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Scripts for church

Welcome to the Church of God Blog. This blog is for those who are looking for ways to stay connected with God, grow in their faith, and have fun doing it.

We hope you enjoy reading the articles, watching the videos and participating in our forums. We also invite you to submit your own ideas or stories so that we can share them with others!

There are lots of christian christian movies and drama movie scripts free on this website. The purpose of this site is to give you a list of the drama script’s that we have put together for you to use. On top of the dramascripts, you’ll find great sets of biblical texts and background material. Short nigerian christian drama script. Christmas drama scripts for church. Free christian drama script.

Scripts for church

Scripts for church

These religious drama scripts are quite interesting, especially the ones that give insight on local christian worship, such as in a church setting. These have different stories, but they all are good enough to keep you interested and entertained while listening to your favorite songs by james brown or rod stewart.

Church drama is that topic that grabs everyone’s attention. If you are wondering what plays and dramas are suitable for church, check out this article! Looking for free short nigerian christian drama script? Here it is, this is the best place to find free christian drama scripts for church.

Drama Scripts

Welcome to Richmond Park Church Drama Group’s collection of original drama sketch scripts. Please check out our second YouTube Channel where some of the above drama sketches can be seen.

We are providing this as a free resource for other Christian drama groups, as the aim of these works is to spread the good news of life with God, and it would be a shame for them to be performed only once and then sit unused in a folder somewhere! However, we do include the following copyright notice on each script:

© Copyright Michelle Fogg, all rights reserved. This script may be performed free of charge, on the condition that copies are not sold for profit in any medium, including books, CDs and on the Internet. Authorship of Michelle Fogg should be acknowledged on any free copies made This © Copyright notice must remain with this document at all times.

Feel free to adapt the scripts to best suit your drama group. If you are looking for a sketch to go with a particular theme or scripture, by using the “Search” function and entering, for example, “Matthew”, or “perseverance”, you will be given a list of all the mentions of that theme or scripture on the Richmond Park Church website and will quickly be able to identify if there are any sketches matching that criteria. 


from Richmond Park Church Drama Group

Christian Drama Script
Are you looking for a way to illustrate a sermon or lesson? Choose a Christian drama script to assist you in teaching your lesson. In the weeks to come, more scripts will be added to this site. Feel free to use them or adapt them to your situation. Scripts may not be republished without the author’s permission.

Scripts based on Scripture
These scripts were written based on a particular portion of scripture. Some include the scripture in the script, while others simply illustrate the passage.

Repairing a Wall – This short skit for 4 actors is based on Isaiah 58:1-14
Christmas Hope – This short skit for 2 actors (an older woman and a child – or someone playing these roles) is a Christmas skit based on Ephesians 1:16-20
X-Isle – a spoof on Gilligan’s Island for 2 male actors. This skit is a good introduction to Jeremiah 29:1-14.
The Dinner Party – This skit for 5 actors gives a lighthearted look at Mary and Martha. The Dinner Party is based on Luke 10:38-42.
Where is Your Treasure Stored? – This skit for 2 actors is based on Matthew 6:19-21.
David and King Saul – This narrated skit for 7 actors is based on 2 stories in 1 Samuel about David and King Saul.
Get a Haircut – This is another skit about King David, this time with his son Absolom, based on 2 Samuel 18. It calls for 4 actors plus narrator, although more non-speaking actors can be used.
Parable of the Talents – Based on Matthew 25:14-30, this skit illustrates the parable that Jesus told about his second coming.
Parable of the Flashlights – This is another skit about the second coming of Christ based on Matthew 25:1-13.

Scripts based on Themes
These Christian drama scripts are based more on a theme than a particular passage of scripture. Holiday scripts are good examples of this.

Christmas Focus – This short skit for 2 women contrasts the busyness of Christmas with the real meaning, the birth of Christ.
Anger Issues – This short skit for 3-6 actors focuses on several events in the life of Moses. This would be an excellent script to use as the intro to a sermon on anger.
The Bridge – This short skit for 4 actors was used as an introduction to a sermon on reconciliation.
Yield? – A short skit for 4 actors and optional puppet that talks about yielding to the Holy Spirit.
One Way – This skit illustrates that there is only one way to heaven. It uses 3 actors and an optional puppet.
The Call – This 15-20 minute script was used during a missions conference. It uses 6-7 actors or puppets.
Extreme Makeover – This skit for 4 people explains that only the Holy Spirit can give the power to live the Christian life.

Stop by again to view more scripts as they are added to this site or subscribe to our RSS feed and be notified when new scripts are available.

If you use one of our Christian drama scripts, take some pictures and let us know how it went. We’d love to hear about it. These scripts are free for you to use. If you like them, consider making a donation to help keep this site operating.

Drama Scripts
A simple Dramatic presentation can bring Jesus’ story telling style of teaching to life.

These scripts are provided with full permission for public performance provided you are not charging for admission or making a film which will be distributed. If you do want to use them at an event where people pay for admission or to record them please contact us to discuss details.

New resources are being added regularly – follow us on twitter for updates.

