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Spiritual Meaning Of Dropping Things

Did you know that dropping things has its own spiritual meaning? Not as mystic as it sounds, although dropping things in a dream isn’t as simple either. To help you better understand what dropping things in your dreams is all about, I wrote this article for you.

Dropping things is a sign of letting go, which can help you to free up your energy and move on from things that are holding you back. The spiritual meaning of dropping things is that it’s an act of surrendering control and embracing the flow of life.

When we drop things, we aren’t just saying “forget about it,” we’re also saying “I trust in the universe.”

Spiritual Meaning Of Dropping Things

Spiritual Meaning Of Dropping Things

Symbolically, dropping something means that you are letting go of the past and moving forward. This can be a very positive thing, as it represents growth, change, and self-improvement. Dropping something can also represent a loss or ending of something—a relationship, job, etc.—which can be upsetting or scary but ultimately positive if that ending leads to a new beginning for you.

Dropping things literally means that you have lost your grip on them and they have fallen from your hands or out of your grip. This could be due to clumsiness or nervousness, which may lead to embarrassment or even injury as well as financial liability if the object is expensive.

Dropping things is a way of letting go. It may be an object that represents an old belief, or it could be something that you’re holding onto. If you drop something and it breaks, that could mean that your old ways are no longer useful. You should try to get rid of them, but if you can’t, at least accept them as part of who you are now and move forward.

If you accidentally drop something important and then realize what happened, this means that there is something going on in your life right now that needs to be addressed. There was a time when this would have been bad luck, but now it’s just a sign that there’s something happening in your life that needs your attention.

You might think of yourself as clumsy if you often bump into furniture or drop things. Clumsiness is defined as poor coordination, movement, or action.

In healthy people, it can be a minor issue. But, at the same time it can increase your risk for accidents or serious injuries, like concussions.

A 2009 review of studies on connections between motor control and age-related brain differences found evidence that issues with the nervous and neuromuscular systems contribute to motor performance difficulties in older adults.

This suggests that brain function, from how information is processed to telling your body how to move, plays a role in coordination.

Most people will have moments of clumsiness, and it’s usually not anything to worry about. But if you have sudden, ongoing issues with coordination, or if it seriously interferes with your health, it could be a symptom of an underlying condition.

What Causes Sudden Clumsiness?

A sudden onset of clumsiness can occur if you’re distracted or unaware of your surroundings. But often, sudden issues with coordination paired with another symptom can suggest a serious, underlying health condition.


A stroke occurs when a blood clot forms in the brain and decreases blood flow (ischemic stroke) or when a weakened blood vessel bursts in your brain and decreases blood flow (hemorrhagic stroke). This deprives your brain of oxygen and brain cells begin to die.

During a stroke, some people experience paralysis or muscle weakness, which can cause poor coordination and stumbling.

But sudden clumsiness doesn’t always mean a stroke. With a stroke, you’ll likely have other symptoms too. These include:

  • slurred speech
  • pins and needles sensations in your arms or legs
  • muscle weakness or numbness
  • headache
  • vertigo

You may see similar symptoms during a transient ischemic attack (TIA), or a ministroke. A TIA also reduces blood flow to the brain. These attacks usually only last a few minutes and don’t cause permanent brain damage.

However, see a doctor immediately if you or someone you know is exhibiting symptoms of a stroke.


Some seizures can also cause symptoms that look like sudden clumsiness.

This is often the case with complex partial, myoclonic, and atonic seizures, or drop attacks. Myoclonic and atonic seizures cause someone to suddenly fall, as if they’re tripping. This symptom isn’t considered clumsiness.

In complex partial seizures, there’s a pattern of actions and symptoms. A person will typically stare blankly while in the middle of an activity. Then, they’ll start doing a random activity like:

  • mumbling
  • fumbling or picking at their clothing
  • picking at objects

Complex partial seizures may only last a few minutes, and the person will have no memory of what happened. The next time a seizure occurs, the same actions will typically be repeated.

