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Sacred prayer to access akashic records

Akashic Records are the “records of the soul.” They are the library of all past, present and future events. The records are stored in a non-physical realm and can be accessed by humans through meditation.

Akashic Record Reading is a powerful tool that can help you to access your past lives and understand your current life challenges. You will also be able to see what your future holds for you so that you can take steps to create a better future for yourself.

Sacred prayer to access akashic records

Sacred prayer to access akashic records

“I ask God to place His protective shield of love and truth around me permanently so that only the love and truth of God will exist between you and me.

I ask my Masters, Guides and Loved Ones to channel through me, from wherever they are, to say whatever they wish.

I ask the Guardians of the Akashic Records to allow me to open my Records and access any information that I am allowed.”

Repeat this prayer 2 more times  silently, replacing the words ‘me’ or ‘my’ with your name

“I ask God to place His protective shield of love and truth around{ my name) permanently so that only the love and truth of God will exist between you and me.

I ask the Masters, Guides and Loved Ones of (my name) to channel through me, from wherever they are, to say whatever they wish.

I ask the Guardians of the Akashic Records to allow me to open the Records (of my name) and access any information that I am allowed.”

It is important to say the Sacred Prayer out loud one time and then repeat it twice more, silently replacing the word “me” or “my” with your legal name.

After you have done this repeat the phrase
“My Records are now open” 3 times.

Closing the Records after an Akashic Records reading

After you have received as much information or inspiration as you want then you should close the access to your Akashic Records with the following statement:

“I thank my Masters, Guides and Loved Ones for the information that they have given me today. I also thank the Guardians of the Akashic Records for allowing me to open my records and access the information for my highest good.

My Records are now closed (3 times).”

There are Variations of the translation of the Akashic Records opening prayer

There are different variations of this translation and some schools don’t ask for permission from the Guardians of the Akashic Records. However, this prayer works for me every time. You may also want to change the word “His” about God, depending on your belief. There is no problem with you doing this as long as you maintain the integrity of the prayer. In the Mayan version, there is no gender of the word “God”.

You may receive information by various methods

There are different ways to receive information from the Records. Some people like to draw or paint, some use it in their daily practices and some like to write it all down. Be open to finding your own way of receiving the information. Be patient, if at first, you don’t receive anything go back into the infinite light and ask for help and guidance.

Click here to book a reading

Meaning of the Sacred prayer

The first part of the Sacred Prayer is asking for God to protect you while you are doing this work. The more you ask for this the stronger the protection will be. The “you and me” part refers to the relationship between your Masters, Guides and Loved Ones.

The Sacred Prayer (Mayan Language)

“Ichi K’oj K’awil Naka Utom Ch’am u B’ah paka

B’a Juntan i Juntan I Jaj Ak’e ni Ixin

Nahatir Che’n Tocot K’oj K’awil Juntan i

Jaj Utom Nak K’ub a I ni

Yaj Pasaj u Cha’n B’ah Ajaw I Olas K’uh

Caniyal B’a ni Tac Chich Man’l taanil ni

Awa’t ta Ox Hun Tac A’al Ox Jajaa’cic C’atiineeb”

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