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Prayer For Nerve Pain

Suffering from chronic pain can feel like an almost impossible hurdle to overcome. You know that there are options available, but you’re unsure of where to begin. Never fear, in this article I will help you to find peace once again through prayer.

If you feel anxious pain, which is not easily explained by rheumatism or other obvious causes, and from which no apparent remedy has been found, then you can take up this prayer for pain. If a very heavy burden of sin is on your mind and you do not know the way of forgiveness, then this could be the prayer for you.

Prayer For Nerve Pain

Dear God,

Please help me with my nerve pain. I don’t know what to do and I’m so scared. Please help me find a way to manage it. Thank you for giving me this trial to help me grow stronger in my faith. I know you will never leave me or forsake me, even when life is hard. In your name, amen.

Dear God,

My name is [name]. I have had nerve pain for the last three years. I am tired of this pain, and I need it to go away. Please help me get rid of my nerve pain.

Thank you so much, God!

Dear God,

I come to you today, seeking your guidance and wisdom. I ask that you help me find the strength to continue on with my life and make the most of what you have given me.

I am suffering from nerve pain, which has made it difficult for me to function as a normal person. I ask that you give me patience and understanding as I heal from this injury.

Please help me find a way to be healthy again so that I may return to work, be a good mother and wife, and serve others in your name. Thank you for listening to my prayers today.

Dear Lord,

I come to you today in prayer for my friend. We are all praying for her, and we ask that you would lay your hands on her and heal her of her nerve pain. Please take away this pain that is causing her so much suffering. Please give her peace and comfort in the midst of this trial. I pray that she will feel your presence with her always, as she goes through this difficult time. Amen

Lord, I pray that you would bless my friend with a quick recovery from her nerve pain. I pray that she may have the strength and courage to do what is best for her health and well-being. Amen.

Dear God,

I pray for peace. I pray for healing. I pray for comfort.

I am in pain. It feels like a knife is being twisted into my side and then slowly pulled out, over and over again. The pain radiates from my lower back down through my leg and into my foot. It’s a dull ache that makes it hard to move without wincing.

It hurts to breathe deep, so I don’t do it as much as I should. It hurts to laugh, so I try not to—but when that happens, the stabbing pain makes me cry instead.

Please help me find relief from this pain so that I can go back to living my life as fully as possible. Thank You for listening—and thank You for everything else You do for us every day!

Dear God,

I pray for the strength to endure the pain I am feeling right now. Please give me the strength to get through this and find comfort in knowing that my pain will be over soon. I pray that your love will be with me in this time of need as well as all other times throughout my life. Amen

Prayer For Chronic Pain

O Lord, I pray for healing from all pain. I have tried everything and nothing has worked. I am tired of being in pain and having no relief. Help me to find a doctor who can help me find some relief from this chronic pain. Please help me to find out what’s wrong with me so that I can get better. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Lord, I need your help. I am hurting and I don’t know what to do. Please help me find the strength I need to get through this trial. Please give me hope that there is a light at the end of this tunnel and please bless those who are helping me through this difficult time. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

I pray that God will take away my pain. I feel like I am in hell. Please, Lord, help me!

I pray that God will touch my body with His healing hands and bring peace to my soul.

I pray that all pain will be gone from my life and I will be able to walk again.

I pray that God will heal me and make me whole again.

God please take away this pain and help me to walk again. In Jesus name I pray amen

Dear Lord,

I come before you today and ask for your help. I am in pain. I am in pain because of the things that have happened to me. The pain is not just physical but emotional as well.

I know that you can heal me and take away this pain that I feel deep inside of me. I know that you can give me peace and comfort for my future. I know that you can bring me out of this situation stronger than ever before.

Heavenly Father, I come to you in faith, believing that you can heal me. I know that you are able to restore my health and bring me relief from chronic pain. Thank you for all you’ve done for me and my family, and for your love and mercy. I praise you for the gift of healing.

Thank you for sending your son Jesus Christ to take away our sins and make us whole again. Please be with me as I go through this experience, giving me the wisdom, strength and courage I need to endure it. And please be with those who will minister to me during this time of need.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

Prayer For Pain Relief

God, I know that the pain I am experiencing is not from you. You did not create this pain for me. I believe that you want to heal me and make me whole again. I ask that you would heal my body, mind, and soul. Give me strength during this trying time so that I may endure whatever trials are ahead of me with courage and faith in your goodness and mercy. Help me to remember all of the times in my life when you have healed me through times of pain and suffering. Thank you for never abandoning me no matter what happens in life or how bad things may seem at the moment. In Jesus’ name I pray amen

Lord Jesus, I come to You today with this prayer of pain relief. I know that You are the Healer, and there is no disease that can stand against Your power. I am asking for Your healing touch to come upon me and remove this pain from my body. I am believing that You will heal me and give me total freedom from this affliction. In the name of Jesus, Amen!


I come before you today with a prayer request. I am asking for your healing in my life. I have been suffering from chronic pain for some time now. It has caused me to have sleepless nights, which has led to me being exhausted during the day. I need relief from this pain so that I can be at my best for those around me.

Lord, please heal me of this illness and give me the strength to endure what you have planned for me. I know that you can do all things and that nothing is too hard for you. Please bring healing into my life, so that I may be yours completely and fully! Amen

Dear Lord,

I come to you with a heavy heart. I have reason to believe that my chronic pain is not going to go away and I am asking for your help in dealing with this situation.

I know that there are many who suffer from chronic pain and sometimes it seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. But I believe that You are the light and Your word teaches us that “all things work together for good for those who love God” (Romans 8:28).

Therefore, dear Lord, I ask You to help me through this difficult time in my life. Help me to know Your will and purpose for my life even when it seems like there is no hope. Help me to trust that You are working all things out according to Your perfect plan and timing even though it may not seem like it right now. Help me to see beyond my present circumstances so that I can see what You have planned for my future. And finally, help me to keep trusting in You through all circumstances so that I will be able to glorify Your name by living for You instead of myself.

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