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Prayer To Remember A Loved One

Heavenly Father, I pray that you will bring peace to those who have lost loved ones. Comfort each person who is grieving with your loving presence and help them find courage to continue on through this difficult time. In Jesus name I pray Amen

We often find it hard to express our feelings, but through prayer our deepest desires can truly be expressed in words. This page includes a prayer to remember a loved one and identifies the many occasions in life that call for the need to remember loved ones.

Throughout the ages, humankind has pondered what happens to our spirit when we pass from this life. Since people began, they have also prayed for those who had passed over. Our prayers are a form of communication with our spirit allowing us to forgive and heal ourselves and others as well as strengthen our belief in God. Today, there are several popular prayers for remembering someone who has passed on. As believers, we know that no prayer is too big.

Prayer To Remember A Loved One

Prayer To Remember A Loved One

God our Father, we ask You to comfort us in our loss. We know that our loved one is in Your presence now and that he/she is happy. Please help us to accept this and to trust You to give us strength as we continue our lives without him/her. We pray for all those who are grieving at this time and ask that You would comfort them with Your love and peace. Amen.

Lord, I pray for the soul of (name), who died on (date). May he/she rest in peace. Lord, I pray that you will not forget this loved one and that you will welcome him or her into your Kingdom. Comfort those who mourn for him/her and give them strength to continue on. Grant them courage and wisdom to face each day without him/her by their side. Comfort the family with your love and mercy. Amen

Protect him/her from all harm and danger. Let nothing come between us or separate us from each other; but let us walk together throughout life, in unity, committing ourselves to one another as husband and wife until death do us part. Amen

I have lost a loved one and I am going through the pain of grieving. I need to pray for my loved ones, who are still alive but struggling with life.

I pray that God will give me strength during this difficult time and that he will help me through these times.

I know that my loved one is in heaven now and I want to remember them as they were before they passed away.

I want to be able to remember their smile, their laugh and all the things that made them special to me.

I pray that God will help me to remember all the good times we had together as well as all the bad times so that it doesn’t seem like there was anything bad about them at all.

Lord, help me to remember my loved ones who have passed on. Help me to remember their lives and the good times we shared.

They are all with you now. May I be able to see them and hear them again when I stand before You in heaven. In Jesus’ name, Amen

You Are The Resurrection And The Life

Christ Jesus,
You understand the pain of loss, 
the grief that seems to take
the air from my lungs.
You are the Resurrection 
and the Life.
All our hope is in you.

Lord Jesus,
may I find a way through
the darkness 
to the light of your love.
You are the Resurrection 
and the Life.
All our hope is in you.

Christ Jesus,
you wept at the death of your friend, Lazarus.
Now your compassion wipes the tears from our eyes.
May we find comfort in reaching out to others 
who feel lost and alone.
You are the Resurrection and the Life.
All our hope is in you.

Linda Jones/CAFOD

The Burden Of Grief

You have turned my mourning into dancing,
you have stripped off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy. 

Psalm 30:11

When the burden of grief is heavy,
lighten our load and lift our spirits.

When despair darkens our horizon,
shine forth your light and lead the way.

When our hearts feel broken,
comfort us and hold us in your embrace.

When we rage against the injustice of loss,
channel this power into all that is good.

When sorrow surrounds us,
wrap us in hope that we may endure.

When we are overwhelmed in the dark of night,
may the breaking of dawn bring peace.

For we know, O Lord, our God,
that you hear our cries for help,
and so we ask you to 
turn our mourning into dancing,
to take away our sadness
and to clothe us with joy.


Catherine Gorman/CAFOD

Prayer For Those Who Mourn

Bless those who mourn, eternal God,
with the comfort of your love
that they may face each new day with hope
and the certainty that nothing can destroy
the good that has been given.
May their memories become joyful,
their days enriched with friendship,
and their lives encircled by your love.


Vienna Cobb Anderson, from Prayers of Our Hearts (1991, Crossroad Publishing Co.)

The Light Of God’s Promise

May you be held by the God of compassion
as you remember your loved ones today.
May God be with you in your sorrow,
and comfort you in your loss.
May your God, your family and your friends,
give you strength and confidence.
May your spirit be lifted, may your heart be filled with peace,
and may the light of God’s promise fill you with joy and hope.


Hold Me To Your Heart

God of compassion,
when I feel helpless in my grief,
hold me to your heart.

God of gentleness, 
in those moments when life is dark,
keep me close to you.

God of comfort,
when I am overcome with sadness,
shelter me under your wings.

Ever-faithful God,
help me to find reassurance and hope
in these words of hope to all your people –
“Because you are precious to me,
because I love you,
there is no need to be afraid,
for I am with you.” (Isaiah 43)

Margaret Lillis/CAFOD

God Of Our Longing

God of our longing,
hear our prayers
protect our dreams,
and listen to our silent hopes.

Deal gently with our pain,
speak to our sadness,
and remove the barriers 
that imprison our spirit.

Shed your light
where shadows are cast,
that we may feel your warmth
and know your presence.

Give us courage 
to hold fast to our vision
that we may build our world
and create our future.


Annabel Shilson-Thomas/CAFOD

Lord Of Life And Love

Lord of life and love,
as we give thanks for times past,
grant us courage to embrace the present
and grace to share the future.
In memory of loved ones dear,
kindle their flame to shine in the dark
and light the path ahead.
Show the way that leads to life
as we cherish days gone by
and inspire us with the touch of love
that faith and hope live on.

