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Saint Christopher Prayer For Travel

The prayer to St. Christopher is an invocation of protection while traveling on land or sea. It is said that whoever invokes this prayer will not be harmed by any accident while traveling. This is also said to be effective in preventing sudden death of children and infants.

Shelter those, dear Lord, who bear my company from the evils of fire and all calamity.Teach me to use my car for others need; Nor miss through love of undue speed. The beauty of the world; that thus I may with joy and courtesy go on my way. St. Christopher, holy patron of travelers, protect me, and lead me safely to my destiny.

Saint Christopher Prayer For Travel

Saint Christopher Prayer For Travel

Saint Christopher prayer cards are a great way to pray for protection on your travels. These cards also make great gifts for travelers, especially those who travel for work or for pleasure.

The prayer on these cards comes from the Catholic tradition and is said to be very powerful in helping those who need protection from harm while traveling. The prayer was written by Pope Leo XIII and is based on the story of Saint Christopher, who is often depicted as carrying Jesus Christ on his back across a river.

The prayer asks Saint Christopher to aid us in our travels and help us reach our destinations safely. The prayer also asks that we may be protected from accidents, disease and other dangers that could befall us on the road. The prayer ends with the phrase “May God help me” which can be repeated throughout the day as needed during your travels

St. Christopher was a Christian martyr who lived in the third century. He was born in the city of Lydda, in what is now Israel. His father was a pagan and his mother was a Christian. They died when he was young and he was raised by a monk named Malchus, who taught him about Jesus and baptized him in his early teens.

He later traveled throughout Europe as an itinerant preacher, and converted many people to Christianity. He also performed many miracles during his life, such as healing the sick and exorcising demons from possessed people.

According to legend, St. Christopher could not read very well so he used to carry around with him a book containing prayers that he could use whenever he needed them. One day while crossing a river with his book, St. Christopher stumbled on some rocks and dropped his book into the water where it sank to the bottom of the riverbed. The next day when St. Christopher tried to pray for help crossing another river, he realized that he had lost his prayer book so he prayed for God’s help without it; at that moment an angel appeared out of nowhere carrying a book in one hand and leading St

Prayer to Saint Christopher

Dear Saint,
you have inherited

a beautiful name Christopher
as a result of a wonderful legend
that while carrying people
across a raging stream you
also carried the Child Jesus.
Teach us to be true Christbearers
to those who do not know Him. 
Protect all drivers 
who often transport those
who bear Christ within them.

A Driver’s Prayer

Dear Lord, before I take my
place today behind the wheel,
please let me come with humble
heart before Thy throne to kneel
and pray that I am fit to drive
each busy thoroughfare, and
that I keep a watchful eye, lest
some small child be there.

And keep me thinking
constantly about the Golden
Rule, when driving past the
playground zones or by some
busy school. Then when I stop to
give someone his right to cross
the street, let me by brother’s
keeper be and spare a life that’s

Please make me feel this car I
drive, You gave me to enjoy, and
that its purpose is to serve
mankind not to destroy.


What do you pray to st christopher for

Saint Christopher (or “Christophoros”) is a saint of the Catholic Church, venerated in Roman Catholicism and Anglicanism, whose legend developed from a 4th-century traveler who carried children across a river and was martyred for this.

In addition to being known as the patron saint of travelers, he was invoked against storms, fire, earthquakes and floods.

What do you pray to st christopher for?

He is also the patron saint against fever.

Saint Christopher, also known as Saint Kitts or the Englishman, is one of the most popular saints in the Catholic Church. His feast day is on July 25th.

The prayers to St. Christopher are very useful when you are traveling or out of your home country.

The story behind this saint is that he was born in Canaan and converted to Christianity at a young age. He later traveled to Rome where he met Pope Sylvester and became his servant.

He became famous for carrying people across a river on his shoulders and soon became known as “Christopher” meaning “Christ-bearer”. He then became one of the most famous saints in history and people started calling him Saint Christopher after his nickname.

Saint Christopher Prayer

Saint Christopher Prayer is a prayer to St. Christopher for protection and assistance. It is said that Saint Christopher, who was a giant, carried people across the river in his arms because he was so strong, and he became known as “Christopher the carrier.”

A prayer to St. Christopher is a good way to ask for help with problems like illness or unhappiness. The prayer is also used by people who want to be successful in life and work hard on their goals and dreams.

The prayer may be said daily or at any time when you are feeling worried or afraid about something.

