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Smudging Prayer for Protection

Smudging is a sacred ceremony that has been practiced by many cultures throughout history. It is a ritual that involves burning a bundle of dried herbs and plants, which are thought to have medicinal and spiritual properties.

Smudging prayer for protection is one of the most popular smudging rituals used today. The purpose is to cleanse negative energy and restore balance in your life.

In this article, we will share with you how to perform smudging prayer for protection at home or anywhere else.

Smudging Prayer for Protection


Smudging is the ritual burning of sacred herbs for the purpose of cleansing, clearing, or blessing. The smoke from a smudge stick is used to purify and bless your home and personal energy by shifting stagnant or negative energy into positive vibes. The practice dates back thousands of years to Native American tribes across North America. Today, many people still use the practice in their daily prayers for protection.

Blessed Spirit, Sacred Smoke,

Smudging is a form of spiritual cleansing and purification that involves burning sacred plants, such as sage, cedar and lavender. The practice originated with Native Americans who used smudge sticks to cleanse their sacred spaces and to connect with the spirit world.

Native American tradition holds that we are all connected to our ancestors in the spirit realm; by practicing smudging, we can reach out to them for guidance and direction. In fact, for many people who practice smudging regularly it is considered an important part of their religious observance—an integral part of connecting with their own spirituality.

cleanse my body and make me whole.

Smudging is a Native American tradition that uses sacred smoke to cleanse and purify. Smudge sticks are bundles of herbs and other materials, such as sweetgrass or sage. You can also use loose herbs in a dish or bowl to create your own smudge stick.

Blessings upon my hands.

Blessings upon my hands,

that I might touch the Earth Mother gently and respect her sacredness.

Blessings upon my hands, that I might touch my brother and sister animals with kindness and compassion.

Blessings upon my hands, that I might touch all living things with healing energy

Blessings upon my feet.

Blessings upon my feet

Blessings upon my knees

Blessings upon my thighs

Blessings upon my hips

Blessings upon my belly

Blessings upon my heart

Blessings upon my head.

Blessings upon my head.

As the smoke rises, you bless the crown of your head. You ask for blessings to be showered down upon you and your home, as well as on your family and loved ones. This is a very powerful prayer that can bring protection from all sorts of negative energy. The smoke will help clear out any negative energy within the home, while also protecting it from future negative influences or energies.

Blessings upon my heart.

Blessings upon my heart.

Let it be filled with love, light, and wisdom. Let me know when I am wrong and forgive myself when I am right. Let me see the beauty in every situation and embrace the love that comes my way. Help me to always seek out the best in others because doing so will help them find their own light. Bless your blessing upon my heart—blessing it with peace, joy and serenity; bless me with balance between mind, body and spirit; bless me with an open mind that welcomes new ideas; bless me so that I may always have faith in myself no matter what the challenges of life might bring my way; bless me so that I remember who I am at all times—a child of God whose purpose is divinely ordained by Your hand alone!

Wash, cleanse, and purify me with love.

Wash, cleanse and purify me with love. This prayer is a way of cleansing yourself of negative energy and bringing in positive energy. It is also an act of love for yourself.

Say this prayer to yourself: “I am washed, cleansed and purified with the love that surrounds me.” Repeat until you feel its power or focus on your breath for five minutes as you repeat it over and over again silently in your mind or aloud if possible (just don’t be loud!).

This prayer can be used as part of ‘smudging’ to bless your body and yourself.

This prayer can be used as part of ‘smudging’ to bless your body and yourself.

Smudging is a way of cleansing yourself. It is a way of healing yourself, connecting to your spirit and connecting to your ancestors.


As you begin your journey with smudging rituals, we hope that you’ll find yourself feeling empowered and protected. We know it can be a bit daunting to try something new, but everything about this practice speaks to our true nature as human beings. It helps us connect with ourselves, our families and friends, and the world around us in a way that many of us haven’t experienced before—and that’s why it’s so powerful.

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