Annabel Shilson-Thomas

Compassionate God

Compassionate God,
as your outstretched hands held a crucified world,
so let our hands convey the touch of love.
As you embraced our vulnerability
so cradle our hopes and fears.
Reach out to our frailty,
release our painand in your tenderness,
bring health to our brokenness
that, in our weakness, we may find strength
and, in our poverty, the unfurled riches of your resurrection.

Prayers For Protecting Loved Ones

For the bereaved, there is an unending need to feel protected during this time of grief and loss. This can be as simple as a prayer for protection to someone who has lost a loved one.

Words of comfort during difficult times are always welcome. When we are grieving, it can be difficult to find words that express our feelings of fear, anxiety and confusion. A prayer for protection can offer comfort and peace to someone who has lost a loved one.

Losing a loved one is never easy, but it is even more difficult when you feel alone or afraid. These prayers for protecting loved ones will help those who have lost their beloved keep them close in their hearts.

Dear Lord,

I pray that you will protect my family and me from all harm. Please give us the strength to endure this trial. I ask that you take care of our loved one’s soul and help them find peace in Heaven. Amen.

Prayer for Protecting Those Who Are Sick or Injured

Dear Lord,

I pray to you today for those who are sick or injured, especially (name). Please watch over them and keep them safe. Please heal their bodies so they can get better and enjoy life again. Please give them strength to fight through this difficult time in their lives. Thank you for your mercy and protection as we go through this difficult time in our lives. Amen.

Prayer for protection

O Lord, you are my God and I will praise you. I will praise you for the answer to my prayer for (name). I will praise you for your mercy and grace. I thank you for keeping my loved one safe from harm. Please continue to protect them from all evil and danger, in Jesus’ name. Amen

Prayer for a lost loved one

Loved one, I pray that you will be comforted by the love of God. I pray that you find peace and comfort in His presence. May God’s Word comfort you as you mourn the loss of your loved one. Comfort him with the hope that he will see his loved one again when they have gone through the gates of heaven. Comfort him with the hope that God’s Word says that we will see our loved ones again after death. Comfort him with the hope that God is still in control even though he has allowed this terrible thing to happen on this earth.

Lord, please protect me from all evil influences, especially from any demonic influences or any other forms of witchcraft and sorcery. I ask for Your protection against anyone who is trying to destroy me spiritually, mentally or physically; against anyone who is trying to put bad thoughts into my mind or who is trying to take away my peace; against anyone who wants to harm me physically or mentally; against any form of sickness or disease; against any form of addiction such as drugs or alcohol; against any form of depression or suicide attempt; against any form of financial

I pray that you will be protected from all evil, and that you will be kept safe in all your endeavors. May the Lord bless you with His protection as you go about your daily life.

I pray that God will protect your family, friends and loved ones. I pray that they will remain safe from harm and danger. I pray that they will always be healthy and happy in their lives. Amen.

O Lord, please protect this family from any harm or danger. Please keep them safe at all times and keep them healthy throughout their lives. Amen

Prayers For Losing A Loved One

Prayer for Protection

Lord, I pray that you will protect me from all dangers of this night and keep me safe.

Prayer for the Salvation of a Loved One

Lord, please save my loved one. I beg you to hear my prayers and help me to save my loved one. Please give me strength and courage to continue fighting for their soul. Amen.

Prayers for Protecting Loved Ones

Dear Lord, please protect my family from all evil forces that seek to destroy it. Please help us to be aware of any dangers or threats that may come our way; and may we be able to overcome them with your protection and guidance. Amen.

-Dear Lord, please give me the strength to get through this difficult time. I know that you are with me, and that you will help me through.

-Dear Heavenly Father, today I lost a very dear friend. Please look after her soul, and bring her into your Kingdom. Let her see the light of your glory. Amen.

-O Lord, please protect my loved ones from harm, and keep them safe from all evil. Bless those who are sick or in need of healing; give them comfort and peace in their time of need. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

Prayers for losing a loved one:

Here are some prayers to help you in your time of grief.

God, the creator and sustainer of all, who gives us life and breath, and blesses us with the promise that we shall not die but live forever. You have taken from me the one I loved best. But You are my God; and in Your light I shall see light. In Your mercy, may I be comforted by Your words: “I will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death.” For You have said that if we believe in You, we will never die. Amen.

O God our Heavenly Father, who has called us out of darkness into this marvelous light of salvation; give us grace to use aright these new opportunities in our spiritual life which you have given us through the death of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ; who with You and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns forevermore. Amen.

Dear Lord, we come to you today with heavy hearts. We ask for your comfort and peace as we deal with the loss of our loved one. We know that you are always with us, even in our darkest hours. Comfort us with your presence and give us strength to go on without their physical presence here on earth. Help us to find peace in our hearts even when we don’t understand why this has happened. Amen.

Dear Lord, thank you for taking care of my mother during her illness and providing a safe place for her soul to rest until the day we will meet again in heaven. I pray that You will bless me and my family during this time and give us strength to get through all these changes. Thank you for Your love and mercy as we mourn the loss of this loved one whom we have known so well and loved so dearly. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Lord God Almighty, we come before You today asking that You would comfort our family at this time of sorrow due to the passing of (name). We ask that You would bring peace into each heart, help us realize that You are still in control even though things may seem out of control right now; remind us that

Dear God,

I know that things are happening for a reason, and I know that You are with me through it all. You have given me strength, courage and wisdom to get through this difficult time. Thank you for being there for me. Please continue to guide me in my life as we go through this tough time together.

In Jesus’ Name I Pray, Amen

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