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Smudge Prayer for Self

Every day we are faced with choices that affect our lives, both personally and professionally. We can choose to be lazy and complacent or we can choose to be proactive and responsible. We can choose to live in fear or live in faith. We can choose resentment or forgiveness.

The decisions you make today will have a lasting impact on your life tomorrow. It is important that you make wise choices so that you can live a full life with no regrets later on down the road.

One of the first steps towards living a happy life is making peace with yourself so that you can feel good about yourself regardless of your circumstances or surroundings.

Smudge Prayer for Self

Smudge Prayer for Person


I hope you are doing well as we move into the third month of social distancing and wearing masks around town. I know it’s been a really hard time for everyone, but I hope these words can support you in your own healing.

For purification and cleansing of your body, mind, soul & spirit

Smudging is a spiritual practice that uses incense smoke to cleanse and purify your body, mind, soul & spirit. It can be used to clear negative energy after any sort of trauma or adverse life event.

In order to do this prayer for smudging yourself you’ll need the following supplies:

  • A bundle of dried white sage (you can find bundles on Etsy or craft stores)
  • A lighter or matches

Once you’ve gathered your supplies get into a comfortable position on the floor, sitting cross-legged if possible. Light up the end of the bundle and allow it to burn until there’s only ash left in your hand. Use this ash as an offering by gently rubbing it into your skin starting at your feet moving upwards towards the crown of your head. Once finished repeat these steps but with cedar wood instead of sage.*

Say aloud:

Smudge prayer for yourself

I call upon all the powers of the universe to surround me with their healing energy.

Smudging is a sacred ceremony that uses smoke from burning herbs to cleanse, purify and clear away negative energies. The smoke carries away negative thoughts, feelings and emotions while leaving behind positive ones. As you smudge your body, mind, soul & spirit you are reminded that you can use this time to release anything that no longer serves you or causes pain in your life. As I smudge these sacred herbs, I am reminded that they are powerful allies and have a special purpose for me today!

As I smudge these sacred herbs, I am reminded that they are powerful allies and they have a special purpose.

As I smudge these sacred herbs, I am reminded that they are powerful allies and they have a special purpose.

As the smoke rises into the air, it purifies the space and lifts away any negative energy.

The herb’s fragrance is linked to its healing potential; also, certain herbs or natural substances can be used as an ingredient in smudge blends with specific properties or intentions.

Smudging is a Native American spiritual practice involving burning dried herbs on hot coals to cleanse negative energy from both people and spaces. The smoke that rises from burning the herb is believed to carry magical powers because it’s made of pure energy from Mother Nature herself!

They are here to transmute negative energy into positive energy.

The smudge ceremony begins with a prayer that includes the words “I am here to transmute negative energy into positive energy.” As you say these words, visualize your loved one in mind and heart, see them surrounded by white light, and then imagine all of their pain being washed away as the smoke rises from their body. Once he or she has been smudged, you can use the remnants in a sacred way: by burning it outdoors on top of soil (or using it to make an offering at any place that feels special), burying it at sea or burying it on land under some vegetation.

The word “transmute” means “to change form but not in substance,” so when someone tells us that they are here to transmute negative energy into positive energy—as this scriptural passage instructs—it means just what it says: They are here to change something without changing its origin or essence; they want change without loss. In other words, they want life without death…

I ask this medicine to cleanse my soul, heart and mind.

This is your chance to ask for anything you choose. You can ask for one thing, or several things at once. For example, you might say:

  • I am asking this medicine to cleanse my soul, heart and mind.
  • I am asking this medicine to cleanse my soul of any anger towards myself or others.
  • I am asking this medicine to cleanse my heart of all fear that comes from thinking about the past in an unproductive way (for example: rehashing old mistakes).
  • I am asking this medicine to cleanse my mind so that I may see clearly; so that I can think thoughts that are free from worry or doubt; so that when faced with a problem, my first instinct will be one of curiosity rather than anxiety

Purify my spirit and raise the vibration of my body so that it may become a vessel of love and light.

This prayer is a cleansing and protection prayer. It is a smudging prayer, also known as a purifying smudge or sage smudge. The purpose of the prayer is to cleanse your home, body, and mind of any negative energy that may be lingering around you. You will be using sage for this cleansing ritual which is considered by many to be the most powerful herb when it comes to cleansing and protection against negative energy.

Sage (Salvia officinalis) has been used for centuries in ceremonies all around the world for healing purposes such as purification rituals, weddings and funerals; attracting money by burning it on charcoal sticks; repelling insects with its strong aroma; healing wounds faster than normal bandages would heal them; helping people quit smoking cigarettes after only one session using sage essential oil mixed with other oils such as cinnamon oil or clove oil mixed together into an essential oil blend which can then be applied topically onto their skin or inhaled directly from the jar containing said mixture via inhalation method instead of just smelling it up close since that method is less effective due to not distributing throughout entire room enough so everyone inside will feel effects equally.*

Bless me with inner peace as I let go of fear, anxiety and regret.

When you are in the throes of a smudge, it’s important to be as specific as possible. What exactly do you want to let go of? What specifically is causing you anxiety or stress? How do you want to move forward with your life after this journey is over?

This is not something that can be answered quickly; it takes time and thoughtfulness to figure out what exactly has been weighing down on your mind lately and how you can change for the better. Allow yourself some space for introspection so that when it comes time for your smudge prayer, all of those concerns have been addressed—and leave room for any other issues that may come up during your ceremony!

Clear my aura as I release this negative energy so that I may be filled with a sense of peace and harmony.

The next time you feel like your aura or energy is out of balance, try this smudge prayer to clear it. It’s easy to do and helps you release negative energy from your body.

  • Light the sage stick and wave it around your body in a clockwise motion. This will help release the negative energy that’s held within your aura.
  • Focus on releasing all thoughts of anger, jealousy, or envy in yourself as you wave the smoke around your head area. By doing so, you are making room for new positive energies to enter into your life!

So mote it be!3 times

Smudging is a spiritual practice that consists of burning sacred herbs, like sage and sweetgrass, to cleanse your energy. It’s believed to have been around for thousands of years and has become a part of many cultures.

Sage is often used because it is associated with wisdom, spiritual power and protection. Sweetgrass is thought to be able to clear away negative energy so that you can be more open to receive positive energy in return, which can help you feel more in control of your life.

Good job! You have now learned how to perform a smudge prayer. We hope that you feel refreshed and cleansed.

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