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Grace Baptist Church Service Hours

Grace Baptist Church is a Christian church in the heart. We’re passionate about bringing people together to hear God’s word, worship Him, and grow in our faith.

Grace Baptist Church serves Santa Clarita and the surrounding communities by reaching out to our neighbors, being a light in the community, and bearing witness of God’s Good News through worship, teaching, service, and outreach.

Grace Baptist Church Service Hours

Grace Baptist Church Service Hours

Grace Baptist Church invites you to attend our worship services. We have found that Sunday is the Lord’s Day, a day of rest, and a day of worship.


Sunday is the first day of the week, or on the Lord’s Day. Sunday is also known as “the Christian Sabbath.” The name comes from the Hebrew word Shabbat, meaning “resting day.”

The Bible says that Jesus rose from the dead on Sunday morning (Matthew 28:1). It also says that we should keep Sunday holy because it was on this day that God rested after creating everything in six days (Exodus 20:8; Deuteronomy 5:12).

9:45 am – Bible Study

Bible Study is a time of fellowship, worship, and prayer. It’s also an important time to learn from the Word of God. We hope that you will join us on Sundays at 9:45AM for Bible Study.

We believe that all people have questions about life and faith, but don’t always know where to turn for answers. The Bible is God’s gift to us—it gives us answers about who we are as human beings made in God’s image; what our world looks like now; and how it will end. It also tells us how we can get back into relationship with Him through Jesus Christ so that someday we might live with Him forever! We don’t want anyone walking around feeling confused or alone because they don’t know much about scripture—which is why we offer our Bible Study class every Sunday morning before church services start at 10AM.

10:30 am – Worship Service

Sunday Worship Service: 10:30 am

  • On Sunday mornings, we offer a traditional worship service with music and preaching. The service is followed by fellowship time where you can enjoy coffee and donuts.
  • Our contemporary worship service breaks down the barriers between people of different ages, races, and backgrounds by providing an atmosphere where everyone can comfortably worship together. We sing songs that are relevant to our culture while still using traditional hymns as well. A live band accompanies our praise team lead by a few members of Grace Baptist Church who are gifted musicians with years of experience performing in bands all across Southern California!

6:00 pm – Evening Worship Service

The Evening Worship Service is designed to be an atmosphere where you can worship the Lord with others, enjoy fellowship and hear an uplifting message. Our goal is to glorify God in all we do. We hope that you will feel at home among us if you attend this service on any given evening.

The evening worship service follows a typical pattern of praise and worship music followed by announcements, then a time of prayer led by one or two people. A hymn may also precede the sermon which lasts about 30 minutes in length (including time for questions). The preacher will often conclude his message with a song as well! Please feel free to stay after the service for refreshments and fellowship if you wish!

Our dress code for these evening services is casual; there are no specific guidelines except that children should be dressed nicely!


In addition to the services, Grace Baptist Church has many ministries that you can be part of. These include:

  • Men’s Club
  • Women’s Ministry
  • Young Adults (18+) and High Schoolers (13-17) Groups

Wednesday nights at 7 pm we have prayer meeting where we come together in the church sanctuary for prayer. On Friday night at 7 pm we have Family Night Worship Service and Bible Study!

7:00 pm – Prayer Meeting

If you’re a new Christian or have been going to the church for a while, but aren’t sure what prayer is all about, this is a great place to begin. You will learn how to pray for yourself, your family and friends, the church and pastor as well as other members in the body of Christ. We will also learn how we can pray for each other as we form relationships with each other through weekly Bible studies.

Friday (1st & 3rd)

Friday (1st & 3rd) at 7:00 pm

Family Night Worship Service and Bible Study

7:00 pm – Family Night Worship Service and Bible Study

7:00 pm – Family Night Worship Service and Bible Study

Family night worship service is an opportunity for us to come together as a family and join in the praise of God. This service also provides a time for the adults and youth to fellowship, study the word of God, pray for one another, and have fellowship together.

  • Bible Study
  • Prayer Meeting at 7:00 pm on Sunday evenings is an important part of our ministry. We meet together as a body to pray for each other’s needs and concerns. As we lift up those things that are on our hearts we find that many times God answers our prayers through His Word or through people who come alongside us during these times of prayer!

Come and join us for worship this week! Whether it’s your first time or you’re a longtime member of Grace Baptist Church, our services are open to all. Our goal is to help people connect with God through faith in Jesus Christ, which we believe is the only way to bring lasting peace.

We meet at 9:00 am every Sunday morning at 730 N Main Street in downtown Greenville. We invite you to come anytime after 8:30 am so that you can find a seat and get settled before service begins. There will be someone near the door welcoming you who can answer questions if needed—no need to worry if you don’t know what’s going on!