Visit a doctor immediately if you suspect you or someone you know has had a seizure or is experiencing one.

Anxiety and stress

Your nervous system, which controls muscle movement, may function abnormally if you’re suddenly anxious or stressed. This can cause your hands to shake or impair how you see your surroundings and do tasks. As a result, you’re more likely to bump into objects or people.

If you have anxiety, practicing your coping methods may help you relax and improve issues with coordination.

Drugs and alcohol

If you drink too much alcohol or use drugs, you may also experience clumsiness due to intoxication. Intoxication, which impairs brain function, usually involves one or two symptoms, which may not always include uncoordinated movements.

Symptoms of intoxication might include:

  • bloodshot eyes
  • a change in behavior
  • a strong smell of alcohol
  • slurred speech
  • vomiting

You may have difficulty maintaining your balance or coordinating steps while trying to walk when intoxicated. This can result in injuring yourself or getting a concussion if you fall.

Withdrawal can also cause clumsiness.

Clumsiness in adults

Aging can go hand in hand with issues with coordination.

In a study of hand movements, results showed that younger and older adults use different mental representations of the space around their bodies. While younger adults focused their reference frame on the hand, older adults use a reference frame centered on their whole body. This change can affect how older adults plan and guide their movements.

Clumsiness can also begin as a subtle problem and gradually worsen. If you or someone you know has ongoing issues with coordination along with other symptoms, bring the problem to a doctor’s attention. There may be an underlying neurological disorder.

Brain tumor

A malignant or benign growth on the brain can also affect balance and coordination. If you have a brain tumor, you may also experience the following symptoms:

  • unexplained nausea and vomiting
  • vision problems
  • personality or behavior changes
  • hearing problems
  • seizures
  • weakness or numbness
  • strong headaches

A doctor can conduct an MRI or a brain scan to check for growths on your brain.

Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease affects the central nervous system and can impair motor systems. Early symptoms can be subtle, but may include hand tremors or hand twitching that can cause issues with coordination. Other signs and symptoms include:

  • loss of smell
  • trouble sleeping
  • constipation
  • soft or low voice
  • masked face, or blank stare

Your doctor will be able to recommend a treatment and refer you to a specialist if they give you a diagnosis for Parkinson’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease slowly damages and kills brain cells. Someone with Alzheimer’s disease often has difficulty with memory, has trouble completing familiar tasks, and may have issues with coordination. The risk of Alzheimer’s disease increases after the age of 65.

If you or a loved one develops these symptoms in middle age, and if they don’t improve, talk to a doctor.

Other causes

Uncoordinated movements can also occur when you’re not getting enough sleep. Exhaustion can affect balance, causing you to drop things. Or you may find yourself bumping into things. Getting at least 8 hours of sleep each night allows your brain and body to rest.

Health issues that affect joints and muscles, such as arthritis, and medications such as anti-anxiety, antidepressants, and anticonvulsant drugs can also cause similar symptoms.

Clumsiness in children

Trouble with coordination in children isn’t unusual as toddlers learn how to stand and walk. Growth spurts can also contribute as your child gets used to their growing body.

Children who have trouble paying attention may also be more uncoordinated if they’re less aware of their surroundings.

If you feel your child’s clumsiness isn’t improving or is worsening, talk to your doctor. Issues with coordination in children can also be caused by:

  • vision problems
  • flatfeet, or lack of a foot arch
  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

Your doctor will be able to provide treatment options, depending on the cause.


Dyspraxia, or developmental coordination disorder (DCD), is a condition that affects your child’s coordination. Children with DCD usually have delayed physical coordination for their age. This isn’t due to learning disabilities or a neurological disorder.

You can improve the symptoms of DCD by practicing movements, breaking activities into smaller steps, or using tools like special grips on pencils.

