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Saint expedite prayer for love

The St. Expedite prayer for love is a very powerful and effective prayer that can help you get your ex-lover back on track. It will help make things right again between you and your lover, so that you can live a happy life together without any problems whatsoever.

St Expedite prayer for love is an ancient prayer which has been used by people for centuries with great success. This prayer has been found to be extremely useful in bringing back lost lovers and helping people reunite with their exes once again, no matter how long they have been apart from each other.

The St. Expedite prayer for love is one of the most powerful prayers that you can pray to gain your love back. It is very effective in helping you get your ex-lover back on track, if you have lost your relationship due to any reason.

Saint expedite prayer for love

1. When you’re feeling rather desperate:

St. Anthony

Okay, so he’s that guy we all pray to when we lose our cell phone, keys, wallet, favorite sweater vest, etc. (Some call on him so often, they affectionately called him “Tony.”) But did you know that he’s also the patron saint of lost causes too? Yes — those lost causes.

Like that ex-boyfriend of yours whom you “accidentally” text late on Friday nights. Or that girl who works in your office building who’s already said, “No, I’m busy.” Try and see if invoking St. Anthony can help you get over these rough patches, or, by miracle of miracles, change their hearts around entirely.

2. When you’re basically high on endorphins:

St. Dwynwen

When love starts feeling like an actual, wonderful, perfect drug (no you’re not crazy, it’s a thing), it might be a good idea to start praying to St. Dwynwen — the patron saint of of lovers. Why? Well, like a lot of stories of old saints, the details aren’t exactly clear. But most of the legends agree that she was a princess who, instead of marrying the prince of her dreams (whether through her father’s wish, or hers, or another engagement — it’s murky), she dedicated her life to God and started a convent. Apparently, she was known to pray on behalf of all the hopes and dreams of true lovers! So, yes, she’s definitely someone you want on your side when you’re falling fast — especially when the future with someone looks hazy.

3. & 4. When you just want to find someone already:

St. Anne & St. Joseph

“Saint Anne, Saint Anne, send me a man,” as the old Catholic rhyme goes, apparently. As the maternal grandmother of Jesus, St. Anne’s job as a Jewish mother would have been to help arrange Mary’s marriage to Joseph — which, evidently, shows she had some rather masterful matchmaking skills. And St. Joseph, being the prime example of a steadfast, patient, rockstar of a husband, is another ideal saint to pray to.

If you’re looking for a more structured prayer, consider searching for novenas (prayers offered over the course of nine days) dedicated to either St. Anne or to St. Joseph. You’ll find lots of Catholics who’ve found clarity after these nine days of prayerful romantic longing!

5. When you just married your someone:

St. Philomena

If there’s one thing for certain, St. Philomena knew what her heart wanted (she dedicated her virginity to Jesus) and she was willing to go through actual hell and high water to make sure this actually happened (she survived horrific torture — in fire and in water — as she denied marriage to Emperor Diocletian, who was emperor #1 in persecuting Christians). Fortunately, you needn’t be a virgin, an aspiring nun, or even a persecuted Christian to invoke her help in starting your marriage off right.

6. When you want your marriage to be actually happy:

St. Nicholas of Myrna

As the legend has it, the saint that inspired the myth of Santa Claus, St. Nick, actually got his start by helping a seriously-broke father come up with three substantial dowries for his daughters — which resulted in making three very happy marriages.

So if you’re finding yourself worried about the practicalities of marriage (e.g., “How the heck are we ever going to afford this wedding/house/car/baby/skincare”), relax — and remember, God provides.

7. When your marriage is difficult:

St. Edward the Confessor

The man who built Westminster Abbey about a millennia ago wasn’t expecting to be a king — his older brother was. But he died, and Edward received the crown during a time of of war with the Danes. Before all this happened, he is said to have made a vow of chastity — but it became apparent that in order to keep the peace, he was to marry a powerful Danish pirate-turned-baron’s daughter, Edith. So not only did this uneasy marriage remain unconsummated, but his father-in-law was kind of his country’s archenemy.

While marital problems might have seen worse, remember, if you’re hitting a rocky patch, consider praying to this saint, who was known to effectively manage an entire country while maintaining a tumultuous marriage.

8. When you just want to be on the same page already:

Blessed Elisabeth Leseur

While not yet technically a saint, Bl. Elisabeth Leseur is known for her diary, in which she reveals some of her deepest struggles in her marriage with a man she deeply loved: a medical doctor and an atheist leader in France.

Despite their differences, they had a strong marriage, but she secretly prayed he would receive the gift of faith. While she lived, she suffered both hepatitis and cancer, often offering up her pain for her husband to convert. And after her death, he did indeed have a conversion — but only after going to Lourdes wanting to expose it as fake. In fact, he was so deeply moved, he even became a priest.

Of course, when we pray to Bl. Elisabeth, we’re certainly hoping for these sorts of conflicts and struggles to be solved in our lifetime. Yet, all that said, isn’t it such a beautiful testament that love is indeed more powerful than death?

No matter your experience with love, sitting down in silence and mindfully giving your intentions and your thoughts over to God will actually serve you in making better choices and give you a clearer understanding of others. And yes! No matter your relationship status, there’s definitely a saint for that.

Saint Expedite is the patron saint for a problem which needs to be solved immediately

Day 1 – Saint Expedite Novena

I call forth the Power and presence
of Saint Expedite in my time of financial trouble.
I offer my body, heart, mind and soul
upon your altar of light.
I have faith, trust and complete confidence
that you will be my strength
in this time of need.
Quickly come to my assistance.

Bring to me..
(Clearly express what you need, and ask Him to find a way to get it to you)

My financial need is urgent.
Be my light and guide in this situation
so that I may live with peace, love,
prosperity and abundance and in the Praise of God.

(Now promise to give Saint Expedite a specific offering when your desire is granted.)

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