalm 103:20).

However, angels are not limited to Heaven or Earth; they can travel anywhere at any time (Hebrews 13:2). And as God’s messengers, angels have been known to appear in human form (Genesis 19:1-3; Daniel 8:15).

In fact, the Bible describes many terrifying experiences with angels — from those who were terrified by their appearance to those who were afraid when they heard their voices. Here are a few examples:

Moses saw an angel who was so bright that he had to put his hand over his face (Exodus 33:20).

Bible verses about angels appearance

The Bible tells us that angels are all around us, but they are invisible to our physical eyes. They are spirit beings and don’t have a physical body, so they can’t be seen. But angels do appear to people in dreams or visions from time to time.

Angels are servants of God who act as messengers to deliver God’s messages to human beings. They also help us when we need protection or guidance.

The Bible is full of descriptions about angels and their appearances. Here are some examples:

The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary when she was pregnant with Jesus (Luke 1:26-38). Gabriel told Mary that she would give birth to Jesus, even though she was a virgin.

An angel appeared unto Joseph in a dream, saying “Arise and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt” (Matthew 2:13). This angel told Joseph to run away with Jesus and Mary because King Herod wanted to kill them because he thought Jesus was going to take over his kingdom (Matthew 2:1-18).

An angel appeared unto Lot saying “Escape for thy life; look not behind thee” (Genesis 19:17). The angels rescued Lot from Sodom before it

The Bible describes angels as having six wings and a face that glows like the sun. Their feet are like pillars of fire, and they have eyes all over their bodies. Their voices sound like rushing waters. The Bible also says that their bodies are full of eyes, meaning that they can see in every direction at once.

In the Bible, angels appear as men and women. They may appear as young men or youths who look like ordinary people, but they always have extraordinary powers beyond those of ordinary people. Angels can appear suddenly or vanish instantly without warning; they can fly through the air or walk through walls; they can travel great distances in an instant; they know what is happening in every part of the world at every moment; they know what people are thinking and feeling at any given time; and they know all about our pasts, presents, futures and private thoughts.

Female angels in the bible

In the Bible, female angels appear as messengers of God and guardians of humanity.

In Hebrew culture, angels were thought to be masculine because they were messengers and guardians. But in Christian tradition, female angels began to appear in the Middle Ages as images of the Virgin Mary.

There’s only one named female angel in the Bible — Nephele (Neh-FEHL), who appears in two stories:

In Greek mythology, Nephele was a cloud goddess who married Zeus and gave birth to Hermes. In Milton’s Paradise Lost, she’s also an angel who descends from heaven on a rainbow in order to save mankind from destruction at the hands of Lucifer.

The name “Nephele” comes from “nephilim,” which means “fallen ones.” This is probably an allusion to Genesis 6:4: “The Nephilim were on earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them.”

There are many female angels in the Bible, including the archangel Gabriel, but there is no record of any female archangels.

In the book of Genesis, Eve was created by God and given to Adam as his partner, or wife. In fact, all women are said to be made from a rib taken from Adam’s side. The Hebrew word for “rib” is tsela from which we get the English word “sexuality.” Thus it seems that woman has been created with sexuality in mind, as part of her nature. This also indicates that men and women have different roles in life and should not be compared with one another.

Other Biblical stories about angels include:

-Gabriel (Luke 1:26-38) – Gabriel appears to Zachariah and Mary to announce their upcoming births.

-Michael (Daniel 10:13) – Michael helps Daniel overcome a demonic prince named Belial.

-Raphael (Tobit 5:12-15) – Raphael tells Tobit how he can be cured from his blindness by eating small fish called silversides that live in rivers near Nineveh (present day Iraq).

Angels often communicate with humans through visions or dreams (1 Kings 3:5-9). Sometimes these visions come during sleep, but sometimes angels appear to people while they are awake (Genesis 19:1-3).

Angels sometimes speak directly to people, but more often they speak through “voices” such as thunder or wind (2 Kings 2:11-12).

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