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What Does It Mean When You Dream About Kissing Your Crush

How often do you fantasize about making out with your crush? Do you kiss them in your dreams and wake up happy? Do you hope that someday these ideals will be realized? Do you long for that childlike excitement you felt the first time you saw them? If reading this has brought back warm memories, it’s because of the subject matter.

When people dream about kissing someone they don’t know, it’s often because they feel like they’ve been drawn to that person somehow—maybe there’s something about them that speaks to an inner part of yourself. You may not even realize what drew your attention at first glance; it could be something subtle like the way they smell or look at others in a particular way. The key here is how real it feels: if it feels like something more than just a fling or one-night stand, then there may be something deeper going on inside yourself as well!

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Kissing Your Crush? Have you noticed that when you dream about kissing someone special, there seems to be so much more to it than just a kiss? In fact, there are many different types of kisses that may mean something important about the nature of your relationship with this person. It is possible that the dream could be symbolic of some aspect of your relationship with this person in waking life, who is perhaps not being honest with you or being difficult for other reasons. what does it mean when your crush kisses you on the cheek in your dream? what does it mean when you dream about your crush kissing your neck?

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Kissing Your Crush

Dreaming about kissing someone or being kissed. If you dreamed about kissing someone or being kissed, such a dream might signify experiencing romance and passion in the near future.

Sometimes this dream is a sign you need to spend some time relaxing and taking care of yourself for a change.

Dreaming about kissing someone passionately. If you kissed someone passionately in a dream, such a dream might indicate your dissatisfaction with your life. Maybe it’s time to make some changes.

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Kissing Your Crush

Dreaming about kissing your partner in public. If you dreamed about kissing your partner publicly, such a dream might be a sign of your openness in expressing your emotions.

Dreaming about kissing your partner in the dark. If you dreamed about kissing your partner in a dark place, such a dream might be warning you about your partner’s behavior. Maybe he or she is engaging in some dubious activities which you would not approve of.

Dreaming about kissing an unknown person. If you kissed someone you don’t know in a dream, such a dream might be a warning about getting yourself involved in some situation or behavior you usually wouldn’t approve of. Maybe you’ll do something you will instantly regret. Maybe your actions will irreparably ruin your reputation.

If the stranger you were kissing in your dream was very attractive, such a dream is maybe revealing your repressed emotions and desires. Maybe you strongly desire to be in a relationship with someone and be intimate with that person.

This dream might also indicate becoming more open to potential relationship partners and readiness to give them a chance.

Dreaming about kissing a child. If you were kissing a child in a dream, such a dream might indicate peaceful moments and relaxation in the upcoming days. You might  finally have some time for yourself.

Dreaming about kissing children. If you dreamed about kissing children, such a dream is a very good sign. It is an indication of happiness and satisfaction in the near future. You probably won’t have any problems and you will finally be able to relax and release the accumulated stress from the previous period.

Dreaming about being caught while kissing someone. If you were caught kissing someone in a dream, such a dream is usually a bad sign and might indicate betrayal from people you trust very much. Maybe there are some people around you only pretending to be your friends, waiting for the chance to deceive you or use you in some way. You might be very disappointed by their actions.


Dreaming about kissing someone you like very much. If you dreamed about kissing someone you like very much in real life, such a dream is a good sign indicating a possibility to achieve some very important goal you have in the near future. This dream encourages you to put some more effort, because the success is already on the horizon.

Sometimes, this dream might also indicate having a relationship with this person in real life in the near future.

Dreaming about a couple kissing. If you watched a couple kissing in your dream, such a dream might not be a good sign and might indicate some unfortunate events happening soon in your life. Maybe you will experience something unpleasant, which will leave permanent consequences on your private or professional life.

Dreaming about kissing an animal. If you kissed an animal in a dream, such a dream might indicate happiness and peace in the near future.

