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Spiritual Meaning Of Dropping Keys

Throughout history there are many symbols and signs that represent concepts. One of these symbols is the Spiritual Meaning of Dropping Keys. Keys have a dual meaning in the world of symbolism. They represent unlocking knowledge or mysteries to prevent something bad from happening or to bring something good into our lives.

Unlocking someone’s potential can be challenging. As a child, I remember how my parents used to make a big fuss about how to keep the house keys safe. They would yell out for us not to lose the house keys or what will happen if we lose those ””keys””. They were really concerned about it and always warned us about it. My dad was especially very strict about it. He used to get really mad when one of us would lose the keys. He would tell us that ””keys are meant for specific doors. If you lose your house keys, you may lock yourself out of your own home.”” So there was no way in hell that I was going to use my key to open doors that weren’t intended for me. A couple of days later, we found the key under one of the pet cages. The fact is that many people have lost their keys throughout time and they have become aware of its importance whereas others haven’t….Our problems occur because our mind is working with different kind of locks somewhere inside it while deciding something at present or in past…

The spiritual meaning of dropping keys is simple: you are being shown that you have the power to unlock your life, and it’s time to do it.

You’ve been given the keys to your future, but you’ve also been given the power to decide how you want that future to look. You can choose to lock yourself in a cage of fear, or unlock yourself and set yourself free. It’s up to you which one you choose—but by dropping the keys, you’re telling yourself that it’s time for a change.

Dropping keys is a sign that you are being trusted with something important. It means that you are in the right position to take on new responsibilities, and that your life is moving forward in a positive way.

When this happens, it’s important to recognize what it means for you and your future. If it’s something that makes you uncomfortable, consider talking to someone (like a therapist) about how to handle this new responsibility. But if it feels right, then go for it! There’s no better time than now to take on the next chapter of your life.

Spiritual Meaning Of Dropping Keys

Spiritual Meaning Of Dropping Keys

Just like people use keys to unlock various things in real life, seeing them in dreams can be interpreted as a good sign. It’s mainly because keys generally unlock resources that you can use for your productivity.

In real life, a person having more keys is generally considered to be more powerful. It hints that the person has multiple houses, cars, and lockers. With such precious things come great responsibilities.

So, if you find yourself seeing keys in your dream, you could interpret it as a good sign. It means you can expect more responsibilities and success in the coming time.

What Do Keys Represent Spiritually

What Do Keys Symbolize?

Remember that symbolism is subjective. The below are examples of possible interpretations only, and may not be the correct interpretations for you and your situation.

1. Success and Responsibilities (Seeing a Bunch of Keys)

If you dream about getting a bunch of keys in a keychain, you can expect to get more responsibilities in your life. A bunch of keys can also be symbolized as a sign of success.

You generally hold a bunch of keys when you have a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders or when you are quite successful. Seeing the same in your dreams is considered to be a lucky sign.

Opening new doors with a key in your dreams can indicate that you are going to open a path to new opportunities.

However do note that, with more responsibilities, you have to make some hard decisions in life and that might not be an easy task. With rational thinking and proper planning, you can make the optimum decisions that will help you receive your goals.

On the other hand, if you find yourself seeing a bunch of keys just lying on a table, it can be interpreted as a warning. It could mean that you are going to make an error in a decision.

Again, just think with a calm and clear head and approach things rationally.

2. Spirituality (Dreaming of Using Silver and Golden Keys to Unlock)

Gold and silver are valuable metals. Seeing golden and silver keys in your dreams can be interpreted as a good sign in terms of spirituality.

One of the most common types of dreams is unlocking spiritual doors to other worlds and if you are doing it in your dreams, you can consider it as a good sign.

It could mean that you are feeling the positive effects of the spiritual energy inside you.

Sometimes, to know more about yourself, you have to feel another dimension and the golden and silver keys are the keys to unlock that dimension for you.

Seeing a golden key can also symbolize freedom and it can be viewed as a sign that you are going to make some important decisions in your life.

Silver keys in your dreams can also mean some new opportunities and big financial gains.

3. Expect Some Hurt (Seeing a Big Key)

Seeing a big key can be interpreted as a bad omen. It is considered that if you see a big key in your dream, someone might hurt you.

If you see a big key in your dream, you can consider it a bad sign. You might want to take extra precautions as someone may try stealing from you. In this process, you can get hurt so try to be cautious.

Just remember, no amount of money can compensate for any physical hurt or loss to your body. Do not attach yourself too much to monetary things.

Try not to carry too much money with yourself and maintain a distance from dangerous areas.

4. Hidden Talents and Skills (Closing a Door with a Key)

Just as opening new doors with a key in your dreams can symbolize new opportunities, closing doors with a key indicates the opposite possibility.

If you dream about yourself closing a door with a key or having difficulty in opening the door, it is a possible sign that you are not using your skills and talents to the fullest.