At Grace Baptist Church we think it’s important for children (ages 3-11) to be actively engaged in worshiping God during service, so we have our own Children’s Worship program running during most of all services throughout the year (except holidays). If your child wants to participate in Children’s Worship, please drop them off at their designated time slot when entering through our doors at 8:45 am on Sundays; then come back for them when your section ends at 10:10 am or 11:50 am each week!!

Grace Baptist Church Santa Clarita

Grace Baptist Church is a Bible-based, Spirit-filled church in Santa Clarita, California. We are a family of believers who desire to know Christ and make Him known. Our mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through Word and Spirit.

Sunday Morning: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Grace Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist church located in Santa Clarita, California, north of Los Angeles. It’s been a great place to worship and serve the Lord since 1995. We are committed to making disciples through biblical teaching, loving fellowship, and effective ministry.

Our Sunday services include worship with a contemporary music band and choir, children’s facilities, Sunday School for all ages, and an exciting message from God’s Word taught by our pastor. We also offer Bible studies and prayer meetings during the week.

Grace Baptist Church is a local church in Santa Clarita, California. We are a family of believers that love God and love people. We desire to help people discover their purpose in life and be transformed by Jesus Christ. Our goal is to make Jesus known to the lost, build up the saints and equip them for ministry.

We meet every Sunday morning at Grace Baptist Church at 10 am with our children’s ministry offered at 9:30 am. We also have worship services on Wednesday evenings at 6 pm as well as small group Bible studies on Tuesday nights from 7-9 pm.

Grace Baptist Church Santa Clarita is a church that exists to glorify God and to help people reach their full potential in Christ. We are a unique, multi-cultural congregation with a passion for God’s Word and the lost. We desire to reach out to the community and make an impact on their lives.

Grace Baptist Church was founded in 1980 by Pastor Steven E. Micallef. Since then, we have grown from a handful of people meeting in his garage to over 200 people meeting in our current facility in Canyon Country, California. The church is located just off the Golden State Freeway (State Highway 14) and is easily accessible from all areas of Los Angeles County. was created to share the love of Jesus with all people. We are dedicated to sharing the gospel, building relationships and helping those in need.

Our mission is to bring glory to God by helping people know Him better and become like Christ in their daily lives.

Grace Baptist Church Santa Clarita was founded in 1991 with a vision to help people find hope through God’s plan for their lives. Grace Baptist has grown into a congregation of over 3,000 members who come from all walks of life and represent more than 25 different nationalities.

Grace Baptist Church Sermon

Grace Baptist Church is a non-denominational, evangelical church located in the beautiful Santa Clarita Valley. We are a Bible-believing congregation that believes God’s Word to be the absolute authority in all matters of faith and life. We believe that Jesus Christ is God incarnate, having come to earth in human flesh to die for our sins and that salvation can only be found through faith in Him alone. We also believe that there is no other name given under heaven whereby we must be saved but His (Acts 4:12).

Grace Baptist Church Santa Clarita is the body of Christ here on earth. We are a group of imperfect people who have been called by God to be His people. Our mission is to grow in our faith and to reach out to others with the love of Christ. We are committed to helping people find their purpose in life and making an impact on our world.

Our vision is to continue building a church that teaches the Word of God, equips its members for ministry, and reaches out with compassion and love to those in need through community outreach efforts such as feeding the hungry, clothing those without clothes, loving those who are lonely or hurting, visiting those who are sick or imprisoned, providing shelter for those who have no home and encouraging each other in times of need.

Grace Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist church located in Santa Clarita, California. The church has been in existence since 1994 and has grown to over 1000 members.

The church is led by Pastor Dan Landis and his wife Amy Landis. Dan is the Senior Pastor of the church and he preaches from the Bible every Sunday morning. In addition, there are other pastors that preach at Grace Baptist Church on a rotating basis. Our music ministries include both traditional hymns and contemporary worship songs that are sung during each service.

Grace Baptist Church is a community of believers who gather to worship God and serve people.

We believe that God has saved us from sin, given us new life in Christ, and called us to be His witnesses in the world.

The mission of Grace Baptist Church is to glorify God by helping people find their way back to him through the gospel message of Jesus Christ. We exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of our world.

We are committed to building a church where everyone feels welcome and accepted because of who they are in Christ. At Grace Baptist Church we are passionate about teaching the Bible in a way that builds up believers in their faith and equips them for ministry.

Grace Baptist Church Santa Clarita is a family of Christian believers who have been drawn together by the love of Jesus Christ and are committed to His Lordship. We are a Bible-believing, Christ-centered, Spirit-filled church that seeks to honor God in all we do, and we believe that every believer can be an effective minister for Christ.

Grace Baptist Church was planted in 1997 as an independent church (not affiliated with any denomination) under the leadership of Pastor Pete Mclaughlin. The name “Grace” was chosen because it refers to God’s unconditional love for us. This love is extended to all who believe in Him through faith in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

We meet every Sunday at 10:00am for worship services held at 1009 N. Arrowhead Ave., Santa Clarita CA 91390

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