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Prayer To Dissolve Blood Clots

Prayer to dissolve blood clots: Asking for divine intervention has been a practice for centuries. It’s a prayer that I often do when I need help in life. Prayer can help improve your relationship with God, as well as relieve stress.

Lord I lift dear Alicia up to YOU in prayer. I ask YOU Lord for YOUR divine healing touch upon her body Lord with dissolving away completely this blood clot and restoring her health back to whole for YOUR glory in Jesus Name. I pray Lord the next testing done would declare there is NO LONGER a clot all has been restored back to normal functioning for YOUR glory I pray in Jesus Name. Thank YOU Lord in advance.

Prayer To Dissolve Blood Clots

Prayer To Dissolve Blood Clots

Abba Father,
Lord I lift dear Alicia up to YOU in prayer. I ask YOU Lord for YOUR divine healing touch upon her body Lord with dissolving away completely this blood clot and restoring her health back to whole for YOUR glory in Jesus Name. I pray Lord the next testing done would declare there is NO LONGER a clot all has been restored back to normal functioning for YOUR glory I pray in Jesus Name. Thank YOU Lord in advance.

Our father we pray you give Alicia the best of help and this blood clot clears in her lungs because you can do any thing father any thing through the power of your son Jesus or lord and our savior Jesus.
We thank you and we honor you Jesus amen

Hear our prayers, dear Lord, for Alicia and her baby, remove the blood clot in her lungs, restore her to good health and protect both mother and child. See them safely through the birth of this baby with no problems, and then safely home to have a happy life with their family. Amen.

Catholic Prayer For Blood Clots

Our father we pray you give Alicia the best of help and this blood clot clears in her lungs because you can do any thing father any thing through the power of your son Jesus or lord and our savior Jesus.
We thank you and we honor you Jesus amen

Hear our prayers, dear Lord, for Alicia and her baby, remove the blood clot in her lungs, restore her to good health and protect both mother and child. See them safely through the birth of this baby with no problems, and then safely home to have a happy life with their family. Amen.

Exodus 12 relates the story of God’s deliverance of the people of Israel from Egypt after 400 years of oppression. Each Israelite household killed a lamb and placed the blood of that lamb over the doorpost of their home.

When the angel of death passed through the land to kill each first-born in Egypt, he passed over the houses of the Israelites because death had already visited the home as evidenced by the blood on the doorposts.

Interestingly, when the Israelites left Egypt there was not one feeble person among them. All the sick men, women, and children, and even the elderly, had been healed.

He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes (Psalm 105:37 KJV).

Scripture prayer for healing and strength
We who know Christ Jesus also live under shed blood. The Passover foreshadowed the deliverance that Christ brought for us when he died on the Cross.

All the promises of God become mine to claim as part of the New Covenant found in my relationship with Jesus (see 2 Corinthians 1:19-21). They are yours too.

Psalm 105:37 is one of my favorite promises to pray for myself and for those who are experiencing debilitating illness. My prayer goes something like this:

Lord, you made a blood covenant at Passover with the people of Israel when they painted the blood of a lamb over their doorposts. The angel of death passed over their homes because death had already visited them. That blood brought deliverance and healing to each of them. The people left Egypt the next day and there was not one feeble person among them.

Like the Israelites of old, I stand upon a covenant bought by blood—the blood of Jesus. That blood is placed over the doorpost of my life. I ask, Father, for you to fulfill your promise to me of that blood covenant, and deliver me from the oppression of sickness and weakness.

I remind you, Lord, that not one feeble person was among those that escaped Egypt, and, like them, I ask for health and strength for my body and mind according to Psalm 105:37—”You brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes.”

Based on your promise, Lord, I command weakness and sickness to leave my body. Feebleness does not reflect the Lord Jesus, and it is not to be a part of my life. I will walk in health and strength according to your Word.

Thank you, Father, for in 2 Corinthians 1:19-21 you have already said “Yes” to all of your promises for me, and I agree with those promises by saying “Amen.”

Which Scripture promises do you pray when illness attacks you or those you love? Please share them in the comment section below, as I know others would appreciate them.

If you are going through a difficult time of sickness, please let me know. I’ll put you on my prayer list. Really. Just send me a message via the form on the bottom of my contact page.

Most of all I hope you will use the Scriptures as prayer for healing and strength. Grace and peace to you.

Blood Clots Spiritual Meaning

Trust me, you don’t want to miss what I am about to unveil about blood clotting. There are 9 spiritual meanings surrounding the blood clots, and I am talking about them straightaway. Therefore, hang in there.

A blood clot can happen internally and externally. It is described as a condition that exists when proteins, platelets, and cells in the blood stick together. Now, science terms it as non-harmful – as long as it dissolves by itself.

A blood clot can form in your arteries or veins (internally), and it can form on wounds to stop bleeding. Science has done justice to the physical side of blood clotting. 

However, there seems to be more about blood clotting than meets the eye. When you have an injury and see blood clots all over its surface, do you know that the universe can speak to you through this condition?

Additionally, if you visit a doctor, and you are diagnosed with blood clotting in your veins or arteries, do you also know that it can be a message from the universe?