Who Was Saint Christopher?

Saint Christopher is the patron saint of travelers (especially those who travel by boat), but he was more than just another saint of protection; he was also called upon as a healer and protector of children. In fact, legend says that if you carried an image of this saint on your person while traveling it would protect you from harm.

Saint Christopher was said to have been born in Lycia (modern day Turkey) around 250 A.D., and legend says that he was raised by shepherds until he was old enough to start working as an innkeeper’s assistant. He later joined

St. Christopher, who is also known as the patron saint of travelers and motorists, is believed to have died in the third century and been buried in a church built in his honor at Gerasa, near Damascus.

He was a giant, with a height of seven cubits (14 feet), and he was very strong. According to legend, he carried people across a river on his shoulders, which earned him the nickname “Christopher,” meaning “Christ-bearer.”

St. Christopher is also said to have converted many people to Christianity and performed many other miracles before his death at age 106. His feast day is July 25th.

Saint Christopher is the patron saint of travelers. He is also known as the “Christ-bearer” and the “Protector of Children”. His feast day is celebrated on July 25th.

St Christopher is believed to be a giant who carried a child across a river. When he finally asked for payment for his service, the child told him that he would be known as Christ-bearer (Kriszt-forgató) from then on.

Christopher was martyred by being thrown into a river with a millstone tied around his neck. This act caused him to drown and he was eventually buried at Myra in Lycia (now Turkey).

The origin of this story may come from an old tale in which a shepherd carried some children across a river but demanded payment for his services. When one of the children said that he would never forget what had happened, he replied that he would be remembered as Christ-bearer (Kriszt-forgató).

What do you pray to st christopher for

The Prayer to St. Christopher is a Catholic prayer that is said to be very powerful. It can be used for any intention, but it’s best known for its use in travel.

The prayer to St. Christopher is also known as the novena of Saint Christopher. The novena is a series of prayers that are said over nine days. Some people pray the novena every day for nine days, while others only pray it once.

The prayer to St. Christopher is a powerful prayer that has been used by many people for hundreds of years. This prayer can be prayed by anyone who wants protection from harm during their travels or any other time when they need help from God or St. Christopher!

What do you pray to st christopher for

Prayer To Saint Christopher For Protection And Help

Do you need to pray to St. Christopher?

Travelers, especially those who are driving long distances, can use this prayer. It is also a good prayer for anyone who is away from home for an extended period of time.

Prayer to Saint Christopher

O Holy Saint Christopher, we beseech thee to intercede for us that our travel may be safe and peaceful, and that we may arrive at our destination without incident or accident. Amen.

Saint Christopher Prayer

Saint Christopher Prayer is a prayer attributed to Saint Christopher, the “Christ-bearer” or the “Christ-bearer of travelers.” It’s usually said before embarking on a journey.

The prayer is commonly known in English as the St. Christopher’s Prayer. The text of the prayer reads:

O powerful and ever-victorious Christ, who has granted to your servant, Christopher, the power to carry all who ask his aid in crossing rivers and things difficult to pass, do you yourself now receive me. I come into your care, keep me safe on this journey, that I may return home in peace. Amen.

Saint Christopher prayer for travelers.

Saint christopher is the patron saint of travelers, and this is why he is often depicted carrying a child on his shoulders across a river. The image of Saint Christopher has been used by many people to help them overcome their fear of traveling. This prayer can be said in times of difficulty when one is traveling, or even when you feel nervous about leaving home for an extended period of time.

The following Saint Christopher prayer can be recited before you leave home:

Saint Christopher, powerful protector,

I pray to you so that while I am traveling, may the Lord allow me to return safely home again. Amen.

St. Christopher is the patron saint of travelers, and he’s also known as the patron saint of children.

The prayer to St. Christopher to help protect you while traveling can be recited before you go on a trip, or anytime you feel worried about your safety while traveling.

Prayer to St. Christopher for Travelers

Here’s a version of the prayer:

“O blessed Saint Christopher, gentlest of saints, who didst sojourn in this world only one day, behold me traveling on my way, which leads me through many dangers. I implore thy patronage and protection; firstly because thou art invoked as the patron of those who travel by water; secondly because thou art named after Christ himself; thirdly because thou didst carry him in thy arms when he was a child; fourthly because thou didst protect him from danger throughout his life; fifthly because thou art very ready to attend the prayers of all who invoke thee.”*

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