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Grace Baptist Church Service Times

The Grace Baptist Church is one of Chino Hills’ finest churches, with an excellent ministry and a friendly congregation. If you are looking for a church in Chino Hills, CA, look no further. We have been on the cutting-edge of Christian teaching and evangelism since 1978. Our goal has always been to reach out to others while sharing the love of Jesus Christ. We have been blessed by God over the years with numerous converts to Christianity and new members in our own fellowship.

Our well-rounded staff meets all members’ spiritual needs. See our upcoming service times, as well as staff information and bios. Grace is a diverse congregation that looks forward to meeting your specific worship needs with two services every Sunday: one traditional service at 9:00 a.m. and one contemporary service at 11:15 a.m..

Grace Baptist Church Service Times

Grace Baptist Church Service Times

Sunday Morning Worship Service

8:30am – 9:15am – Nursery

9:15am – 10:30am – Church School for all ages

10:30am – 11:00am – Adult Sunday School class for all ages (with Pastor)

11:00am – 11:45am – Morning Worship Service with Pastor, worship band, and special guests (children’s church offered during this time)

6:00pm – Evening Worship Service with Pastor, worship band, and special guests (children’s church offered during this time)

Service Times: 


Core Seminars (9:00 AM)

Morning Worship (10:20 AM)

This Sunday, July 10, in the morning service Pastor Tom Ascol will continue his series “The Grace of God in the Gospel” through the book of Romans. This week’s sermon is “The Christian and the Civil Government Part 4” from Romans 13:1-7.

If you are not able to attend the morning worship service in person, the service will be live-streamed.

Evening Worship (5:00 PM)


Bible Study and Prayer Meeting (6:30 PM)

Coming To A Service:

Planning to attend one of our services?  Let us know ahead of time so that we can connect you with others in our Grace family.  Please tell us a little about yourself and perhaps why/how you have been led to look for a church home.  We look forward to see you and welcoming you with the love of Christ!


We encourage you to come however you feel comfortable. If that is wearing jeans and a t-shirt then great, if that’s wearing a suit and tie then that is great too. Our goal is to remember that what matters is our hearts, that we cherish Christ and His gospel, and love the Lord with all that we are.


If you are planning to gather with us this Sunday or Wednesday, please follow these protocols:

  • If you or anyone in your family have had any signs of sickness in the previous 24 hours, please stay home and join us via livestream.
  • If you have been recently exposed to anyone who has flu-like symptoms, please stay home and join us via livestream.
  • Wash your hands frequently & use the hand-sanitizing stations that are available.
  • Cover all coughs & sneezes.

Grace Baptist Church Staff

Pastor: Russell A. Snow, PhD


Phone: (408) 924-3500 ext. 106

Office Assistant/Administrative Assistant: Sharon L. Snow


Phone: (408) 924-3500 ext. 105

Administrative Assistant: Denise M. Costa


Phone: (408) 924-3500 ext. 104

Grace Baptist Church is a church in Plano, Texas. The church was founded in 1954 by Dr. Charles Gilliland and has grown to become one of the largest and most influential churches in the Dallas / Fort Worth area.

The church is led by Pastor Matt Carter who preaches from the Bible every Sunday at 10:30am and 6:00pm. Pastor Matt is committed to teaching his congregation how to live in a way that glorifies God and impacts the world around them through their words, actions and decisions.

Grace Baptist Church has been named as one of America’s 100 Best Churches for four years running by Outreach Magazine (2014-2017).**

Dr. Anthony Evans

Senior Pastor

Dr. Evans is the Senior Pastor of Grace Baptist Church, which he founded in 1994. He is an author and minister who has served as a missionary, pastor, teacher and evangelist for over 25 years. Dr. Evans is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and has earned his master’s degree from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in California. He has been married to his wife, Janet, for over 30 years, and they have two adult children.

Grace Baptist Church is a non-denominational, Bible-believing, fundamental and reformed Baptist church. We are located in Aurora, Illinois, just 15 miles west of downtown Chicago. Grace Baptist Church was founded in 1959 by Dr. James H. Bowers, who served as pastor until his death in 1991. Dr. Bowers was succeeded by Dr. William G. Gilbreath, who served until his retirement in 2015.

Grace Baptist Church began as a mission from First Baptist Church of Downer’s Grove (now First Heritage) under the leadership of Drs. John Laidlaw and James Hickey, who were both members of the Board of Trustees at FBCDG at that time; they were supported by Revs. Ken Krause and Les Kowalewski (who later became pastors at FBCDG). The church met in a large room above a barbershop on Harlem Avenue (now Harlem Avenue & Ridgeland Avenue), which was owned by Mr. Henry Auer (known as “Mr.” Auer). After the barbershop closed down, we moved into an old house next door at 1515 N Springfield Ave (now 1515 N Ridgeland Ave). When our membership grew too large

Grace Baptist Church Facebook

Grace Baptist Church is a church in Columbia, Missouri, USA. It has a Facebook page with over 1,000 likes.

The Grace Baptist Church Facebook profile includes:

1) The Grace Baptist Church logo, which can be downloaded and used as an image or icon on your website or blog;

2) A link to their website at (which is also linked to from their Facebook page);

3) Their Facebook feed, which is automatically updated whenever they post a new status update;

Grace Baptist Church is a family of believers in the community of the city of Philadelphia. We are a church that is deeply committed to God, His Word, and His people. As people who love God, we hope to bring Him glory through worship, service, and caring for one another.

We are currently meeting at Grace Baptist Church on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am for Sunday School for all ages and 10:30 am for Morning Worship Service.

Pastor Rick McRae – Senior Pastor

Pastor Rick McRae is the senior pastor of Grace Baptist Church. He has served in that position since July of 2005. Pastor McRae was raised in a Christian home and began his ministry at the age of 15 as an associate pastor under his father, Dr. Tom McRae, who was pastoring Faith Baptist Church in Lufkin, Texas at that time. Pastor McRae graduated from Southwestern Assemblies of God University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and completed his Masters of Divinity degree at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary while serving as an intern pastor at First Baptist Church on St. Charles Avenue in New Orleans, Louisiana. While there he served as the assistant to Dr. Jack Graham, who was pastor at the time and now serves as president of Prestonwood Baptist Theological Seminary in Plano, Texas; Dr. Nick Davis (now also president of Prestonwood), Dr. Jack Graham Jr., Dr. John Nalley (now executive director at Faith Bible Institute) and Dr. Paul Simmons (now president at Faith Bible Institute).

After graduating from seminary Pastor McRae served as

Grace Baptist Church is a family of believers in Jesus Christ that meets to worship and fellowship together. We are a congregation of the Southern Baptist Convention, a group of churches with approximately 16 million members in the United States and Canada.

Pastor: Dr. Tim Allen

Tim Allen is the Senior Pastor at Grace Baptist Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He has served as the Pastor there since February 2015. He graduated from Oklahoma Christian University with a liberal arts degree, and then went on to earn his Master of Divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He also earned an MBA from Harding University and an EdD from Abilene Christian University. Tim has been married to his wife Sara for over 30 years, they have 5 children and 7 grandchildren.

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