9 Spiritual Meanings of Blood Clots

Spiritual Meaning of Blood Clots

Whenever you see a blood clot on your body, what does it mean spiritually? Well, you have 9 answers in this section. All you have to do is select the one that fits your situation.

1) You are strong

Seeing a blood clot on your body is a sign of strength. This means that you can go through any situation without giving up. This is a message of encouragement and revelation.

With this message, the universe is showing you the different potentials you have. 

Personally, this is a message I love to focus on whenever I have a blood clot. It suddenly makes me feel like a superhero. Having a blood clot on your body is a spiritual sign of strength.

2) Healing

If someone around you is sick, dreaming of a blood clot on the sick person is a sign of healing.

Science explains that a blood clot will cover a wound to stop the bleeding and speed up the healing process. This is why blood clots are attached to healing.

When you see your sick loved one with a blood clot on his/her body, it means that healing is guaranteed.

Have you given up hope of getting healed?

Then, seeing blood clots on your body is an assurance that you will be healed. Whenever you dream of having a blood clot on your body, this means that the universe has set everything in motion for your healing to be actualized.

This is a message of faith and hope.

3) Mark of protection

In the bible, it is said that God’s children bear a mark of protection on their bodies, and this looks like a scar in the spiritual world.

There is an example of this in the Old Testament.

God told the children of Israel to use the blood of an animal as a sign of protection. 

Therefore, a blood clot can be used as a mark of protection.

  • Are you a Christian?
  • Do you believe in Jesus Christ?

Then, seeing a blood clot means that you are under his protection. It means that you have a mark of protection that evil spirits cannot touch or remove. Therefore, be confident.

4) Ask for God’s salvation

Salvation was accomplished by the blood of Jesus. It was his blood that washed man from sins. Therefore, seeing a blood clot in the dream can be a spiritual reminder of the love of God over you.

It means that you should believe in Jesus Christ and ask for his salvation.

As you do this, the stronghold of sin will be broken over your life, and you will begin a new life in Jesus Christ.

5) Stop thinking about the past

If you remove a blood clot that has formed over a wound, the injury will start bleeding all over, and you might feel pains.

In the spiritual world, there is something to get from this. Whenever you see yourself removing a blood clot from your wound, it means that you have refused to let go of the things you suffered in the past.

This is a warning sign from the spiritual world that you should stop thinking about the evil things that were done to you. This is a message to inspire emotional healing.

6) You have strong entrepreneurial skills

When you dream of having a blood clot on your right arm, it can be a directional message. Have you been confused about what to do with life? Take this dream as a direction.

Seeing a blood clot on your right arm means that you have strong business skills. This means that you have the creativity, pragmatism, and relational skill to build a business empire from scratch.

Therefore, this is a clear-cut path for you. With this type of message, you don’t need to struggle about what to do. All that is left is planning and ruthless implementation.

7) Pay attention to your intuition

Were you diagnosed with a blood clot in your veins or arteries?

Don’t be scared; it is not a terminal disease.

Sometimes, this might come as a sign, and dissolve after you have paid attention to it. 

Having an internal blood clot means your intuition is active. Therefore, pay attention to it from this moment.

Always learn to consult with your inner self before making any decision. Doing this will save you from external pressure or confusion. It will also help you to build spiritual sensitivity.

8) Your life is not over

Seeing a blood clot can be a sign that your life is not over. In movies, bleeding means damage or loss of life. Sometimes, people give up at this instant.

However, blood clots bring a different message.

It reminds you that everything is going to be alright.

Have you been contemplating giving it all up? Then, a blood clot is the best place to seek refuge and motivation. Seeing a blood clot is an encouragement that you can bounce back from any round of failure you have gone through.

It is a sign that you can start afresh.

9) You are in the process of growth

A blood clot is believed to be a major trigger for healing and development (to a faulty external body part).

Now, with the clot over the wound, it is impossible to tell if the injury is healing or not. You have to wait until the clot falls off by itself.

The period of waiting for the blood clot to fall off is a spiritual message of patience.

It teaches you to go through the process of growth patiently. Things might not be happening on the surface; but when the process is completed, you will appreciate who you have become.

Blood Clots Superstition

Superstitions in spiritual world

A blood clot has several superstitions. Before we go into this, I must say that superstitions are based on traditional beliefs, myths, and folklore.

They don’t have to be true or realistic. However, one thing to take away from this is that there is something spiritual to blood clots.

  1. In Africa, a blood clot is believed to be a sign of punishment – especially if it appears on the skin of people without any underlying injury. It is believed that the individual with the blood clot has committed a heinous crime in his past life, and is suffering for it in this life.
  2. The Igbo culture believes that a blood clot can be a gift from the universe. For example, when a barren woman sees a blood clot on her lap, it is a sign of fertility and childbearing. They believe that a blood clot will bring a promise to you. Which the gods will fulfill in their time.
  3. A blood clot is also associated with Jesus Christ. Whenever you see a blood clot, it is associated with Christianity and its tenets of faith. It is associated with the resurrection of Jesus Christ for the sins of mankind.

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