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Short prayer in school

The prayer that is said in school has been a controversial topic for years. This prayer is said before the school day starts, and it is said by the principal or the superintendent of schools. There are many different views on this prayer, but I believe that it should be allowed because it’s not a forced prayer, and it’s not illegal.

The reason why some people think that this prayer shouldn’t be allowed is because it violates our rights as Americans. They say that we should have freedom from religion, and therefore we should not have any religious activities in school at all. I disagree with this statement because although we do have freedom from religion, there are still many religions out there. Our country was founded on Christianity, so there will always be some form of Christian influence in schools.

A Prayer in School: Pros and Cons: a blog around the benefits to including short prayer in school and how it might affect different types of people.

Short prayer in school

Short prayer in school

Another reason why people think that this prayer should not be allowed is because they believe it forces students to participate in something they do not believe in or agree with at all. They also say that students can feel uncomfortable when they hear things that go against their beliefs or morals while they are trying to learn new material at school every day.

Dear God, please help me to study hard and have good grades.

I know that you can do it. Thank you for everything. Amen

Dear Lord,

We thank you for this day and for all that you have given us. We pray that you will bless us with a peaceful and productive day at school. Help us to be kind, respectful, and responsible. Keep us safe from harm and give us strength to overcome any difficult challenges we may face today. Thank you for your guidance and protection. Amen

Dear God, thank you for this day and the chance to learn. Please let me be kind to my classmates and teachers, and let me grow in wisdom. Amen.

Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of this day. May we learn from it and make it better than yesterday. We believe in you, Lord, and ask that you bless us with your love, which never fails. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

We want to thank you for the opportunity to be here today, and we pray that you’ll protect us as we learn. We also ask that you help us put our phones away and pay attention, so that we can learn as much as possible. Thank you for all of this!

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