Dreaming about kissing a foreigner. If you were kissing a foreigner in a dream, such a dream is a good sign, indicating success and victory over your rivals.

Dreaming about kissing someone in the hand. If you kissed someone’s hand in a dream, such a dream might not be a good sign. This dream might signify humiliation and embarrassment in the upcoming days.

Dreaming about kissing someone’s feet. If you dreamed about kissing someone’s feet, such a dream is not a good sign. This dream might indicate being treated unfairly by someone. Maybe someone will humiliate you, or do you some injustice. These situations might bring you a lot of anxiety and stress in the upcoming days.

Dreaming about kissing someone’s neck. If you dreamed about kissing someone on the neck or someone kissing your neck, such a dream is a sign of great passion and sexual desire you might be feeling.

Dreaming about kissing someone’s cheek. If you kissed someone on the cheek in a dream, such a dream might be a sign of friendship, respect or even adoration of that person.

Dreaming about kissing someone on the lips. If you kissed someone on the lips in a dream, such a dream might indicate improving your communication in the near future.

This dream might signify waiting to hear some important news about your job.

It might also indicate waiting for a response to a question you’ve asked.

Dreaming about kissing someone’s girlfriend or a boyfriend. If you had a dream about kissing someone’s partner, such a dream possibly reveals your desire to be in love and in a committed relationship with someone.

Maybe this dream reveals your jealousy of someone’s happiness in love.

Sometimes this dream is a sign of your inappropriate behavior and lack of integrity.

Dreaming about kissing your spouse. If you dreamed about kissing your spouse, this dream is a good sign, indicating a happy marriage filled with respect, love and harmony.

Dreaming about kissing an enemy. If you were kissing someone you consider your enemy, such a dream is actually a good sign, indicating finally finding compromise with that person. You might even resolve the conflict you have.

Dreaming about kissing a friend. If you dreamed about kissing a close friend, such a dream usually signifies your respect and even admiration towards this person.

This dream might signify your need for emotional and intimate closeness, which probably lacks in your relationship in real life.

Dreaming about kissing someone famous. If you kissed someone famous in a dream, such a dream might signify your inclinations towards success in life.

Maybe you would like to possess some of the characteristics of that celebrity.

Sometimes this dream only reveals your fascination with that specific famous person.

Dreaming about someone is trying to forcefully kiss you. If you dreamed about someone trying to kiss you against your will, such a dream might be indicating someone is maybe forcing you to do something you don’t want.

Maybe it signifies someone is telling you his or her opinion and beliefs directly.

Dreaming about kissing someone you shouldn’t. If you kissed someone in a dream, knowing that you shouldn’t, such a dream indicates a possibility of feeling guilty about something. Maybe you have some secrets you are hiding.

What does it mean to kiss your ex-boyfriend in a dream?

To kiss your ex-boyfriend in a passionate kiss during the dream can symbolize a new start in a relationship. If you are a women and you kiss a man in a dream – you tend to be in touch with your masculine side in life. To kiss a man (when you are a man in real life) in a dream is also connected to a new start. The gender is worth mentioning. This type of dream can suggest that you are in tune with the female side in life – there are worries about a relationship.  To enjoy kissing your ex-boyfriend in a dream can also symbolize you may miss them. You may want a partner with a strong intellect who is respectful of you, the fact that you are kissing an ex-boyfriend indicates that there is something missing in your current relationships – what is it you’re looking for? 

Did you find yourself back at school in your dream?

If you are kissing an ex-boyfriend from school or you are going back in time in the dream, this indicates that there are many different feelings that you have your past which is currently making you feel vulnerable. Try to be prepared to listen to other people and not be on the attack or be too defensive. To play kiss chase in a dream indicates you are feeling the need to connect with others. Spin the wheel in a dream involving kissing someone denotes that you will meet someone interesting in the future.

What does it mean to kiss an ex-girlfriend in a dream?

