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Saint Cajetan Prayer For Employment

O God, who gave Saint Cajetan a burning love for Your people, grant that we may learn from him how to serve them. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.

O most holy Father Cajetan, who didst devote thyself so entirely to God, that thou mightest be more attentive to His divine Will than to earthly things; obtain for me such a disposition of mind that I may not rest until I have found what I am seeking. Obtain for me also a strong confidence in God’s mercy and help, so that my prayers may be heard.”

May these graces that I know request help me to always see the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, knowing that God who dresses with beauty the flowers of the field and abundantly feeds the birds of the sky will give me all other things. Amen.

Saint Cajetan Prayer For Employment

Saint Cajetan Prayer For Employment

St. Cajetan is one of the most popular saints in India. He was a saint who worked for the poor and downtrodden people. He is also known as Saint Cajetan Prayer For Money.

St. Cajetan Novena is one of the most popular prayers among Catholics all over the world. This prayer is said to be very effective in getting things done by God. The St. Cajetan Novena was written by St. Alphonsus Ligouri, who was a Jesuit Priest and Doctor of the Church (Doctor of Divinity).

St Cajetan Prayer For Money – “O Holy St.Cajetan! You have been called the Saint of Impossible Cases because you always obtained what you asked for from God for those who were in need.”

“I am not worthy to be compared with any of your miracles; but I am so unhappy that I feel that I have need of your help, which has never been refused to anyone who invoked it.”

“Obtain from God what I ask through your intercession with Him; but above all things, obtain for me true devotion to Mary Immaculate, Mary Help of Christians, Mother of Christs

O dear St. Cajetan, who didst give thy life to God in the profession of vows, I have entered Thy Congregation and desire to follow closely in thy footsteps. Obtain for me humility, poverty and obedience; that like Thee, I may live a life of poverty and love; that I may be united with Thee in Thy sufferings and in thy daily work of helping souls. Thou didst labor strenuously to extend the Kingdom of God on earth; obtain for me the grace to do likewise. O glorious Saint Cajetan! Pray for me that I may always keep my vocation before my eyes, for it will lead me to Heaven. Amen


ChristianityPrintCite Share Feedback By The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica • Edit History

A priesthood developed gradually in the early Christian church as first bishops and then elders, or “presbyters,” began to exercise certain priestly functions, mainly in connection with celebration of the Eucharist. By the end of the 2nd century, the church’s bishops were called priests (Latin: sacerdos). Although the priestly office was vested primarily in the bishop, a presbyter shared in his priestly functions and, in his absence, could exercise certain of them as his delegate. With the spread of Christianity and the establishment of parish churches, the presbyter, or parish priest, adopted more of the bishop’s functions and became the principal celebrant of the Eucharist. In this capacity, as well as by hearing confession and granting absolution, the priest eventually assumed the role of the church’s chief representative of God to the people. The development of eucharistic theology resulted in a further emphasis of the priest’s spiritual powers and qualities.

Patron Saint Of Job Seekers Prayer

I ask you to help me find a job. I want to be successful and make a living. In your name, I ask for the grace to find a good job, with a good salary, with benefits and with no discrimination. Amen

St. Cajetan, Patron Saint of Job Seekers

A prayer to St. Cajetan for help with finding a job:

“O holy St. Joseph, spouse of the Virgin Mary and foster-father of Jesus Christ, and other saints of God, I pray to you for a good and suitable position that suits my ability and merits, so that I may be able to provide for myself and my family in conformity with Christian virtue. Amen.”

A very powerful prayer which is said to have been given by St. Cajetan himself to those who are seeking employment or promotion in their present jobs. This prayer is also said to help those who are looking for work or are going through difficult times at work or those who have lost their job due to economic reasons or some other reason.

St. Cajetan prayer for money,

St. Cajetan prayer for money is a very popular prayer among Catholics and non-Catholics alike. It is said that St. Cajetan was known for his great generosity and he helped many people in need. Let us pray this powerful prayer of St. Cajetan to help us get a job or find financial stability.

