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Prayer For A Young Man

The Prayer of a Young Man by Saint Ambrose of Milan Background Questions for Discussion: 1. What effect do prayer and good works have on the human will? On divine justice? 2. What is the value of fasting? 3. What can the young learn from older people about prayer and penance? 4. How does Ambrose encourage us to live to please God, rather than men and women? 5. Pray for us Saint Ambrose of Milan . Pray that we may be worthy to lead a holy life raising up our children as Christians as well .

A prayer for a young man: Lord God, may my son grow in integrity and wisdom to become the man of God you created him to be. Keep him close to you every moment of his life and let him enjoy your goodness as he grows older. May he find joy as he lives according to your plan for his life; give him confidence that he can accomplish all that is needed for his future happiness. I pray that you will embrace his wife into your arms and bless their marriage with plenty of children and grandchildren. Give them long lives together, useful years lived in peace with those they love most. Be faithful to each other until death separates them, then grant them eternal life together in your presence. In Jesus’ Name…

Prayer For A Young Man

prayer for a young man

Dear God,

We ask that you keep our young man in your thoughts and prayers. Please give him the strength to overcome his difficulties and to turn away from the temptations of this world. We pray that he will find himself again, so that he may be a beacon of light for all in his community. Help him to remember how much you love him, and how much he is loved by those around him. May he have courage enough to seek your guidance and direction in all things, so that he may grow into a man who is worthy of your love and guidance.

In Jesus’ name we pray, amen

Almighty God, we ask your blessing on [name], a young man who is struggling with addiction.

We pray that you strengthen him and give him the courage to seek help and recovery.

Help him understand that he can be free of this addiction, and help him begin his journey toward healing.

Dear God,

I need your help. I’m a young man who has had a rough life and it’s been hard for me to get through high school and make good friends. I’ve always wanted to do something with my life but no one has ever believed in me except for my parents. My dad works at Wal-Mart and my mom is a stay at home mom. They never made it past high school so they can’t help me with my homework or anything like that. They just tell me to study harder but I don’t know how to study any harder than I already am. All of the kids at school laugh at me because they think I’m stupid because of how much trouble I have with math and science classes. They say that I should just drop out of school and get a job at McDonald’s like they do when they’re not in school but I don’t want that kind of life for myself! Please help me find the right path in life so that one day I can be successful enough to buy my parents houses and cars so that they can stop working so much and relax more often! Thank you God for listening to this prayer!

Dear God,

I pray for the soul of [name], a young man who was taken from us too soon. He was taken from his family and friends by a senseless act of violence, and his death has left a hole in their hearts that can never be filled. Please watch over them as they grieve, and give them peace during this difficult time. Help them to remember the joy that [name] brought into their lives, so that they may find comfort in the memories they have of him.

Please help our community heal from this tragedy, and help us find the strength to move forward. Bless all those who have been affected by this loss, and bring peace to our hearts as we remember [name]. Amen.[/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote]

Dear Lord,

I ask that you watch over my son as he goes through this difficult time in his life. Please bless him with strength, wisdom and clarity of thought so that he can make the best decisions for himself.

I know that you are always there for us when we need you most and I pray that you will give me the strength to be there for my son during this difficult time.

Help me to guide him as he makes choices about his future, so that he knows where to go from here – whether it’s to college or into the workforce. Help him to find his true calling in life and help him know what is best for him.

Please help me to guide my son through these turbulent times and give me strength when things get difficult between us.

Dear God,

We pray for [name] who is going through a difficult time. We ask you to lift him up and give him strength to get through the next few days. We know that he will be alright and we know he will be able to handle whatever comes his way with bravery and courage. Please help us all take care of one another in this time of need. Amen

Dear God,

We pray for [name], and the challenges he’s experiencing. We believe that you are with him, even in his darkest moments. We ask that you give him the strength to get through this time, and the hope of what lies beyond. We ask that you guide him through these challenges and help him find a way out of them. We also ask that you bless him with peace and joy while he’s going through these challenges.

In Jesus’ name we pray, amen

Christian Prayers to Pray for Youth

“I’m praying for you” is perhaps one of the most powerful statements out there, and being able to say this to our youth is just as potent.

What can I pray for youth? Some key ways that we can be praying for youth are for encouragement, salvation, healthy relationships, God’s calling, and mentorship. As you grow more confident, you can begin to pray in your own way and tailor your prayers to specific people or needs. God’s word can be a powerful tool in this as well, guiding us in how to pray for ourselves and those around us, including our youth.

