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Sayings for church signs about fall

Fall is in the air and it’s time to get ready for the best season of the year! The weather is cooling down, people are wearing their favorite sweaters and scarves, and of course, candy corn is back in stores.

But even though it’s fall, that doesn’t mean we have to put away our church signs just yet! With these sayings for church signs about fall, you can create a custom sign that will be perfect for your church’s next service or event!

The saying love is God’s greatest gift goes back at least to the early days of the Christian movement. The early Christians believed that their faith was based on a love letter from God, which they called “the letter.” And in fact, the early church considered letters to be sacred objects: They were not to be delivered by hand but instead carried by angels and delivered directly into man’s heart. Because this was so dear to them and was also a way of symbolizing their belief that God was speaking through them, they used many different types of letters — not just names but also words, phrases and even numbers.

Sayings for church signs about fall

The church is a house of prayer, not a house of cows.

The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want. He leads me through the pews and I shall fear no evil, for in his arms I am safe.

Don’t be afraid to walk alone on the path of righteousness. God will always be with you!

God’s love is like a warm pumpkin pie—it fills your soul and makes you smile!

There’s no place like home for the holidays.

sayings for church signs about fall

Church Signs, Church Signs are highly inspiring messages on signs which can be used by churches or other organizations. They can make your organization known to people or be used to advertise your business. Check out our wide range of products and get one shipped today! Appealing church sign sayings starting with the letter ‘A’ for the year 2022. Inspirational church signs that are attractive and attractive to those passing by when you are putting up your Christmas or Halloween festive window or banner.

Church signs are a fun way to get the message out there. Choose Church Sayings for your church sign ministry and help your congregation focus on what is important to them. These inspirational church sign sayings, are a perfect fit for your church! Use these inspirational church sign sayings to uplift and encourage members and visitors. Let them know that they are in the right place, with the right message and messages!

biblical sayings for church signs

Autumn is upon us, and the reasons to love this season are many. There’s colorful foliage, warm and snuggly fall attire, football and of course, pumpkin spice everything. Fall is also a resplendent time of change – the leaves turn colors, the weather gets colder, school goes back in session, and all those wonderful family holidays are right around the corner.

With so much happening, fall is a time to inspire and be inspired. This season is an ideal time to change the message on your church sign, and there are all kinds of themes and wonderful ideas that you can use to create the perfect fall sign for your church. Whether you have an LED church sign or a changeable letter sign, you should check out these fall-themed ideas.

Fall Football Themes

For many people, fall is synonymous with football. Who doesn’t love sitting in a stadium under those Friday night lights or cheering for your favorite college or pro team? There are lots of football-related words you can play with. To get inspired, think of something catchy with the words score or touchdown like the following:

  • Jesus scored an eternal touchdown on Calvary!
  • God offers new beginnings – Go Dolphins! (Or the team of your choice)
  • Living without God’s spirit is like trying to dribble a football.
  • You always lose by playing games on the Lord’s day — Join us on Sunday.

Time-Change Ideas

Fall is also the time of year when we turn the clocks back. Whether you love it or hate it, everyone gets an extra hour, and the days get shorter. Consider alluding to that spare hour or the concept of falling back with clever sayings on your church sign:

  • Got an hour to spare? Meet us on Sunday.
  • Why not fall back to church? Join us inside.

Leaves on Your Church Sign

God’s beauty is on display with those brilliant splashes of red and gold. When people are out driving around to look at the fall colors, capture their attention with a play on the words leaf or leaves:

  • Fall for Jesus! He is truly un-be-leaf-able!
  • Fall leaves are beautiful! God’s blessings are breathtaking!
  • Autumn leaves, Jesus doesn’t.
  • Autumn leaves fall, but the son rises!
  • God painted the scenery for you. Now, it’s your turn.

Harvest Time

The Bible has a lot to say about harvest time, and there are several analogies you can draw between planting the seeds of God’s words and harvesting love and happiness. From a spiritual perspective, this can refer to people coming to Jesus Christ, but the harvest can also allude to the process of watering the seed of your Christianity and watching it grow. Consider including words such as harvest, reap, and sow on your fall church sign:

  • Live within your harvest, reap what you sow.
  • Are you part of God’s harvest?
  • It’s harvest time, come gather with us.
  • Adam and Eve picked the apple, but God picked you for his harvest.

Hunting for Faith

If you’re in a small town or rural area, you may have a lot of hunters in your congregation. For many people, fall means putting on your camouflage and heading into the woods. How can you use the idea of hunting season in your sign? Explore the idea of hunting for salvation or God’s grace:

  • Hunting amazing grace? God’s season is open 24/7 365 days a year.
  • The deer might hide, but God’s easy to find. Come inside and join us.

Back-to-School Church Signs

Fall is also the time when students head back to school. There is a lot of material to mine when it comes to back-to-school ideas. For these messages, you might want to include words like tests, school buses, backpacks, school supplies, and books:

  • Don’t forget to take Jesus back to school with you.
  • God does test us, but they are open-book tests! Join us for Bible Study.


When November rolls around, many people also head to the election booths. Even if you don’t want to get political, you can play around with the ideas of voting for God and choosing a spiritual path:

  • The donkey and the elephant are fighting. Look to the Lamb for answers.

short witty sayings for church signs

Your church sign is the best way to communicate your message to those beyond your walls and create interest to bring people in. From funny puns to outright truth and encouragement in the world, here are some of the best short church signs sayings that are perfect to use as a message.

Be friends with Jesus, use Faith book, the Bible.

Cremation is your last chance for a smoking hot body.

Cross Training inside!

Don’t believe everything you think.

Even dying churches donate their organs.

Forbidden fruit creates many jams.

Get Connected Upload A Prayer.

God doesn’t believe in Atheist!

I was addicted to the hokey-pokey but I turned myself around.

If we could mind our biscuits, life would be gravy.

If you haven’t heard from GOD” lately, Try sending some knee mail!”

If you think it’s hot now, just wait.

If you want to be Hater “Hate Evil”

Invest here. 100% return guaranteed.

Is Your Life Running On Empty? Free Fillups Here Every Sunday!

Jesus Christ! The answer is on everyone’s lips.

Jesus did the only extreme world makeover, the flood.

Jesus died for Myspace in heaven.

Jesus IS coming…… Hopefully Before Election Day

Jesus loves you more than the Easter Bunny.

life a mess? try Jesus the original quicker pickerupper.

Make a right turn. It’ll be the right turn.

May you be in Heaven half an hour before the Devil knows you.

No pokemon here just God

Our safe combination: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!

Put your troubles in HOLY pockets.

Smoking or Non Smoking section

Some people are like buttons, always “popping” off when they don’t need to.

The government will never have an Eternal Life Policy.

The man who tries to walk two roads at the same time will split his pants.

Time is Horizontal, Eternity is Vertical.

Yellowstone might blow its top. Don’t worry. God’s got the date.

Just because you are Christian doesn’t mean we don’t know how to laugh. Here are some humorous and unusual church sign sayings that have been captured on film.

The leaves are falling, but our spirits are still soaring!

Fall has come again. It’s time to give thanks to God for another year of blessings.

The days grow shorter, but our hearts grow brighter with each passing day.

It’s a good year when you can harvest something from the garden and serve it at Thanksgiving dinner!

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