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Sample contract for church musicians

This sample contract is designed to help musicians and churches work together more effectively. It is based on the contracts used by professional musicians with the American Federation of Musicians (AFM). The AFM is the largest labor union in the United States, representing more than 65,000 working musicians in all genres of music.

The sample contract can be used by both sides as a starting point for negotiations. Each side should use it as a guide for creating their own contract that reflects their unique circumstances. This sample contract can also be used as a template for creating other types of contracts between artists and event organizers.

Church musicians can often be the best employees for their church because of the long hours, focused work, and a willingness to work together towards a common goal. They are often a valued component within any worship team and without question, they make the music more enjoyable for all. If you are looking for an exceptional musician who is highly educated in all areas relating to music performance and demands high standards from all members of your team, then we would love to talk with you about joining our church.

Sample contract for church musicians

Sample contract for church musicians

A musician contract is a legal document that defines the terms of employment between an artist and their performing agency. It specifies all rights, responsibility, and obligations between artist, promoter and management company. This includes compensation for performance fees, dates, fees for studio time. It can also include non-compete clauses

Name of Institution__________________________________________________________________
Title of Position____________________________________
Effective on _____________, and until the termination of this agreement as hereinafter
provided, the above named person shall act as_________________________________ of the above
named institution.
The above named person shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. Provide organ music and/or direct the choir(s) at the service(s) regularly scheduled each
    _____________ and shall select appropriate music for each service.
  2. Provide organ and/or choral music for the following additional services during the year:
  3. Have responsibility for the leadership of the following choirs:_______________
  4. Rehearse once weekly (or as otherwise specified) with each of the choirs. During the summer
    months, the choir schedule shall be________________________________________________.
  5. Cooperate with the clergy and/or the Music Committee in the area of general planning and
    leadership of the institution’s music program. Be directly responsible to
  6. Be responsible for the purchase of all necessary music and music supplies, and the hiring of
    instrumental and vocal soloists. Expenditures in this area shall not exceed the amount provided
    in the budget. The budget in the coming year for these expenses is
    $_______________________. The budget shall be updated yearly on _______
  7. Be permitted to use the facilities of the institution (organs and pianos) for private teaching.
    Times of lessons and use of facilities must be scheduled in advance through the office so as not
    to conflict with the needs of the institution.
  8. Report to the appropriate committee the condition and needs for the maintenance of the organ
    and pianos. The institution shall provide money for the proper care of these instruments. Guest
    organists or recitalists shall not be permitted to use the organ without prior approval by the
    regular organist.
  9. Provide music at all weddings requiring organ music held within the church. The services of
    other organists may be used only with the permission of the regular organist, in which case the
    regular organist shall also receive the normal compensation. The fee for a short program of
    organ music preceding the wedding ceremony and performing for the ceremony shall be
    $______________________. For attendance at the rehearsal, the additional fee shall be
    $______________________. Additional remuneration for special music or extra rehearsal with
    musicians shall be $______________________________.
  10. Provide music for funeral services held within the church, if the musician is available. The
    institution shall see that the musician receives compensation in the amount of
  11. Give notice of termination of employment at least sixty (60) days in advance of termination.
    The above named institution, in consideration of the foregoing, shall agree to the following obligations
    and responsibilities:
    A. Compensation of $____________________ per service, OR a salary of
    $___________________________ per year shall be provided, payable every_______________
    _________ and reviewed annually at the time of preparation of the institutional
    budget, in order to consider adjustment due to the cost of living, merit, and longevity, and
    proper reflection of further educational credentials or additional duties on the part of the
    B. Provide a vacation with full compensation of _ weeks annually. The musician will
    assist the institution in obtaining a substitute musician.
    C. Grant up to __________paid sick days’ leave during the year. In such cases, the church shall pay for a regular substitute musician. In case of extended illness, the church will consider the granting of additional leave time. D. Provide the following benefits for the above named person and his/her family: Health Insurance, Major Medical Insurance, Social Security, Pension, Life Insurance,___________________

    or ______________________________________________________________.
    E. Reimburse the musician up to $__________________________________ annually for expenses
    incurred in attending workshops, conferences, educational study, books and music or other
    forms of continuing education.
    F. Give sixty (60) days’ notice of intent to terminate employment.
    Signed for the institution,
    Signed by the musician,_________________________________________________Date_

If you are looking for music for your church service, check out our free musician contract template.

The musician contract is a quick and simple way to ensure that all terms are clear with the musicians and their manager. It will provide both parties with clear and concise definitions on what they expect from each other during their performance. It can be used by church organist, choir director, or music director, or even as a general musician contract for any group.

This is a sample contract for musicians to sign before performing at a church.

Church musicians often enter into contact with the church’s Music Director to request a specific musician for a specific service. This template provides basic information about the musician’s level of experience, as well as their preferences when it comes to music worship books. Although this document primarily serves as a contract, each band member also has their own responsibilities (which are outlined in this article), as well as obligations to the congregation and their fellow members.

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