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The gospel of John begins with a prologue (1:1-18) that tells us that it is an eyewitness account of Jesus’ life. The rest of the book is divided into two parts: signs (the miracles) and teachings (the words). The signs include healings, exorcisms and nature miracles like changing water into wine. The teachings are about love, obedience, faith in God and more.

The book of John is the perfect introduction to Christian belief and practice. In this Bible study, you’ll learn how Christianity arose as a counterculture movement in first-century Israel, and how it spread through the Roman Empire, changing the lives of countless people.



This series of studies on the Gospel of John will challenge you with John’s high view of Christ and confront you, possibly even offend you, with John’s presentation of the exclusive and absolute claims made by Jesus Christ about his real identity and about his essential and indispensible role in spiritual life and salvation. As far as John is concerned, as far as Jesus Christ is concerned, not only is there no other way to God but Jesus Christ, but also there is no other true truth about God but that knowledge of God that stands before us here in his Son, Jesus Christ. He, Jesus Christ, is ‘the Light’; everything else is ‘the darkness’.

John’s Gospel puts before us the ultimate spiritual challenge, the ultimate spiritual choice: if we do not see God here, in Jesus Christ, we will not find the real God anywhere. If we reject Jesus Christ we are rejecting God. If we receive Jesus Christ we are receiving God.

John presents Jesus Christ as God’s final self-revelation, God’s final word. Here God says to us: this is who I am; look at me; believe in me, here in human flesh, here in this man, my eternal Son, Jesus Christ.

There is no other way. There is no other God. 

New testament bible gospel of john

The Gospel of John is the fourth book of the New Testament and the first gospel in the Bible. It is also called “the Gospel according to John”, or simply “John”.

John’s purpose is to present Jesus as the light of all men (1:4). John was written after Mark and Matthew, but before Luke and Acts. The author of this gospel was most likely an eyewitness of Jesus’ ministry and wrote his account in about AD 90.

The book is divided into 20 chapters. Chapter 1 begins with a summary of Jesus’ ministry that sets the tone for what follows. The rest of the book describes Jesus’ conversations with various people, miracles he performed, teachings he gave, and his death on the cross and resurrection from it three days later.

The Gospel of John is the fourth and final canonical gospel, and it is one of the three synoptic gospels (the other two being Matthew and Mark). It is a book that can be read in one sitting, but its powerful message will stay with you for your entire life.

The Gospel of John was most likely written by John the Apostle, who lived at the same time as Jesus. He was one of the 12 disciples sent by Jesus to spread his teachings after his death. This gospel is different from the other three gospels because it focuses on what Jesus said and did rather than on who he was. The author of this gospel also emphasizes Jesus’ divinity and humanity more than any other gospel writer does.

New Testament Bible Gospel of John

The Gospel of John is the fourth book of the New Testament. It was written by John, one of Jesus’ apostles. The events described in this gospel are believed to have taken place at about 30 AD. John wrote his gospel to provide evidence that Jesus was the Christ.

The Gospel According to St. John opens with a prologue that sets forth its purpose and character: It is a record of Jesus’ deeds and teachings, but is not an attempt at history; it is a record of “the things which were from the beginning.” In other words, it tells us what happened from the very beginning (“in the beginning”) and then describes what has been happening ever since (“and the Word was with God”).

The prologue ends with a statement about Jesus himself: “No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of God, he has made him known.” This statement underscores what was said earlier in this introduction: The Gospels are not accounts of actual historical events; they are records of what happened from “the beginning” when God created everything through His Son, who became human and lived among us until His death on Calvary’s cross.

The gospel according to St. John is the fourth of the four gospels in the Bible. It was written by John, also known as “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” The gospel was written about AD 90-100 and is believed to be based on oral tradition that John passed down from his years with Jesus and other witnesses of His ministry.

The gospel begins with an introduction of Jesus’ ministry, followed by a description of his baptism and temptation in the wilderness. The rest of the book describes events leading up to and including the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ.

John’s gospel is unique among the gospels because it contains more than thirty references to himself as well as many other details not found elsewhere in Scripture.

