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San benito prayer in spanish

The Prayer of Saint Benedict is a Christian prayer that is used in the Liturgy of the Hours. It is also known as the “Greater Exhortation” or “Longer Monastic Rules”, because it was originally longer than its present form, which was adapted from the Rule of St. Benedict in the 6th century.

The prayer was written by Pope Leo IV (847 – 850), who was born into a noble Roman family. He became pope at age 25 and died 31 years later, having accomplished much for the Church in his short papacy. Pope Leo IV was known for his devotion to Saint Benedict, whom he regarded as his spiritual father, so he wrote this prayer in honor of him and included it in his writings on monasticism.

San benito prayer in spanish

Prayer in Spanish comes in a lot of different forms. The most widely known Prayer in Spanish is the rosary, with one set of mysteries for the rosary each day for one year. There are also seven decades of the rosary, and nine days of prayer. With all these options, it’s hard to keep track of them all and still maintain consistency, which is why I made this Prayer in Spanish chart .

Give me courage when facing failure or disappointment: keep my head high when others are looking down on me; help me see myself as someone who has something valuable to offer this world — someone who can make a difference in people’s lives today and tomorrow — even though

san benito prayer in spanish

San Benito, bendito seas.

San Benito, bendito seas.

Porque has oído mis plegarias y me has concedido el deseo de tener una hermosa casa con jardín y corral.

Porque has oído mis plegarias y me has concedido el deseo de tener una hermosa casa con jardín y corral.

Te doy gracias porque en esta casa hemos sido felices y nos damos mutuamente cariño.

Te doy gracias porque en esta casa hemos sido felices y nos damos mutuamente cariño.

San Benito,

quien vive en el cielo,

donde estan los angeles de Dios,

ayudanos en nuestras necesidades.

Dear Lord,

I pray for the strength to do my duty.

I pray for the knowledge to make the right decisions.

I pray for the courage to face whatever may come my way.

And I pray that you will always be with me in times of trouble.


Dear God,

Grant us the grace of perseverance in the face of adversity and the strength to overcome our hardships. We ask for this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

O Lord Jesus Christ, who didst will to be born of the Virgin Mary and to bear the sins of all men, have mercy on us.

O Lord Jesus Christ, who didst rise again from the dead, and by thy glorious resurrection conquer death and open to us the gates of heaven, have mercy on us.

O Lord Jesus Christ, who after forty days’ fast hast appeared to thy disciples in Galilee and ascended into heaven in their sight, vouchsafe to bring us all there also with thee.

O Lord Jesus Christ, who hast promised that we shall rise again at the last day to receive our reward according to our merits; grant that we may so pass through life as always to remember death and so die as never more to sin.


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