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Spanish Prayer for Strength

I have been struggling with a health issue for the past year and have seen several doctors. Nothing has helped. I am constantly fighting depression and anxiety because of this. I am very thankful that God has given me the strength to keep going on, even though I feel like giving up at times. Sometimes it feels like my life is not worth living anymore, but I know that God loves me and He will never abandon me.

I believe that if we ask for help from God and if we trust Him, then He will give us the strength to face our problems. Today I want to share a prayer for you:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, I come before you with all my sins and faults: My arrogance, my impatience (and) my lack of faith in Your promises. Please forgive me for these things.

Spanish Prayer for Strength

Spanish Prayer for Strength


If you’re feeling sad or defeated and want prayer for strength, below is a Spanish prayer for you to pray. This prayer can also be used if you’re praying for someone else who needs strength! Señor, te pido de todo corazón que me des fuerzas para seguir adelante. Me siento triste y débil. No tengo mucha energía para luchar. Ayúdame a encontrar algo de motivación para mantenerme ocupado y seguir hacia adelante. Déjame saber que Tú eres siempre conmigo y que nunca me dejas solo. Amén!

Señor, te pido de todo corazón que me des fuerzas para seguir adelante. Me siento triste y débil. No tengo mucha energía para luchar. Ayúdame a encontrar algo de motivación para mantenerme ocupado y seguir hacia adelante. Déjame saber que Tú eres siempre conmigo y que nunca me dejas solo. Amén!

  • “Señor, te pido de todo corazón que me des fuerzas para seguir adelante. Me siento triste y débil. No tengo mucha energía para luchar. Ayúdame a encontrar algo de motivación para mantenerme ocupado y seguir hacia adelante. Déjame saber que Tú eres siempre conmigo y que nunca me dejas solo. Amén!”*
  • Prayer for Healing

“¡ San Miguel Arcángel, así como pusiste tu bandera en el cielo, pon ahora tu mano protectora sobre mi enfermo corazón! ¡ Ha sido perforado por el arma curativa del Padre Misericordioso! La maldición ha sido arrancada.”(El libro sagrado del rey David)

God is with you in your sadness and He wants to help you feel stronger and more hopeful again.

  • “I know that you feel sad right now and that it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But I want to assure you that God is with you in your sadness, and He wants to help you feel stronger and more hopeful again. He will not abandon or forsake you.”
  • “God knows that sometimes we need a little help finding something worthwhile to do with our time while we’re waiting for that one great thing He has planned for us.”
  • “You might not feel like doing anything right now, but I want to reassure you: God is always present with us and never leaves our side! This means even if it feels like no one else understands what we’re going through, He does.”


So this is just one example of a prayer for strength. And it’s not even in English. But the truth is that all prayers are powerful, so it’s important for you to remember that God will hear your prayers and help you, no matter what language they’re in or how they sound!

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