St Cajetan Prayer for Money

O glorious Saint, Saint Cajetan, who by the abundance of your merits have obtained from God that whoever invokes your intercession with confidence obtains from Him whatever he asks; I earnestly implore you to obtain for me (mention your request). Obtain also that I may never cease to thank God for all His benefits, but above all for having given me such a father as yourself, so perfect in virtue and holiness, who, after being ordained priest and bishop by St. Paul V., was raised by him to the dignity of cardinal; and finally after having been elected general of the order which bears your name, ended his days gloriously in Rome on the 4th day of June 1622 at the age of seventy-two years; whose memory be ever blessed among men! Amen

St. Cajetan, patron saint of the unemployed, pray for me. Having experienced the trials of unemployment, I know all too well the despair, desperation and discouragement that come with it. I ask for your help in finding employment so that I may provide for my family, who depend on me. Help me to be patient as I search for a job and give me courage to keep going even when all seems lost. Please pray for me, St. Cajetan, because you love all people so much! Amen!

St. Cajetan, the patron saint of job seekers and social justice, is a great intercessor for those seeking employment. He was known for his charity to the poor and homeless.

Cajetan was born in 1480 in Vicenza, Italy. His father, who was a successful merchant, wanted him to follow in his footsteps. However, Cajetan had other plans and entered the Dominican Order at age 17.

As a young priest, he was assigned to teach theology at Padua University. This position enabled him to study canon law and become versed in church doctrine and philosophy. He became known as one of the leading theologians of his time, writing many books on theology and spirituality that are still studied today.

St. Cajetan founded an order called The Servants of Charity (Theatines) in 1524 after serving as general minister for three years with St. Ignatius Loyola (founder of the Society of Jesus). Theatines were devoted to social justice and helping the poor through education and prayer rather than through direct service like other religious orders at that time had done.

He worked tirelessly for Pope Paul III on issues related to poverty relief and education among

St Cajetan Prayer For Money

Saint Cajetan, patron saint of job seekers, pray for me that I may find a position in which I can serve the poor.

Help me to become a person who is useful to society, who helps others, who is kind and loving.

Give me the courage to go out into the world and look for work and never lose hope that something good will happen for me.

Give me the wisdom to know what it is that I want and where I want to go in life. Give me the courage and strength to follow my dreams no matter how impossible they may seem at times.

The patron saint of job seekers is St. Cajetan.

He was a priest and founder of the Theatines, an order that ministered to prisoners, prostitutes, and the sick and poor.

St. Cajetan was known for his austerity, charity and holiness of life. He was canonized in 1671 by Pope Clement X.

His feast day is June 11th.

Saint Cajetan Prayer:

“Saint Cajetan, Patron Saint of Job Seekers, pray for me that I may find employment soon; guide me to a suitable position and give me strength to accept it if it be not in accord with my hopes or desires; help me to avoid discouragement if no work can be found at present; give me courage to accept any position I may be given so that I may do my duty in it faithfully; help me also to pray for those who have the responsibility for hiring workers so that they may make wise choices. Amen”

St Cajetan Prayer for Money

O Blessed Cajetan, you were rich in good works and charity. You loved your neighbor as yourself. You sought to help the poor and needy. Obtain for me a treasure of virtues, which will be my true wealth in heaven. O Holy Father, through the merits of St. Cajetan, obtain the grace of paying all my debts without loss or injury to my creditors; and if it please God that I be called to render an account of my stewardship, and if I have not made restitution in this life, grant me the necessary light that I may make restitution for all injuries done by me to others by word or deed during my life. Through Christ our Lord. Amen

I am writing to you today to ask for your help and intercession in finding me a job. I have been looking for work for more than a year now, and I am very discouraged by the lack of results. I am asking you to pray for me that I will find a job soon.

I know that God has a plan for me and it may not be what I expect or want, but if it is his will, then please give me patience and strength to accept it when it comes.

St Cajetan, please pray for all those who are unemployed or underemployed, so they can find work quickly and easily.


St. Cajetan was the patron saint of people seeking employment and he is often invoked by job seekers. His feast day is celebrated on August 4th.

St. Cajetan was born in 1480 in Bohemia. He joined the order of the Servants of Mary at the age of 17, becoming known for his great piety and devotion to prayer. He also became an expert at handling money, which led him to be named as the treasurer for his order when he was just 30 years old.

He made several trips back to his homeland during this time, meeting with both kings and commoners alike. It was during one of these trips that he had an experience that changed his life forever — an experience that led him to start a religious order dedicated to helping the poor in Italy.

The Poor Clares were founded by St. Clare of Assisi in 1212; however, their lifestyle had become too extreme for most people and they were almost extinct by 1500s due to lack of interest in joining their order. St. Cajetan wanted to change this so he asked Pope Leo X if he could create a new religious order based on St. Clare’s original idea but without all

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