It could also indicate that you have a special talent or a skill that you never really use. Keeping it hidden is not going to be good for you as you may have to compromise on a lot of things because of that.

Having skills and talent in this world is a blessing. It already gives you a jumpstart on your journey to being successful. Once you utilize your talents and skills correctly, you can achieve all the things in your life with hard work.

5. Missed Opportunity (Losing a Key)

If you see yourself losing a key in your dreams, it can be viewed as a sign of missed opportunities in life.

Just as losing a key in real life is never good; it could even lead to some problems in your life. Exactly, losing a key in your dreams can be viewed as a negative sign. It hints that you may miss a good opportunity most likely.

Most people do not get a lot of opportunities in life. They have to work hard for everything in life. So it is important to keep an open eye towards coming opportunities. Make sure that you are ready for them.

6. Finding Solutions (Finding a Key)

On the contrary to losing a key, finding a key in your dreams can be viewed as a very good sign.

A key unlocks many things in real life. Most of the things that we keep under lockers are precious to us. Finding a key in your dreams could mean that you will find solutions to some of the ongoing problems in your life.

Solving these problems would be a big relief and it will give you time to focus on some important endeavors of your life.

7. Secrets and Puzzle (Holding a Key)

Finding yourself holding a key in your dreams possibly hints that someone may tell you a big secret because they trust in you.

Talking about personal stuff that could be sensitive is hard for people and they only talk about those things to people they trust legitimately.

If you are someone’s go-to person to confide a secret then you are a trustworthy person which is a top quality to have in modern times.

Seeing Keys in Your Dreams

Seeing keys in your dreams generally has a positive meaning. It can be symbolized as a sign of new opportunities and doors unlocked for new ventures.

Keep an open eye so that you are always ready to capitalize on every opportunity you get. When you utilize the opportunities to your advantage, you can fast track your growth and success.

Here are a few examples of possible interpretations (remembering none of them might be the right one!):

Keys Dream SymbolismPotential Meaning or Interpretation
1.Seeing a Bunch of KeysOften, seeing a bunch of keys symbolizes success and responsibility.
2.Using Silver and Golden Keys to UnlockDreaming about using silver and golden keys to unlock can be interpreted as a good sign. It can symbolize that you are feeling the positive effects of the spiritual energy inside you.
3.Seeing a Big KeySome people interpret seeing a big key in dreams as a bad omen. It could be a sign that someone may hurt you.
4.Closing a Door with a KeyDreaming of closing a door with a key could indicate that you have a special talent or a skill that you are not utilizing correctly.
5.Losing a KeyMany people interpret losing a key as a bad sign. It hints that you may miss a good opportunity.
6.Finding a KeyDreaming of finding a key can be considered a good sign. It could mean that you will find solutions to some of the ongoing problems in your life.
7.Holding a KeyFinding yourself holding a key in your dreams possibly hints that someone may tell you a big secret because they trust in you.

Golden Key Spiritual Meaning

Keys are very important dream symbolizes. Think about what its use in the dream is and how it relates to your life. Ultimately a key represents the ability to open and discover a number of things. If you locate a key or keys it means you know how to resolve a situation. If you dream that the key it used to unlock something it means you have found your way to a new opportunity. It could also mean that you have let someone in on your secrets or gained knowledge about a situation or person. A ring of keys or holding the master key symbolizes authority over yourself and others. If you hold the golden key it signifies an open mind and you hold the key to anything you desire. If you insert a key into a keyhole it could have a sensual meaning in which you are worried and anxious about not being unable to satisfy yourself or your partner. Losing or breaking your keys indicate you are afraid of your reputation and where you stand in the social class is being tarnished. It may simply mean that you did not take the chance when you had it and now you are going to let it slip right out of your hand. Similarly, when you dream of a rusty key it indicates unused or misused abilities. If you give someone your keys then you have let up your power and given someone else the ability to control things. If you hear the sound of keys in your dream it is an excellent sign! You are going down the right route in life and you know precisely what you want, so keep heading that way.

You adapt to everything and everyone. You camouflage so people would respect you and treat you on like if you are one of them.

When you dream of a key maker it symbolizes your need for help to unlock and open up to problems and people. If the key maker is making a spare key, your unconscious is telling you not to worry because there are a number of ways and approaches to solve your problems.

Having golden hair signifies that you have chosen a good partner in life. Your significant other is someone you can be proud of, a dignified and brave person who deserves your affection and trust.

Dreaming of seeing yourself going inside a golden-colored house is a warning about getting into a dangerous predicament that will require a lot of your time, patience and energy to get out of.


Seeing keys in your dreams can be viewed as a positive sign. All you have to do is interpret the dreams carefully.

Consider yourself lucky as you may get some big responsibilities which will help you in becoming successful.

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