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San lazaro prayer in spanish

The prayer of San Lazaro is a powerful prayer that asks for healing. It is said to be able to heal any disease and it is used in conjunction with the rosary and prayers to St. Michael, St. Joseph and St. Jude.

The prayer was originally written in Spanish, but there are many English translations available. The version below was translated by Father Robert Siscoe, who is a Catholic priest and writer.

O God, Who didst grant such great power to Thine unblemished Martyr Saint Lazarus through his compassionate love for the poor, we beseech Thee to grant us through his intercession Thy mercy in our needs and tribulations: through Christ our Lord. Amen

San lazaro prayer in spanish

San lazaro prayer in spanish

When you were thirty years old, your life was so pure that you were chosen by the Church as one of its most outstanding men. You were appointed treasurer of the Church by Pope St. Sylvester. When Emperor Maximian heard about this he became very angry and ordered that you be thrown into prison with a gang of thieves and murderers. But they did not harm you because they recognized your holiness and virtue. When they saw that you would not change your mind by threats or promises, they tried to persuade you by torture but without success because God gave you strength to bear it all without complaint or fear. Finally they condemned you to death by starvation in order to force you to abandon your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of souls.

San Lazaro, or Saint Lazarus, is one of the most beloved saints in the Catholic tradition. He was one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, and he was known for his great faith and compassion.

His story is told in chapter 11 of the Gospel of Luke. After Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, many people came to believe in him because they saw how powerful he was over death.

To honor St. Lazarus, there are a number of prayers that have been written over the centuries by people who were inspired by his story. This particular prayer is often found at shrines dedicated to St. Lazarus:

“San Lazaro, intercede for us! You who suffered so much during your illness, pray for us so that we may avoid suffering.”

Dear Saint Lazarus, we humbly ask for your assistance in our lives. We hope that you will intercede on our behalf, and help us to be healed from whatever ails us. Please pray for the sick and infirm, that they may receive the healing they need. We ask for your intercession on their behalf, in order that they may be healed of their diseases. May those who need healing find it in your name.

San Lazaro, Pray for Us

San Lazaro, patron of the sick and beggars, pray for us.

Holy St. Lazarus, whom Christ raised from the dead, intercede for us.

San Lazaro, who received the grace of healing from Christ, pray for us.

San Lazaro, who accompanied our Lord on his way to Calvary, pray for us.

San Lazaro, who was the first to be called back from the dead by Christ’s voice, pray for us.

San Lazaro, who was invited to our Lord’s wedding feast at Cana in Galilee, pray for us.

San Lazaro, San Lazaro,

Ayúdanos a ser más humanos.

Ayúdanos a ser más compasivos.

Ayúdanos a ser más solidarios.


Oh, St. Lazarus, I implore you,

Intercede for me before the Lord Jesus Christ.

I will never forget that you were a leper and that Jesus cured you;

I will never forget that you were the first to recognize Him as Son of God and to believe in Him;

I will never forget that He appeared to you after His resurrection and gave you the power to cure all diseases.

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