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Sample registration form for church conference

The Church Conference Registration Form Template is a simple and clean template that can be used by churches to create a registration form for their conference. The template contains the information needed by the church to register participants in the event. This template can also be used as an event registration form for any type of event.

The church conference registration form has fields for all important information such as name, email address, phone number, gender and date of birth. It also has space for additional comments and notes. The template is available in both MS Word DOCX format and Apple Pages format.

Need a form to register your event or seminar? Do you want to make the process of registration faster and easier for your attendees? You’re in the right place. Use the form below to create a simple and useful registration system at your church conference. This church conference registration will be a breeze to fill out. Don’t waste your time looking for another event registration form when you can use our event registration form template.

Sample registration form for church conference

Sample registration form for church conference

The registration form is probably one of the most important requirements for you. And most often than not, you will have it customized by a designer before sending it out to your delegates. You need to know that this form is of high-quality and it should be upgraded first before submitting the same.

Several church activities and conferences are planned for the upcoming summer season. These events are quite important for the local community and can bring about a wonderful atmosphere where everyone can be involved in one way or another. So how do you handle the registration process? The event manager may already have enough information from past years to create a good plan, or there might not be enough time. Whatever the situation is, the following document will help keep things organized!

Conference Registration Form Template

The Conference Registration Form Template for a Church Anniversary is available free below to download and print for your next conference…

The conference registration form below can be customized to fit any type of church conference and to fit your personal church needs.

There is a link below where you can convert the PDF form into Microsoft Office Word format so it can be easily customized and edited.

This form will have to be filled out before anyone can attend the Church Anniversary Conference and will help you organize and know just how many guests to accommodate. This is vitally important to know just how much paperwork to prepare, food to prepare if applicable and space to provide.

  • Notes – Fill in the blanks and send this page with your check to the above church address. Make checks payable to [Church Name]. On the memo line write “Church Anniversary Conference” – non-designated checks will NOT purchase tickets but will be put into the Anniversary Expense Account to cover general costs of the Church Anniversary. (see form below for rest of notes.)
  • A Place to Check if – I wish to be placed on the non-refundable waiting list if all tickets are sold.
  • Person Filling out Registration’s Information – Includes name, phone, address, email and country.
  • Church Anniversary Conference Information – Includes Day, Date, Time, Cost including options such as: I wish to purchase        non-refundable tickets at $                each for a total cost of $                   , My Payment is full enclosed…(see form below for rest of these options.)
  • Complimentary Meals (See below) – Please list the number of people in your party that will be attending each of the following meals (at no cost to you) so that we can determine the amount of food to purchase. (see form below for rest of Complimentary Meals.)
  • Options to Check Box if You – Dear friends at [Church Name] – I plan to attend the Church Anniversary Conference, the Lord willing, and would like to help in advance with some of the costs. Enclosed, please find my donation in the amount of $                   , or Dear friends at [Church Name] – I do not plan to attend the Church Anniversary Conference, but would like to help. Enclosed, please find my donation in the amount of $                          to [Church Name] to help cover the costs of this wonderful event.

Note: You will need Adobe Reader (the latest version is recommended) installed on your computer in order to save or open these forms.

If you want to open the file in your browser window, just click on one of the links above. However, if you want to download the file to view later, then right-click on the link and choose “Save Target As” or “Save File As”. Then select where you want to save the file on your hard drive.

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Note: These sample forms are meant to serve as example forms and should not be construed as legal documents.  Please contact a legal professional for legal language for your specific organization.

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Conference Registration Forms in PDF | Excel | MS Word


Events can mean a lot of hard work, time, and effort. Event organizers who accepted the challenge of creating a conference should adapt to a systematic method with all tasks. Organizers should take note of the delegation of tasks, distribution of a Event Registration Form to interested attendees, and scheduling of a program.

A systematic and organized approach to any activity encompasses a set of guidelines for all team members to follow. Guidelines are created for the general purpose of setting order among people who are involved. For example, establishing guidelines for registration can give potential conference attendees an idea of the proper flow of the registration process.

Church Conference Registration Forms

All-Access Church Conference Registration Form

all access church conference registration form1


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 69 KB

Black Church Conference Registration Form

black church conference registration form1


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 278 KB

Partnering Church Conference Registration Form


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 55 KB

What is a Conference Registration Form?

Registration forms come in a variety of choices and can be created to cater to the organizer’s or supervisor’s needs. For instance, Hotel Registration Forms are to be used by the hotel staff when they receive guests at the front desk.

This registration form aids the hotel staff in systematically sorting out the guests with their room and ensure that no unregistered guests can sneak into the hotel. A Conference Registration Form is usually distributed before a conference and records the names and personal background of incoming attendees. The form makes the flow of attendees smooth and creates less conflict on the organizer’s part.

How to Create a Conference Registration

The content of a registration is dependent on its purpose. When someone uses School Registration Forms, the content of the registration form should involve sections that ask about the student’s personal background and items that ask about school-related information.

Any other unnecessary items should be removed from the registration form. When it comes to a conference registration form, the contents should the background information of the attendee and a section that covers the fees in line with the conference. Other details may be added in order to make the form more customized, such as seat choices and meal choices.

Youth Conference Registration Forms

Youth Leadership Conference Registration Form

youth leadership conference registration form1


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 213 KB

Annual Youth Conference Registration Form

annual youth conference registration form


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 405 KB

Youth Conference Registration Form in PDF

youth conference registration form in pdf


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 131 KB

International Conference Registration Forms

Annual International Conference Registration Form

annual international conference registration form1


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 367 KB

Sample International Conference Registration Form

sample international conference registration form


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 112 KB

Tips for Creating Conference Registration Forms

  • Enumerate the different aspects of the conference to be included in the conference registration form such as seat preferences, membership fee, registration fees, and subscription to newsletters.
  • In order for the attendee not to feel like the process is a hassle, the conference registration form should have a format content that is short, direct, straightforward, and simple. The face value of the registration form can make an attendee feel at ease if they perceive it as a simple form rather than a complicated one.
  • The content of the conference registration form should be properly organized into its respective categories and be properly labeled in order to not confuse the attendee when they fill up the registration form.
  • The text found in the conference registration form should be minimized. This means that texts like instructions should be strategically placed so that the registration form will not appear cluttered and messy to the attendee. The ideal outcome is a conference registration form that has a clean look to it.
  • Two methods of registration should be presented to interested attendees in order for them pick a choice that feels more convenient for them. These two methods are the traditional registration and the online registration. The traditional method means an attendee manually fills up a form in person. The online method would mean that the attendee completes a registration form in the website of the conference that the event organizers have set up.
  • Once the conference registration form is completed, administrating it is the next step. The staff delegated with this task has to present an approachable demeanor and should be able to tend to whatever inquires the incoming attendees have. This tip can help attendees form a good impression of the conference before it has even started.

Conference vendor Registration Forms

Spring Conference Vendor Registration Form

spring conference vendor registration form


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 357 KB

Annual Conference Vendor Registration Form

annual conference vendor registration form1


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 151 KB

Mid-Year Conference Vendor Registration Form

mid year conference vendor registration form1


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 493 KB

Conference Exhibitor Registration Forms

Sample Conference Exhibitor Registration Form

sample conference exhibitor registration form


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 164 KB

Spring Conference Exhibitor Registration Form

spring conference exhibitor registration form1


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 306 KB

Annual Conference Exhibitor Registration Form

annual conference exhibitor registration form


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 127 KB

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