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Prayer For My Aunt

I must say I also don’t know what to pray for today. Last night, I woke up thinking of my aunt who is suffering and seeking God’s will on what to do next. The doctors said they could no longer do anything and that the cancer had spread to almost every part of the body like a malignant tumour. Her husband died years ago but my uncle is still alive although he has been battling with heart problems since then.

I just got home from the hospital with my aunt and she is doing better. Gosh, I really wanted her to be home doing better and healing at home but alas, there is still a month left before they can discharge her. So today (Sunday) we were able to take her out in a wheelchair for curbside therapy. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s basically where they push you around in the wheelchair outdoors to get fresh air and exercise while you sit back, relax and enjoy the sunshine or the cool breeze or any other weather conditions that day!!! I felt like a child when I was watching my aunt do it! She was super excited and so was her nurse! I wonder what will happen if my aunt decided to go for a stroll at night….hmmm…that would be an adventure for sure!!

Lord, please grant my aunt the strength she needs to keep fighting this battle. Please give her peace in knowing that you are there with her and that you will guide her to make decisions that are in her best interest. Help us all understand the importance of finding someone who is meant for us so that we don’t settle for anything less than love, happiness and peace. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.”

Prayer For My Aunt

prayer for my aunt

Dear God,

I pray for my aunt today. She is a wonderful woman who has had her share of struggles in life. I pray that you will continue to guide her through this difficult time, and help her find peace and healing. She has always been there for me when I needed her most, and now it’s my turn to be there for her. I know she will come through this stronger than ever, because that’s the type of person she is. I just ask that you guide her through this process in your own way so that she may find what she needs physically and emotionally during this time. Thank you for helping us today, God!

Dear God,

I pray that you keep my aunt safe and healthy. Please send her a sign that she is loved and cared for. And please help me be a better person so I can show her how much she means to me. I love you, God. Amen

Dear God, I pray for my aunt, who has been sick for a long time.

I pray for her healing and health, and for the comfort of her family during this difficult time.

May she find peace and comfort in your presence. Amen

Dear God,

today I am praying for my aunt. She is a beautiful woman who has been through so much in her life. She is still holding on to hope that the world will change for the better and that she will get better soon. I pray that you will give her healing, peace, and love. Please help her remember that she has always been loved by you and me.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen

Dear God,

Please help my aunt to get better. She has been sick for a long time and I want her to be healthy again. She is a good person and deserves to be happy. Please help her to get better and stay healthy.

Dear God,

I pray for my Aunt’s recovery. She is a mother of three and has been in the hospital for almost a month now. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and the doctors are saying that she has only 3 months to live. I am asking you to take care of her and heal her from all sicknesses. Give her strength to fight against this disease so she can be with her family for as long as possible. Please give us peace during this difficult time and comfort our hearts as we wait on your will for her. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

short prayer for my aunt on her birthday

Dear God,

Please protect my aunt from the evil that is taking over her mind. Please protect her from all of the bad influences that are surrounding her. Protect her from all of the evil forces that are trying to take over her body and soul. I know that there is a lot going on right now and a lot of chaos in the world, but please help us get through it because she is a good person who doesn’t deserve this. Thank you for hearing my prayer.

heart touching birthday prayer for aunt

Wish you a happy birthday Aunt! May God continue to bless you with great health, wealth, and the other blissfulness of life. Have a wonderful birthday celebration aunty! Only a few blessed individuals like me have the privilege to celebrate the birthday of the most serene and lovely aunt like you.

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