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spiritual meaning of bowel problems

The concepts of soul and spirit are very interesting. Some believe that there is a spiritual lesson in their suffering, others associate the notion of spirit with the soul which is eternal, and some know about the spiritual meaning of bowel problems. When we talk about the spiritual meaning of bowel problems this refers to the future and how one deals with it.

Bowel problems are a common health problem, but how many of us really know what’s going on down there? Some questions you might have include: Why do I have diarrhea? Why does my stomach hurt so much? What are the various causes of constipation, and which one applies to me? There could be an existing medical condition for your discomforts, or it may just be nothing more than changes to your diet. Here’s a look at spiritual meaning of bowel problems.

If you’ve ever been to a doctor for a bowel problem, you may have been told that it’s all in your head. But what does that mean? And is it true?

To answer these questions, we need to take a look at the spiritual meaning of bowel problems.

In a nutshell, bowel problems are just one of many ways that your body communicates with you. It’s saying something about how you’re feeling—whether it’s stress, fear, or anything else that’s bothering you.

So if you’re having problems with your bowels (or other parts of your body), there are two things that might be happening. First, there could be an actual physical issue going on—like an infection or other type of disease—that needs treatment by a doctor. Second, there could be an emotional issue going on—like stress or anxiety—that needs treatment by YOU!

spiritual meaning of bowel problems

The spiritual meaning of bowel problems may be that you are not taking care of yourself. You may be overworking and neglecting your body’s needs, which can manifest in physical ailments such as constipation or diarrhea.

It is important to remember that your body is a tool for your spirit to experience the world and create in it. If you neglect it by not giving it what it needs, then your spirit will suffer as well.

When you are working with spiritual meaning of bowel problems, think about how much time you spend working and what other activities you participate in during the day. Do they line up with your spiritual path? If not, then it may be time for some adjustments!

The spiritual meaning of bowel problems is often overlooked by Western medicine, but it plays an important role in your overall health and well-being.

The colon is the part of the digestive tract that stores fecal matter until it passes out of the body. The colon also absorbs water and electrolytes from the food you eat, and then sends those nutrients to other parts of your body. It is a major part of your lymphatic system, which helps fight off infections and disease.

When you have bowel issues, it can be hard to focus on anything else. You might feel embarrassed or ashamed if you’re not able to control your bowels when they need to go—and this can make it difficult to even leave your house! But don’t worry! There are steps you can take to help manage these symptoms:

First, try drinking more water throughout the day. Your body needs more fluids than usual if you’re having problems with constipation or diarrhea (or both).

Second, try eating less dairy products (especially cheese), since they tend to cause gas and bloating in some people. Instead, try eating more whole grains (like brown rice or quinoa), fruits, vegetables and nuts/seeds for fiber-rich foods that can help regulate digestion without causing

spiritual meaning of bowel problems

There are two sections of the bowel: the small bowel (better known as the small intestine) – this is where the minerals and vitamins in the food are digested and absorbed; and the colon and rectum form the large bowel, or large intestine, where the body extracts salt and water from solid wastes.

Then, the waste moves through the rectum and exits the human body through the anus.

Large Intestine

There are many common problems affecting the large intestine.

These conditions include constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and structural disorders.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a medical term that is used to describe two conditions: Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

According to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, IBD affects over 1.6 million people in the United States. The majority of sufferers are diagnosed before age 30.

Symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Symptoms  vary depending on the severity and location of inflammation, however, they may include:

  • anemia, that can lead to delayed growth or development in children;
  • unexplained weight loss;
  • stomach cramping, pain, and bloating;
  • bleeding ulcers, that may cause blood to show up in the stool;
  • diarrhea, which occurs when affected parts of the bowel can’t reabsorb water.


Many factors can lead to this condition, including:

  • having a regular diet low in dietary fiber and high in food additives, trans-fats, and dairy products;
  • pregnancy;
  • sedentarism;
  • changes in routine;
  • taking certain drugs (particularly iron pills, antidepressants, and strong pain medicines);
  • using antacid medicines containing aluminum or calcium;
  • overusing laxatives which, over time, weaken the bowel muscles;
  • resisting the urge to have bowel movements;
  • emotional stress.

Small Intestine

The small intestine is the longest part of the digestive system. It connects the stomach to the large intestine and folds many times to fit inside the abdomen.


Problems in the small intestine can be due to:

  • hernias, that involve a portion of the intestine protruding out of the body or into another part of the body;
  • adhesions, consisting of fibrous tissue which can occur after any pelvic or abdominal surgery;
  • inflammatory bowel disease, like Crohn’s disease;
  • swallowed objects, particularly in children;
  • gallstones;
  • tumors within the small intestine;
  • malformations of the intestine, which usually occur in newborns;
  • intussusception of one segment of the intestine into the next section;
  • volvulus of the intestines.


Common symptoms may include:

  • decreased appetite;
  • severe bloating;
  • abdominal swelling;
  • abdominal pain;
  • severe abdominal cramps;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • inability to pass gas or stool.

Spiritual Meaning of Large Intestine (Colon) & Small Intestine Disorders

The constant quest for satisfaction, pleasure and material desires (along with fears, anxiety, worry, etc.) is the main cause of food or digestive disorder.

I don’t feel the inner joy and I am more or less satisfied with my life as it is now. I feel dirty due to a certain aspect of me. I eat and reject my emotions: it is easier and my needs are fulfilled much faster. I choose a form of reward that is very handy to me. I’m looking for a certain satisfaction and I like to find it in fat and heavy foods.

Other spiritual causes that lead to bowel disorders and digestive problems include:

  • accumulation of feelings like possessiveness, selfishness, or jealousy;
  • the desire to hold everything for oneself;
  • inability to assimilate life’s lessons;
  • refusal to understand life’s lessons;
  • inability to accept a situation or a person;
  • beliefs like “others are wrong, I am the only one who is right;”
  • resentment;
  • the fear of letting go of old misconceptions.



A regular diet high in vegetables, seeds, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and legumes (and low in red and processed meat, eggs, and dairy products, as well as trans-fats) has been strongly associated with fewer intestinal problems.


Increasing your level of any type of physical activity lowers your risk of intestinal problems, plus, it brings other benefits, such as better sleep, lower emotional stress, and an efficient immune system.

Lose Weight

Being obese or overweight increases the risk of intestinal problems in both women and men, but the connection seems to be stronger in men.

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