An ex-girlfriend featured in your dream illustrates the “part of you” that misses this person. You need to learn the art of communicating with females around you. There may be a need to find new ways of expressing your thoughts so you do not hurt people’s feelings. There is a willingness also to let go. The fact that you are dreaming of an ex-girlfriend indicates that you may miss this relationship and it is necessary to surrender your passion and work on your own inner desires. The advice is to try to watch what you say to females in the near future. All you want out of life is a good job that provides financial stability.  If you enjoyed kissing your ex-girlfriend in the dream then the question is: are you happy in your current relationship? It could also just be a dream that is connected to the past and actually not mean anything if you are happy and content in waking life.

Did you kiss a stranger in a dream? 

This is a very interesting dream and the gender of the “stranger” is important. If you are kissing a stranger then this stranger can symbolize your determination and willingness in life. The stranger itself can also suggest that you are looking for a change. In a relationship, you like to be with somebody who is secure and knows exactly what they want. To kiss a stranger in the dream means you need to take charge of your life and focus on the direction. To dream of kissing a female stranger indicates that you are looking for adventure, happiness, and joy. There is an actual plan at work. If you dream of kissing a male stranger than the vibration of the dream is actually masculine in nature. The male stranger can symbolize something internally that is stopping you from progressing. Perhaps you’ve been comfortable sitting on the couch or not finding a job, and this dream is a wake-up call that you need to focus on your goals and actually plan on how to attain your desires. To kiss an old person who is a stranger denotes that you should not let others get in your way of your goals. You will need to map them out clearly!

Did you kiss a female friend in a dream?

To kiss a female friend in a dream is rarely “sexual” in nature. It can suggest that the “kiss” you have in your dream is connected to how you view the relationship you have. To know the friend in a dream of kissing illustrates that you will not only encounter a nurturing and caring female but you will also focus on finding a new love relationship or just a friendship that will bring fireworks to your life. The kiss itself is a spiritual base that we must believe in,  therefore to kiss a woman you know indicates that you are looking to expand your curious mind you are constantly looking for new knowledge. 

In the dream you may meet a female that has high energy and enjoys being busy,  in conclusion, to kiss a friend in a dream illustrates you can have many different options in life – and this dream is associated with the actual relationship that you have in waking life with this female friend. Very rarely does this dream actually suggest a sexual connection but more friendship that grows into a relationship. This relationship is filled with not only kindness but also love. The fact that this dream was featured in your subconscious mind means that the relationship is intelligently stimulating.

Did you kiss a male friend in a dream?  

To see yourself kissing a male friend indicates that realistically you have high expectations of that person. To know the person that you kissing the dream overall suggests that you have a great friendship with this male.  If you are male yourself and you see yourself kissing another male then this is not sexual in nature it just signifies that this person is important in your life. It is more of a brother-sister relationship. At times you find this friendship challenging – but it serves you well in waking life. You have a nurturing playful side towards this friendship. If you are female and you dream of kissing a male friend this can suggest that the relationship is important for you but sometimes you become overwhelmed with the feelings that you have in connection with this friendship. The kiss is a vibration of psychic energy and the connection to that friend in waking life.

Did you kiss a family member in a dream?

Kissing a family member in a dream is connected to our creative ways in waking life. Perhaps you’ve been feeling unmotivated lately? Family dreams signify our own nurturing and caring feelings towards others. To kiss your grandparents, either your grandmother or grandfather illustrates that you bring happiness to others in various ways. To kiss a family member in a sexual way is not literal sense, it can suggest that you have a very strong connection with your family and you hope that your family does nurture and care for you the way that you do for them.  To kiss an Uncle in a dream suggests unresolved family issues. To kiss a Stepdad in a dream indicates that you are looking for somebody to care for you in waking life. To kiss a step mother indicates you are yearning for being nurtured in a situation in waking life. If you see yourself kissing your Aunt in your dream then this suggests you are trying to improve a relationship with a female family member. To kiss a cousin in a dream is a direct indication of how you feel about that relationship,  perhaps this cousin needs your help in waking life? Kissing a niece or nephew in a dream can denote happy times in the future.