Although our world is changing daily, the same basic challenges have been plaguing the human race since day one. We hope that this can give you a place to start as you begin to pray over the youth in your life.

1. Prayer of Encouragement

Lord, I lift ______ up to you today as they go about their day. Please reveal yourself to them in a new way and remind them of your presence in their life. Help them to rely on your Holy Spirit for guidance and direction as they face the challenges of this new day.

Encourage them with joy in trying situations and comfort them when they are discouraged. Grow and stretch them in a new way Lord, and pour out your grace and mercy over them when they fall short.

Develop in them an identity founded in Christ so that they would become grounded in who you say they are. Confirm in their heart that you are their Father, and lavish your unending love on them today. Amen.

2. Prayer of Salvation

Lord, I lift _______ up to you today. Help me to act in such a way that my actions would point directly to you, and that they would see you in me.

Holy Spirit convict __________. Help them to recognize their sin and realize their need for a Savior. Lord, prepare the soil of their heart so that the seeds planted there would grow and flourish.

And until that day, Lord put a hedge of protection around them. Continue to put people in their life that would speak life, and point to the hope that comes from you alone. Amen.

3. Prayer for Healthy Relationships

Lord, l lift _________ up to you today and ask that you would bless them. As they go about their day help them to be a light in this dark world. Help them to draw strength from you to fight back against the schemes of the evil one.

Lord, surround them with people who will encourage them and build them up. Grow the relationships in their life that will support them, encourage them, and keep them accountable. Give them wisdom and discernment to move on from the relationships that keep them from becoming who you called them to be.

Help them also to be a positive influence in the lives of their peers as well. Help them to set a good example and to reflect you in every way. Amen

4. Prayer for Mentorship

Lord, I lift up ____________ to you today and pray that you would bring a strong mentor into their life.

Lord help them to find someone that will challenge them to grow in their faith and who can help guide them to you. Provide someone to disciple them so that they can become stronger in their faith.

Lord, soften their heart to receive all that their mentor pours into them as they teach and encourage them in how to become more like Christ. Help them to humbly accept their mentor’s correction in areas that they need to grow, and celebrate in areas of success.

And, when they have grown Lord, help them to learn how to be a mentor to others. Help them to guide and encourage the next generation of believers so that they will also become strong members of the body of Christ, grounded in their own faith. Amen.

5. Prayer for God’s Calling

Lord, I lift ______ up to you and ask that you would move in their life. Reveal your calling for their life and give them the courage to obey it. Help them pursue the desires of your heart and your will for their life with fervor and tenacity. Help them to press on with endurance regardless of the obstacles.

Help them to pursue a close relationship with you so that they don’t wander off of your path. Help them to grow and be stretched in new ways so that they are better equipped for the next challenge to come their way.

Raise up youth all over the world that are willing to step out in faith and pursue your calling for their life. Help them to become close together as the body of Christ, to support and love each other, and encourage each other through every circumstance. Amen.

Prayers of Scripture

One of the most powerful things I learned to do in my prayer life is to pray Scripture. The Bible is full of promises that God has made to us and praying those promises helps us to claim them in our own lives. For example, If I were to pray Romans 12:2 I might say:

Lord, today I pray that you would give __________ the strength to stand out. Don’t let them fall into the same pattern of sin as the rest of the world but instead help them fix their gaze on you. As they focus on you, Lord, help them to begin to see the world the way that you do. Help them to pursue your heart and will in every situation so that your good and perfect plans would be achieved. Amen.

Do not be conformed to this world,but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:2 ESV

Praying Scripture is powerful because it already lies in accordance with God’s will.

You don’t have to question whether God wants you to be separate from the world and pursue his will, he already told you that’s what he wants.

There is a ton of ways to pray Scripture into your life, like strength to obey his commands, and stand against persecution or you can pray his promises to help you remember who he is and who you are through him.

4 Bible Verses You Can Pray

Here are some Scriptures that have helped me over the years and would be powerful to pray over youth today:

Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Matthew 5:11-12 ESV

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

Galatians 5:22-23 ESV

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:8-10 ESV

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too.

2 Corinthians 1:3-5 ESV

Pray is powerful. Take some time today to pray for the youth in your life. Trust God to answer your prayers.

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