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Short prayers in french

This is a blog about prayer. It’s not about prayers to God, but about the prayers we say to each other. This is a place where you can be honest about your struggles, your hopes and dreams, and your fears. So please do comment.

I am a Roman Catholic priest and have been for nearly 30 years now. I’ve been in ministry since I was ordained in 1982, but I’m also known as a writer on spirituality and prayer. I’m married with three grown children who are all married now and have their own families. My wife Anne and I live in Leeds which is the city where we were both born and raised.

In A World Where God seems Far Away, These 7 Short Prayers In French May Bring You Closer To Him: blog about small prayers in French and how they help with getting close to god.

Short prayers in french

Short prayers in french

Prayers – There are many different ways to pray, and we want to share some of the most common with our readers. Some examples include private prayer, liturgical prayer, devotionals and other forms of prayer from around the world.

Meditation – Meditation helps us focus on God and His Word; it helps us to meditate on His promises and His character as well as helping us grow closer to Him through reading His Word. We will offer several different types of meditation including memorization meditations, Bible reading meditations and more!

Devotions – We love learning more about God’s Word and how we can apply it to our lives so that we can grow closer to Him through it. Devotions are a great way for us to do this because they help us learn more about Him and how He wants us to live our lives today!

Je vous remercie, Seigneur, d’avoir fait de moi un être humain.

Je vous remercie pour la joie que je ressens lorsque je suis avec mes amis.

Je vous remercie pour les bons moments que j’ai eu avec mes proches.

Je vous remercie également pour la chance que j’ai eue de connaitre des gens qui m’ont beaucoup appris et qui ont contribué à mon éducation. Je vous présente mes plus sincères remerciements pour tout ce que vous m’avez donné dans ma vie, car sans votre aide et votre bienveillance tout ceci n’aurait pas existé. Que Dieu soit toujours avec moi!

Dear God, please give me the courage to say what I think, the grace to say it well, and the wisdom to know the difference.


I thank you for the gift of life. I have so much to be thankful for, and I pray that I will always find a way to thank you.

Dear God,

Thank you for all the people who have made me feel better when I was feeling down.

Dear God,

Thank you for all the blessings you have given me.

I know that I can always count on you to help me through anything.

I’m so grateful for your love and guidance. Amen!

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