Tips and Advice about our Drama Scripts

“I didn’t want a watch!” (Drama DRA033)
Aim:To demonstrate ingratitude in the face of generosity, challenging people to examine their hearts to discern if they are grateful for all that God has given them.ThemeGratitude, Thankfulness, GrumblingBiblical References:Psalm 100:4, 106:1, 147:7, Colossians 3:16, 1Thessalonians 5:18, Philippians 2:14, 1Corinthians 10:10 Download PDF
Interview with a marathon runner (Drama DRA032)
Aim:To show that we need to train if we are going to complete the christian life, like an athlete trains to complete a raceThemeTraining, sanctification, discipleshipBiblical References:1 Corinthians 9:25-27, 2 Timothy 3:16, 1 Timothy 4:7-8, Romans 12:2, Philippians 4:12b Download PDF
Who do I obey? (Drama DRA031)
Aim:To encourage christians to listen to Jesus’ voice and then obey what He saysThemeObedience, choicesBiblical References:Matthew 7:24-27, John 14:15, 14:23, Romans 6:13, 1 John 2:3, 5:3, Hebrews 10:25 Download PDF
Paddling the boat (Drama DRA030)
Aim:To encourage christians to play their part in the ministry of the churchThemeMinistry, the body of Christ, gifts of the SpiritBiblical References:1 Corinthians 12:1-27, Ephesians 4:1-16 Download PDF
The thirsty villagers (Drama DRA029)
Aim:To encourage christians to share their faithThemeMission, living water, Jesus satisfies, evangelism, witnessingBiblical References:John 4:1-30 Download PDF
Is anyone going to be in heaven because of you? (Drama DRA028)
Aim:To encourage christians to take the opportunities they have in life to share the good news of the gospelThemeMission, priorities, witnessing, evangelismBiblical References:Matthew 6:33, 28:18-20, Acts 1:6-8, 20:24 Download PDF
The potter and the clay (Drama DRA027)
Aim:To show that God moulds our characters through the experiences of life, making us fit to serve HimThemeService, surrenderBiblical References:1 Peter 4:10, 1 Corinthians 12:4-6, Romans 8:28-29, 9:21, Isaiah 64:8, Jeremiah 18:4-6 Download PDF
Who is really welcome? (Drama DRA026)
Aim:To challenge people about who they think is really welcome in God’s familyThemeWelcome, God’s family, judgingBiblical References:Luke 15:1-2, 15:11-32, Mark 9:37, John 6:37, James 2:1-9 Download PDF
Distractions, distractions (Drama DRA025)
Aim:To show the sort of distractions that the devil likes to throw across our paths when we try to read our Bibles or prayThemeDistraction, Bible reading, devilBiblical References:Matthew 4:4, Mark 4:15, Ephesians 6:11-12, James 4:7 Download PDF
First day at school (Drama DRA024)
Aim:To reassure people of the Lord’s presence with them when they face difficult situations, like the first day of a new schoolThemeThe Good Shepherd, God’s promise of his presence, school, new startsBiblical References:Psalm 23, Matthew 28:20, John 14:16

This article lists, Short Nigerian Christian Drama Script, Christmas Drama Script for Churches and other related Christmas activities.

Here are a few of the best christian drama scripts for church or drama school/acting workshop to download free. These short nigerian christian drama script have helped me in my acting career and will help you too. Check them out!

Short Nigerian Christian Dramas Scripts are now available. It contains all types of drama that you can use to make a church service more exciting.

If you’re looking for Christmas Drama Scripts that are free, then this post is for you. I have created a library of short Christian short dramas which are perfect as a Christmas present, as a special family event or if you just want to celebrate an important religious holiday. Enjoy!

Christmas is coming, it’s time to decorate your house and get ready for that special moment. For the upcoming Christmas season and major Christian festival, people usually prefer writing Christmas drama scripts.

Christian drama scripts are formatted to be read out loud and play on stage. They have been written so they can be used as performance material and they make use of the same techniques used in stage plays.

Nigerians are the largest of the Nigerian diaspora communities. They are spread across west Africa, mainly in Nigeria and other neighbouring states. The community is distributed over five continents and their church membership includes people from all major ethnic groups of Nigeria. This is a list of christian drama scripts for church which are free to download and read at any time.

Here you can read short Christian drama scripts for church. I am going to provide all the important details about each of the short plays that can be read easily.

Many people are looking for christian drama scripts, christian drama script writers and christian drama script writing companies. A lot of church leaders and ministers prefer to hire professional writers to write christian drama scripts for church services.

A collection of Christmas Drama Scripts for churches, theater and drama groups. If you are looking for a great script to add to your library, or would like to start writing a script and don’t know where to start this is the place for you.

If you want to add a little romance, excitement and spiritual value to your services your church or religious gathering then you should consider adding some plays. These can be quite fun and upbeat which is great if you want something different from the ordinary. There are thousands of scripts available all over the net, including this page which has thousands of christian drama scripts for church on it.

There’s nothing worse than church service that was boring and uneventful. That is why I’ve put together this list of great script ideas and lines to help you get the most out of your service with your congregation.

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