Clumsiness during pregnancy

As pregnancy progresses, your changing body may throw off your center of gravity and affect your balance. There’s also a greater risk of stumbling or bumping into things if you’re unable to see your feet.

Other factors that can affect your coordination are changes in hormones, fatigue, and forgetfulness.

Slowing down when moving, and asking for help if you’ve dropped something, are good ways to avoid accidents or injuries during a pregnancy.


Diagnosing the exact cause of issues with coordination can be difficult. Clumsiness is a symptom of many conditions. If your coordination seems to worsen or additional symptoms appear, make an appointment with your doctor.

Your doctor will ask about your medical history and other symptoms. They may also need to run several tests to help diagnose the condition.

Breaking Things Spiritual Meaning

There is no wrong path in this life. All roads lead home, it just depends which journey you want to take.

At times in our lives however, we can become lost or stuck on a particular stretch of road. We may also find ourselves wondering down a path that perhaps doesn’t seem to be aligning with what we wish to create for our lives.

If you are questioning whether you are on the right track, if things are starting to feel off balance to you, here are 10 subtle signs the Universe will send to help steer you in a different direction-

1.) Careless Accidents
Stubbed your toe or knocked your elbow a few times today? It could very well be a sign from the Universe that you need to slow down and think before taking your next steps forward.

Running into things and injuring yourself could be a sign that you are ignoring your intuition or failing to see the truth behind a certain situation.

While stubbing your toe may be just an accident, if it happens repeatedly it could be a sign from the Universe that you need to take a closer look at things.

2.) Forgetfulness
If you find yourself repeatedly losing things or forgetting things, it could be a sign that you need to check in with yourself and perhaps take a moment to get centered and grounded before moving forward.

It may also be a sign that you need to get clearer about what it is that you want to create and achieve for your life.

3.) Being Late Constantly
Whether you are late because you got stuck in traffic or because you lost track of time, being repeatedly late or feeling as if you have to constantly race against the clock is a sign from the Universe that you need to pay attention to.

Being late or feeling constantly pressed for time means that you are spreading yourself too thin and are out of alignment with what you really want to do.

When you are in the flow of life, time flows along with you, but when you get separated from that flow, you are more likely to notice time impacting on your life.

4.) Cluttered Environment
No matter how hard you seem to clean, if you find that clutter simply follows you or accumulates in one area of your home, it could be a sign from the Universe that something needs addressing.

Clutter can be a sign that you are failing to see the truth or that you are avoiding clearing something from your past that is stuck in your subconscious.

The area of your home where the clutter is presenting itself may also indicate what the underlying emotional reason is. For example clutter in the kitchen could indicate issues with giving and receiving self love and nourishment, whereas clutter in the bedroom could indicate intimacy or relationship issues.

5.) Breaking or Dropping Things
If you find yourself constantly breaking or dropping things, it could be a sign from the Universe that you are walking a destructive path or that you are sabotaging yourself from achieving success.

Breaking or dropping things may also indicate a need for you to release control and perhaps surrender to the flow of the Universe. This is especially true if you are feeling stuck or stagnant in a particular area in your life.

6.) Getting Sick

If you find yourself getting infections, coughs or colds repeatedly it could be a sign from the Universe that you need to slow down and reconsider the direction of your life. It can also be a sign that you are making your life decisions based on what other people want and not what you want.

Getting sick repeatedly is also a sign that you need to change your life in some way to support getting more rest, nourishment and enjoyment.

7.) Not Wanting To Think About It
Don’t want to think or talk about it? This is a clear sign that you are failing to see the truth about the direction of your life.

When you don’t want to talk or think about something important, it is often because intuitively you are afraid of hearing the answer. It may also be that you know what it is that you need to do, but you are afraid to take action on it.

If you find yourself suppressing thoughts or being afraid to “go there”, it may help to reconnect with your soul and get clear about what it is that you truly want.