What does it mean to kiss someone you do not like in a dream?

If you dream that you are kissing somebody that you do not have any desire for, alternatively you do not like this person in waking life or in the dream state can indicate that you are going to put up with a situation that is unfair, demanding, controlling and also manipulating. Generally, this situation is very hard to live with. It can also signify that somebody has shut down sexually in your waking life. It can cause great frustration and worry. To dream that you are kissing somebody that you detest illustrates that you may be working on removing yourself from a relationship. Sometimes you are looking at a relationship that you have with another in waking life wondering if it is worth it. If it is not a love life could possibly be from a work perspective. To dream of kissing a rapist in your dream suggest that you feel controlled in waking life and there is little communication in a relationship. Try not to feel too neglected and ignored you can work things out in the future.  In ancient dream dictionaries kissing somebody you do not like the dream indicates that you feel something is missing in your life.  If you kiss somebody that you do not like waking life, then this dream is associated with how you uncover joy in life. It can be connected to the fact that you need to be more independent.

Did you kiss your brother in your dream?

There are different types of kisses, a passionate kiss, friendly kiss, or a loving kiss. What type of kiss was it? If you are kissing your brother in your dream then this is how you feel connected to the relationship. If kissing your brother is sexual in nature then as we have already concluded in the passage above regarding kissing a family member that this dream is not literal in its sense. It is about having sexual desires.  Kissing a brother in a dream can also suggest in ancient dream dictionaries that there will be a fight or conflict in the future. You will overcome this conflict and everything will work out in the end.

Did you kiss your mother in your dream?

We all at times dream of our mother. The relationship that you have with your mother in waking life is also important to mention. Society always assumes that we have a wonderful relationship with our mother but sometimes it is not the case. If you have any conflict with your mother in waking life and you dream of kissing her, then this can suggest that you want to make up for lost time. To dream of kissing your mother before she dies can be a very sad and emotionally challenging dream.  In this sense,  the dream itself denotes the love that you feel for your mother. If you are a child in the dream and you kiss your mother, this can indicate you just need care and attention at the moment.  To simply kiss your mother in a dream indicates that you enjoy each other’s company. There must be care taken and focus on what actually matters in your life at the moment.

Did you kiss someone randomly in a dream?

To suddenly run up to someone in a dream and give them a big kiss, seeing someone on the street and kissing them or alternatively just be out in a nightclub in the dream and kissing someone – all have different meanings. Basically, kissing someone randomly in the dream is a vibration of our sexual power.  It can suggest that we are feeling rather unloved in life and we need to have more focus on ourselves or others need recognition of our own desires.  To be grasped passionately by some random stranger illustrates that you are feeling rather unloved at the moment. If you see yourself in the dream having a passionate kiss on the lips this can suggest that you need to review your love life going forward.

What do recurring dreams of being kissed mean?

So you have these dreams regularly? I bet you are wondering why and what they are all about. Literally to dream of kissing more than once a month is a reflection of the consistent sense of insecurity and vulnerability in your waking life. It is really an anxiety dream. It can suggest that you feel exposed mentally, physically, or emotionally, and this gives rise to such dreams. Everyone dreams, every night, and yet we tend to not think too much about the dream unless it crops up on more than one occasion. The good news is that a kissing dream is positive. I bet you wake up thinking we control them and if we try to interpret them? Did you know that you don’t just have one dream each night, but instead loads of them, and we may not always remember them? During the night our dreams are every 60-90 minutes. The first dream is normally about 3 minutes long, but some can be around 60 minutes long! So, to have more than one dream of kissing can mean that you should not rely too much on the meaning and it just means that you are emotionally worried in real life!

What does it mean to kiss your baby in a dream?

