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Prayer To Help Sell A House

Are you looking to pray? Or perhaps you’re looking to get a house sold by praying. Whatever the case may be, we can help! The form below will put you in touch with us, where our prayer team will pray for your needs. If you’re looking for support and guidance during a time of trial, such as moving from one home to another, purchasing or selling a home or business, etc., we will do our best to provide our services.In this article, we will review the best prayers to help sell a house and pray for the seller to accept an offer.

Is it wrong to pray for a house to sell? In this article, we will review the best prayers to help sell a house and pray for seller to accept an offer.

O Lord, Mighty in Power, I pray for the quick sale of our home. Lord, we put our trust in You and ask that You give our home curb appeal and make it attractive to buyers so that when they see it, they fall in love with it. I pray that You lead us to the right buyers who are motivated and not too difficult. Please get rid of any problems so they feel comfortable buying our house and the sales process goes smoothly without any surprises. We need the money from the closing to help purchase our next home, and so we need the house to move quickly through the sales process. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer To Help Sell A House

prayer for seller to accept offer

O Exalted One, please send the right buyer to buy our home. With the precious memories that we have made in this house, we hope that the next family cherishes it as much as we do. I pray for a buyer who fills the home with a loving family where many more beautiful memories will be made. I pray for a buyer who takes pride in our home, maintains the house and its landscaping, and is kind to our neighbors. Please use this home of ours to be a happy sanctuary for the next family to live, laugh, and love. In Your Son’s name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Smooth Sales Process
God of the Universe, I pray that our home selling process goes very smoothly. Please help the buyer to stay committed to purchasing the house and not get cold feet during the process. I pray that with every piece of new information, they are pleased and want to continue forward. Please don’t let there be any issues with their personal situation, with getting financing or any reason for the buyers to back out. God, You are the First and the Last. I surrender control of every step of this process to You. Take this burden from my heart and bring joy to my soul. Amen.

Trusting God with the Sale of My Home Prayer
God of Enduring Faithfulness, during this uncertain time in my life when I am trying to sell my house, please keep me from worrying about whether it will sell or how long it will take. Encourage me to keep my faith strong and trust that You hold my future in Your hands. While the news rambles on about the real estate market, home sales, and interest rates, remind me to ignore the noise of the world and keep my eyes fixed on You. Set my sights on Your mercy and grace and calm my nerves, for I know You are in total control. I cast my anxiety on You, God, because You care for me. In Jesus’ loving name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Guidance as We Sell Our Home
Jesus, my Wise Counselor, instruct me and teach me in the way I should go in choosing a real estate agent to sell my home. Make my steps firms so that I do not fall. I do not know which agent to pick who will be skilled and work the hardest for me, but You do, Jesus. Show me these things which I do not know. Bring an agent into my life who knows the right way to stage my home, the right price to set, and how high I can stay in the price negotiations. Do not let me fall and uphold me with Your hand. I ask these things in Your name. Amen.

Prayer for Endurance During the Sale of Our Home
God, my Fortress, when unexpected showings come upon us in a moment’s notice, allow me to have the energy to clean, put away clutter, and stage my home so that buyers will want to make an offer on it. Help me not become overwhelmed with frustration or anxiety when the showings interrupt my life and come at inconvenient times. Help me to keep a positive attitude even when these showings do not result in an offer or even any reasonable feedback from the potential buyers about my home. God, set my mind on the final outcome so I will not grow weary and irritated with the continuous showings. Amen.

Prayer for Peace of Mind During the Sale of Our Home
Almighty God, I pray that You fill me with peace during the home sales process. You say that I should not be anxious about anything but present my requests to You and Your peace will guard my heart and mind. Send me Your peace, dear God. Send Your perfect peace which transcends all understanding to fill my mind and body so that I am not worried or overwhelmed with the paperwork, finding a buyer and strangers trampling throughout my home. I will not worry about tomorrow. I will take one day at a time and let You worry about tomorrow for me, Lord God. In Jesus’ all-powerful name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for a Favorable Home Inspection
God of Victory, You say that everyone born of God overcomes the world. Give me victory, Lord God, in the home inspection process so that the inspector does not find any big problems with my home. I pray that the homebuyer is reasonable when reading the inspection report and does not demand costly repairs from me. Please bless all of us in this process so it goes smoothly. May the inspection settle any doubts by the homebuyer of the value of our home. Thank You for Your unfailing agape love and devotion. Lord God, grant us success! Amen.

Prayer for the Buyer’s Financing
God of Blessings, please be with the buyer of our home as they forge ahead in getting financing to purchase our home. Let the bank be fair and move quickly to process the loan. Set the buyer’s mind at ease and calm their nerves as they wait on the bank’s underwriting process. God, I ask that our appraisal comes back with a valuation that shows the home is fairly priced. Be with everyone involved in this sale and please let it all work out the way You plan for us. Our lives are in Your gracious and all-powerful hands. Amen.