8.) Anxiety or Stress
If a rush of anxiety enters the pit of your belly before walking into work everyday, it could be a clear indication that you are not in the right place.

Of course, anxiety can appear for different reasons but if you find yourself constantly feeling stressed or anxious surrounding a particular place or person, you may need to dig a little deeper to find the cause.

Anxiety and stress in general can also be a clear sign from the Universe that you need to make some changes in your life and perhaps align what you are doing in your life with what you want to achieve.

9.) Struggling to Finish Projects
Do you get the inspiration to start a project but then constantly fail to complete it?

Not being able to carry through with a project is a clear sign that you may be off balance or lacking groundedness in your life. It may also be a sign that the projects you wish to create are not aligned with your highest path or intentions.

If you struggle to carry through with your ideas, the best thing to do is go within and surrender to the flow of the Universe. When you do this, a new pathway may present itself that will help to get your idea off the ground.

Struggling to finish projects is usually a sign that you need to surrender control and also believe in yourself more in order to continue down the path that you wish to.

10.) Feeling Bored
If you find yourself feeling bored with life, it is a very good sign that you are not living up to your fullest potential. Life is amazing and full of opportunities, there is no reason that you should feel bored.

Feeling bored comes when you have become too comfortable with your life and are perhaps running on auto pilot rather than living each day to its fullest.

If you feel bored, perhaps look at where you can make some changes in your life, such as picking up a new hobby, changing careers or travelling.

The Universe is always sending us signs to help guide us along the path. The best thing you can do is trust your intuition when a sign presents itself and remain open to the possibilities.

Why Do I Keep Losing Things Spiritual Meaning

When you continually lose things, there is something spiritual attached to it. A lot of people have called this a bad habit and like me, they have missed out on the numerous benefits and wisdom that can be gotten from paying attention.

There is wisdom to glean from learning about losing things.

Whenever you constantly lose things, it has a spiritual meaning.

There are 3 different questions to consider.

Let us look at these questions and attempt to provide the best answers to them:

Why do I keep losing things all the time? 

This is a question that should be answered.

There is a spiritual reason behind losing things.

  1. You keep losing things because you have been holding on to the things that don’t matter to your life. Whenever you form the habit of holding on to irrelevant things, the universe will indicate this by making you lose things. When you begin to lose things, it is time for a deep reflection. It is time for you to pay attention to your life, and observe the different things in your life that you need to let go of.
  2. You keep losing things because you have failed to pay attention. Your lack of attention is a sign of carelessness, which will make you miss out on several opportunities that will change your life. When you realize that you are losing things, the universe is indicating that you have become too careless, and it is affecting your life negatively. Until you start paying attention, you will continue to lose things, until you lose something important to your life.

These are the 2 spiritual reasons for losing things. Therefore, it is best to look into them.

It can be a spiritual message?

Losing things is a spiritual message. When I had this experience, my ignorance blinded my eyes to see the spiritual message behind it.

When you keep losing things, it is an indication that the universe has a message to pass across to you.

Whenever you realize that you continually lose things, it is a sign that the universe wants to speak with you.

Paying attention is the best method to leverage this sudden habit. Whenever you pay attention to this, you will get wisdom, and you will learn how to become a better person.

Losing things can be a spiritual message. Therefore, paying attention is vital.

It’s bad luck?

When you keep losing things, it is not bad luck at the initial stage. However, when you stop paying attention, it will become intense, which will bring bad luck to your life.

Whenever you keep losing things, it is a warning sign that you need to pay attention.

However, when you fail to pay attention or take heed, the consequence will be negative. It will affect a lot in your life, and bring about a major loss. You might experience this bad luck in your financial or relationship life.

Initially, when you experience losing things, it is not bad luck.

However, when it becomes consistent over days, it will bring bad luck. I suffered this terribly when I had this experience. This is why I encourage people to learn to pay attention as early as possible.

By doing this, they will be able to curb all their excesses and become a better person.

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