Babies are wonderful omens to be featured in the dream. They not only denote innocence but kissing your baby can suggest many positive things. Read on!  For those of us that don’t have children or babies is rather strange to have this type of dreaming. If you are kissing the baby on the forehead or nursing your baby in the dream then this suggests that you are feeling nurturing care towards your baby. It is literal in its sense. We all have normal dreams about our own babies or pregnancies. But if the dream is unusual in any way then it is sometimes hard to decode. If you dream of other people holding and nurturing your baby and this indicates you are trying to give away your own responsibility in life. A baby who turns up in a dream can signify many different aspects that notably if you are showing love and kissing the baby in a dream it can indicate happiness, overcoming anxiety, purity and also peace in life. The baby itself can be a symbolism of your own vulnerable state in waking life.  seeing a baby in the dream indicates that you will be looking forward to exciting developments in the future. To kiss a baby on the forehead in a dream can signify new possibilities of life.

Did you kiss with the tongue in a dream?

To kiss with your tongue in a dream can denote good times, to encounter a “french kiss” in your dream is a symbolism of power and control. Try to take good care of yourself and your health as a priority. You should also think about being loyal to others. To kiss with the tongue can also illustrate that you have passion for the future. So let’s look for a moment at ancient dream dictionaries – kissing with the tongue can symbolize that in the past you have been frustrated or discouraged. The French kiss can be defined as sharing a bit of emotional information that is important to others. Maybe you have been operating in the dark for too long. Try to be prepared to listen to others is also the key message of the dream.

Biting the upper or lower lip in the kiss 

To bite while kissing in a dream illustrates dishonesty, laziness, and stinginess. If you are biting somebody when kissing – try to enjoy all the wonders of the world has to offer. To see somebody bite your upper or lower lip while kissing indicates that you do not care about material things but it is important to be realistic in life not have too many illusions. The actual “biting” action when kissing in a dream takes away the spiritual connection meanings and it is a dream of action and control.

What taking control of the kiss in the dream means?  

Do you take control of life? Did somebody else take control of the kiss in a dream? The actual person that took control of the kiss is important. If you kiss someone passionately and you could not wait to rip their clothes off in the dream then you will meet somebody who has a great sense of humor, a great laugh, and his kind in general and generally optimistic in spiritual this does not necessarily need to be a sexual partner but generally somebody in waking life.

Do you pull away from a kiss in a dream?

If you pulled away from a kiss in the dream this indicates that there is somebody that you can count on in life. This person may not be a sexual partner but more a person who provides you with moral support and guidance. The actual action of pulling away from them in a dream indicates that you are creating barriers in waking life. On a more negative note try not to take advantage of other people’s generosity. You may encounter somebody who is very giving and should try to reciprocate even if you are not comfortable with all that they have to give. It can also indicate that you are going to be pretty intuitive in the future so do not hesitate when it comes to giving to others this may not be financial but also emotional.

Were your lips were chapped in a dream of kissing? 

To see chapped lips imagery can suggest that there is a challenge in the future. But wait… what does this mean? To kiss chapped lips could not be a very pleasant experience from a symbolic sense of view means you do not take criticism well to try not to nag nitpick. The most important advice I can give you, having such a dream is to try to understand other people better. If you have chapped lips yourself in the dream then it indicates you are feeling a sense of judgment towards other people in life.  When I reviewed over 50 dream dictionaries on kissing this only one covered chapped lips.  Therefore, this dream is somewhat unusual,  however, the meaning is focused on trying to understand others better.

Did you wear lip gloss when kissing that made your face sticky in a dream?  

