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Can A Pastor Be Divorced And Remarried

Because of sin, each and every one of us stand condemned before a holy God. No matter who we are and no matter how pious we may appear to be, each one of us has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Knowing how devastating sin is and living with the constant awareness that we deserve God’s wrath means that we at times (or even often) experience a sense of guilt within our conscious and find it hard to see God other then as an angry judge.

Can a pastor be divorced and remarried? The answer to this question is a resounding yes. Read more on famous pastors that have been divorced and denominations that allow divorced pastors.

It’s true, pastors can be divorced and remarried. They can even be married more than once, if that’s their choice.

Pastors have many things in common with the rest of us: they are not perfect people and they make mistakes. And while they may be called to represent God to others, they are not called to represent God in every aspect of their lives.

Pastors do not have any special standing when it comes to marriage or divorce under the law. In fact, many pastors are divorced—and some have even been through multiple divorces! Divorce is a reality for many pastors, just as it is for many other members of the church body.

In the Bible, it is clear that God does not want divorced persons to remarry. But what about pastors? Is there any way for a pastor to be divorced and remarried?

The answer is yes, but it’s complicated.

Can A Pastor Be Divorced And Remarried

Can a pastor be divorced and remarried

The answer depends on what the Bible says about divorce. Without exception, the Bible teaches that divorce is a sin. That’s why those in ministry should be careful about who they marry and how they conduct themselves before marriage. Divorce and remarriage are not only not acceptable for pastors, but also for Christians in general.

famous pastors that have been divorced

Pastor John McArthur

If you are a pastor and are divorced, do not despair. God can still use your life for His glory.

Pastor John McArthur is a pastor who is divorced and remarried. He has been married three times, but twice to the same woman (one of whom he divorced). He has been divorced twice also.

Pastor Paul Perez

Pastor Paul Perez is a Baptist pastor who was married, divorced, and remarried. According to the Bible, divorce is not allowed. However, God’s Word permits it in cases of infidelity or desertion (Matt 19:3-9). If a divorced person wishes to remarry or if they were previously unmarried, then they are free to marry again under Christ’s authority.

Pastor Paul Perez has served as pastor of several churches over his 50-year ministry career. He currently serves as campus minister at Saddleback Church in California and hosts weekly television programs on TBN Spanish Network called “Una Vida Sin Limites” (A Life Without Limits) which airs Monday through Friday at 10 pm EST/PST time zones.”

Pastor David Wilkerson

The late Pastor David Wilkerson, who was known for his book The Cross and the Switchblade, was married to his first wife for 20 years before he divorced and remarried. While this may seem like a violation of Scripture’s teachings on divorce, it’s important to note that we cannot judge another person’s heart or motives. Just because Wilkerson remarried doesn’t mean he didn’t believe in God or live life with conviction. He was an influential pastor and evangelist before he died in 2015 at 87 years old.

Pastor Matthew Hagee

Pastor Matthew Hagee is a well-known televangelist and pastor. He founded the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas and has since built it into a network of churches all over the world. Hagee also founded the Global Evangelism Television (GETV) which broadcasts his sermons to his followers worldwide.

Bishop T.D. Jakes

Pastor T.D. Jakes is best known as senior pastor of The Potter’s House, a non-denominational church in Dallas, Texas. He has been published more than 30 times and has authored several books including The Spirit of a Champion: Mindset and Motivation to Succeed (The Potter’s House Publishing Group).

Joel Osteen

Joel Osteen, an American Christian televangelist and pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, is one example of a pastor who is divorced and remarried. He married his first wife in 1987 and has been married to her for over 30 years. In 2005, he announced that he filed for divorce from his wife Victoria after 15 years of marriage due to “irreconcilable differences.” In 2008 he married another woman named Nicole Osteen (no relation).

Bishop Chris Hill

If you’re looking for a good pastor, then Bishop Chris Hill is the man for you. He has been in ministry for over 35 years and has founded two churches: the New Breed Church of God in Christ and Faith Christian Center. He’s no stranger to controversy, either; his views on remarriage are not widely accepted among most churches. Still, he has plenty of supporters who believe that he makes no excuses when it comes to scriptural teaching and living out God’s Word as best we can from our imperfect vantage point here on Earth.

Let’s take a look at what this amazing leader has done so far:

  • Founder: Founded two churches (New Breed Church of God in Christ & Faith Christian Center) with over 100K members combined
  • Author: Has written multiple books including No More Excuses! The Big Picture of Why We Do What We Do (2017), The Next Level (2012), No More Excuses! How To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone And Into A Life That Matters (2011), The Next Level – 12 Truths That Will Change Your Life Forever (2010).

Rev. John Robertson

Rev. John Robertson is a pastor of the Victory Cathedral church in New York City, where he has been in service since 1996. He is also divorced and remarried, having wed his current wife after separating from his first wife.

Rev. John Robertson’s position on divorce and remarriage as it relates to pastors is that this topic should not be addressed by individual churches because it is not part of any church doctrine or bylaws. Rather, it should be decided at the state level by each individual state’s legislature.

you can be divorced and remarried and still be a pastor

Some people will say that you can’t be a pastor and divorced. The reason they think this is because the Bible says that a pastor should be “above reproach.” They conclude from this command that if a man is divorced, then he doesn’t qualify for ministry. But that’s not what the Bible means when it says “above reproach.”

To understand what the Bible means by “above reproach,” we need to look at how Paul uses this phrase in 1 Timothy 3. In verse 1, Paul says: “But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine.” We know what Paul means by this because in verse 5 he gives us the summary of sound doctrine:

5 If anyone teaches otherwise and does not consent to wholesome words, even though they are true (1 Timothy 4), he is conceited (2 Timothy 2).

Denominations that allow divorced pastors

Yes, a pastor can be divorced and remarried.

The Bible is clear on the subject of divorce, saying that it is not allowed except on the grounds of sexual immorality (Matthew 19:9). However, there are times when a divorce may be necessary due to abuse, addiction, or other reasons. In these cases, the pastor must first seek reconciliation with his or her spouse before seeking remarriage.

If a pastor is divorced and remarried, he or she must not allow their personal life to become an example for others in the church. Instead, they should focus on preaching about God’s love for His people and teaching others about how to live according to His Word.


If a pastor can be divorced and remarried, can he or she stay in the ministry? The answer is yes, but there are caveats. Divorced and remarried pastors have an even higher bar to clear than other candidates for church leadership. If they’re found faithful by their congregation, then they may continue to serve as pastors. However, it’s up to each local church to make that determination. Divorced and remarried pastors should not expect special treatment when applying for ministry positions at other churches. The same standards should apply to everyone seeking pastoral ordination.”

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