The Gospel of John, the fourth gospel in the New Testament, is one of the most popular and influential books in the Christian canon. It is a general rule that the later gospels — Matthew, Mark and Luke — are more similar to each other than they are to John. This is not because they were written later; it is because they were written earlier and so were closer to their sources than John was. The Gospel of John diverges from the Synoptic Gospels on several points of interest, especially regarding Jesus’ miracles, his relationship with Pilate, his view of himself as God’s Son and his view of his disciples as embodying God’s love for humanity.

John wrote in Greek around 100 CE at Ephesus , where he may have been a follower (or even an apostle) of Paul . His purpose was to promote faith in Jesus Christ by proclaiming that he was God’s son sent from heaven to save humanity from sin.

John’s gospel differs from Mark, Matthew, and Luke in several ways:

Jesus’ miracles are more spectacular (e.g., healing a blind man by spitting on his eyes).

Jesus speaks more often about himself. In particular he calls himself “God’s Son”

John new testament summary

John New Testament Summary

John is a gospel written by John the Apostle, and is one of the four canonical gospels. The other three are Matthew, Mark, and Luke. These gospels tell the story of Jesus Christ from his birth to his ascension into heaven.

John was written last, around 90 AD. It is also known as the gospel of love because it focuses on Jesus’ love for humanity more than any other gospel does. It tells what he taught during his ministry and how he died on the cross for our sins.

John’s gospel is one of the four canonical gospels of the New Testament. It is written in Koine Greek, and is thought by many scholars to have been written by John the Apostle, who was a friend and disciple of Jesus. The Gospel of John differs from the other three canonical gospels in that it does not contain any miracles.

John’s gospel begins with the ministry of John the Baptist, which is followed by Jesus’ baptism and temptation in the desert. The narrative then moves to Lazarus, Mary and Martha and their brother, Jesus’ miracles (including healing blind man), sermon on Galilee and finally Jesus’ crucifixion at Jerusalem.

The Gospel of John is the fourth and final gospel account of the life of Jesus. It was written by the Apostle John, who was one of Jesus’ twelve apostles. The text shows John’s emphasis on Jesus as the Son of God who had come to earth for a specific purpose. The book is also known as the “Fourth Gospel.”

John wrote his gospel account about 60 years after Jesus’ death and resurrection (around 90 CE). The author does not claim to have been an eyewitness to any part of Jesus’ life; he states that he received his information from those who had seen and heard Jesus.

The Gospel of John covers much of the same material as the other three gospels, but it emphasizes different aspects of these events. For example, while Matthew and Mark emphasize the importance of Jesus’ death and resurrection, John focuses on their significance in terms of his divinity: he is God himself come to earth in human form.

The Gospel of John is the fourth book of the New Testament, written by the Apostle John. The gospel contains a series of discourses by Jesus Christ, which were delivered to his disciples and followers, who were called Christians. The gospel is presented as an extended dialogue between Jesus and his disciples.

The gospel begins with John, who was one of Jesus’ apostles. In verse 14 it says that John was “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” These are the words of the writer himself, so we know that he is speaking about himself in this verse. He writes about his own personal experiences with Jesus and what he heard from other people about him.

John also wrote these words: “And we have seen and testify that the Father sent the Son as Saviour of the world.” (1:9) This means that John believed in Jesus as God’s Son who came to save the world from sin and death.

John also wrote these words: “In him was life; and the life was the light of men.” (1:4) This means that when people believe in Jesus they will live forever with God in heaven after they die here on earth!

The Gospel of John is the fourth book of the New Testament and is also called “The Gospel According to John” or simply “John.” The author is traditionally identified as John the Apostle, but this remains uncertain.

The Gospel of John recounts the ministry of Jesus, beginning with his baptism by John the Baptist, and continuing through his miracles, teachings and Passion Week leading to his crucifixion. The purpose of this gospel is not to provide information about Jesus’ life, but rather to reveal who Jesus is (God) and what he has done (salvation).

Chapter 1 begins by introducing a man named Nicodemus. Nicodemus came to Jesus at night because he was afraid others would see him talking to Jesus. He asked Jesus questions about how one could enter God’s kingdom (1:19). Jesus answered that one must be born again in order for them to enter God’s kingdom (1:12). Nicodemus didn’t understand what Jesus was talking about so he asked for an explanation (3:3). He wanted to know how this could happen since he was already old when he was born again. This conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus was recorded for us readers because we too do not understand how we can be born

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