Prayer for Family Unity During Home Selling Process
Loving and Gracious Father, during this uncertain and stressful time of selling our home, please guide my family with Your word, teachings, and promises. Permit us to not forget our mission as Christians. Keep our hearts centered on You, give us patience with each other, and help us to make lasting memories during this last season that we have together in our home. May our family unit grow stronger and more committed to each other and to You through this process. Amen.

is it wrong to pray for a house to sell

Father, we honor you and we worship your Name in all our days. We are grateful for everything that has come our way. We thank you for helping us decide on selling our house.

We thank you for providing us with a real estate agent who believes in Your blessings and gifts. You have given him skills and wisdom and equipped him with the knowledge to efficiently sell a house. Prepare our house so that it may become a home for the future owner. We ask that you help the real estate agent builds confidence in himself.

Extend his patience and provide him with good strength, so that he may be successful in selling our house. We offer You all our goals and our plans.

In Jesus’ name.


Praying for the Right Buyer

Our Loving Father, we give you thanks and praises for keeping our family together. Wherever we go, and whatever situation we are at, we know that your grace and your love abound in our midst. As we look for the right buyer for our home, we humbly ask for your guidance and wisdom, for you know what is best for us.

We pray that you will bring us to the right buyer, whom we can trust, who believes in You, and who values the virtue of trust and honesty.

Lord, we know that you will lead us to the specific person who will be the next steward for this home, a blessing that we shall forever cherish in our hearts. May you continue to bless us and help us in our everyday journey.

In Jesus’ name.


Praying for Guidance while Selling a House

Almighty Father, we are grateful that you have blessed us with this home. We thank you for the gift of family, for all the favors you have brought into this household, and for all the memories we shall cherish for a lifetime.

Prayer To Help Sell A House

As we decide to sell our house, we ask for courage and strength so that we may overcome the obstacles along the way. We ask for wisdom and guidance to direct us in making the right decisions for this house. We believe Lord, that you are with us all through this life-changing experience. We know Lord that you will provide for us.

In Jesus’ name, we pray.


Prayer for Someone Who Is Selling Their House

Our Heavenly Father, we thank you for all the blessings that you have showered upon us. You have kept Your promise to Your children and remained our source of strength and wisdom.

Lord, we pray that you continually guide our friends who will be selling their houses, especially in this difficult time. We know that it will take a lot of patience and effort to find a good buyer in the housing market, but we know Lord that with You, nothing is impossible.

We believe that You are our only refuge in times of need. Help our friends make the right decisions, accomplish tasks required for selling their home, and lead them to the right people who can help them sell their house in your own time.

We trust you Lord that You will provide for their daily needs and that You will bless them with another home. Thank you, Jesus. In Your name, we pray.


Prayer for Gratitude and Moving Forward after Selling the House

Lord God, we bow before Your holy throne to offer You our most heartfelt gratitude and praise. You’ve shown us an incredible amount of care and done us countless favors. Lord Jesus, we are grateful for your presence throughout the sale of our home.

All of this would be impossible without your knowledge and fortitude. At every turn, we sensed your blessing and guidance. By directing us to the right people, real estate agents and purchasers, you made it possible for them to act as conduits of your favor in our lives.

Please, Father, protect us as we travel to our new home and guide our thoughts and emotions there. Let them make their home a place of worship, where the name of God is praised and adored. As we begin a new chapter as a family that finds safety in Your arms, may we, Your children, increase in faith and love.

Thank You for blessing us, and may our next home also thrive in Your loving care. In the name of God, we beg you.


Prayer for Selling a House Faster

Dearest Almighty Father, we thank you for every opportunity that You have blessed us with. Without You, we are incomplete. Lord Jesus, we continue to pray for our journey as we sell our home.

We know that You are aware of our needs, especially in this difficult time. We pray that we can quickly find a buyer for our house. Please guide our real estate agent so that all the transactions needed to be done will go smoothly. Grant us wisdom in making the right decisions and continue to direct our path.

In Jesus’ Name.


Surrendering the House Sale in God’s Hands

To our dearest Father in Heaven, we give our very selves. With you by our sides, we know we can get through anything. We trust in Your miraculous ways and know that our lives have meaning because of them. We give it all to You, Lord, along with the proceeds from the sale of our house.

We know, Lord, that in Your own perfect time, You will reveal Your blessing, and we will no longer have to struggle in fear and anxiety, even though we are having trouble selling our home, are sometimes frustrated by the process, and become impatient because of the stagnant market.

Lord, You are all we need to meet our demands. You understand our deepest desires. Give us calm so that we can find happiness even in the midst of trouble. If you heard our prayer, thank you, Father.

In the name of Jesus.


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