Oh…all us ladies love our lip gloss. Lipgloss to some degree has taken over lipstick in modern times.  In order to decode this dream, it was apparent that lipstick needed to be reviewed in conjunction with lip gloss. So what does it mean when you kiss somebody leave a sticky residue? It’s no different in terms of the definition outlined above. However, to leave a “sticky” mark on somebody after kissing them illustrates that you are looking for emotional support that is everlasting. What a lovely dream to have!  The actual person you are kissing is also significant.  To leave a lipstick mark on somebody’s cheek indicates that you don’t want to feel tied down in life, but you want that everlasting support from.

what does it mean when you dream about your crush kissing your neck

What Does It Mean When Your Crush Kisses You On The Cheek In Your Dream

If you’ve ever had a crush on someone and dreamed about them, you know how exciting and nerve-wracking it can be. Even if you’re not in love yet, these dreams can predict what’s in store for your relationship. If you’re wondering what it means when your crush kisses you in a dream, then keep reading!

What Does It Mean When Your Crush Kisses You In A Dream?

If your crush has ever kissed you on the cheek in real life, then chances are, they’ll do it again in your dreams. It’s possible that this is just wishful thinking on your part, but it could also mean that they want to take things further with you.

What Does It Mean When Your Crush Talks To You In A Dream

If your crush talks to you while they’re asleep or unconscious (i.e., not aware of their surroundings), then this could mean that they have feelings for you too. However, if they talk through the night or while they’re awake, then this might not be as promising — especially if they’re talking about someone else!

What does it mean when

Well, if your crush is kissing you on the cheek in your dream, it means that something has happened and the person is trying to get closer to you. This is a good sign.

If you are dreaming about your crush liking you, it means that there is some attraction between the two of you but not much more than that. This could mean that he or she wants something from you but has not told you what it is yet.

If you dream about sleeping with your crush, then this could mean that there is an attraction between the two of you and they want to get closer to you in more ways than one. It also means that they have deep feelings for you and wants to be with you somehow.

If your dream involves your crush talking to someone else while having no clothes on, then this could mean that they are cheating on someone else or wanting someone else while they are with someone else at home or somewhere else other than where they are supposed to be at that time of night or day. It could also mean that there is some attraction between the two of them

When someone kisses you on the cheek in a dream, it means that they like you. This is especially true if this person is someone you have feelings for. The kiss may also mean that they want to be with you but are not sure how to go about it.

If someone kisses another person in your dream and it feels real, then it may mean that you are attracted to this person. If the other party is someone who has never shown any interest in you before, then it could mean that they do like you but are too shy or afraid to tell you so.

If this other person is someone who already has a girlfriend/boyfriend, then it means that he/she is cheating on them with you – even though this may not necessarily be true in real life!

If your crush talks to you in a dream, then this means that he/she likes you but does not know how to approach the subject or express his/her feelings towards you.

If your crush sleeps with another girl in your dream, then this means that he/she is cheating on her with her best friend or someone else close to her heart – even though this may not necessarily be true

If you dream that your crush kissed you, it can mean a lot of things. It could be just a dream or it could be a sign from the universe that there is something more.

Dreams are very powerful and can tell us so much about ourselves if we pay attention to them. When your dream involves your crush kissing you, it can mean several things depending on how it happened and how it made you feel.

If you are excited about this kiss, then you may be ready to start dating this person or at least open up the door to a possible relationship with them. However, if you feel nervous or uncomfortable when this happens in your dream, then maybe you need to take some time before making any big decisions about this person or yourself.

If your crush kissed someone else in your dream and it upset you, then this could mean that they have already moved on from being interested in you. They may have already found another girl who seems perfect for them and they don’t care anymore about what they used to feel for you

“It means that you’re thinking about them a lot, and it’s probably time to tell them how you feel,” says Dr. Edelstein. “If they’re not interested in you romantically, this could also be a sign that the relationship is moving too fast.”

The dream might also be a way for your brain to process something else that’s going on in your life—like being stressed out about school or work.

If you’re getting these types of dreams frequently (more than once a week), it means that something is up in your life that needs attention—like whether or not you should ask someone out.

As for what your crush’s reaction would be if he/she kissed you in real life? Well, we’ll leave that up to your imagination…

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