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A Prayer For The Lost

In the beginning, there was darkness. And then…there was light. This is a story about a lost soul who wandered in the darkness but found strength in the light that shone in her heart. In the end, her journey was not without suffering and sacrifice, yet that she suffered and sacrificed for the sake of another is what makes this story beautiful. The articles in this section will elaborate. Powerful Prayers for Those Who are Lost A Prayer For The Lost

Warwick, RI — 2010- The past is a place we walk together and then leave. Stretching in front of us is a new path to discover. We pray for the ones who are lost; tempted to turn back. And we pray for those who come here out of pain, searching for a return that will never happen.

Should women dress modestly? Or should they follow the world’s trends and flaunt their bodies? This is one of the contemporary religious debates that has people talking. Some uphold that women dressing modestly will actually protect them from rape because men will not be led astray. Others argue that this mentality is sexist and a woman’s body should be her choice.

A Prayer For The Lost

A Prayer For The Lost

Lord, God of all creation,

We come to you today with a prayer for our lost friends and family members.

We pray for those who have been affected by addiction and other life struggles.

We pray for those who have been caught up in the cycle of sin and brokenness.

We pray that You would reach out to them with Your love, grace, mercy and compassion.

Lord, we ask that You would draw them to Yourself as they search for answers and purpose in life.

Lord, we ask that You would heal their hurts and restore hope in their lives.

Lord, we ask that You would provide them with the tools they need to overcome the difficulties they are facing right now.

Lord, hear my prayer.

I pray for those who do not know you.

You have called me to be a light in the darkness, and that is what I am striving to do.

I pray for those who are lost, and may not yet be saved.

Help them see that this life is temporary, and that it is only in you that they will find true happiness and peace.

Help them see that there is no happiness or peace apart from you.

Help them see that they cannot stand before you on their own merits. Help them to realize that they need you to help them stand before you on their own merits.

Help them to see how much they need you because of your grace and mercy and love for us all! Help them recognize your love in every aspect of our lives, even when we don’t fully understand it ourselves or know how to express it properly in words or actions. Help us all better understand how much we need each other as well as yourself so that we can show each other more compassion when times get tough rather than pointing fingers at one another or blaming others for our problems instead of accepting responsibility ourselves for our own actions and choices whether good or bad throughout

Dear God,

I want to pray for the lost today. I want to pray for those who don’t know You or have a relationship with You. I want to pray for those who have turned their backs on You, who have rejected Your love and grace. Lord, I pray that we would not be silent about the wonderful things You are doing in our lives and in our world.

Lord, I pray that those who have never heard of Christ would come to know Him as their Savior and Lord. Please use me to tell others about Your love for them and how much You have done for each of us. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen

Heavenly Father, I pray for those who are lost. I pray that you would draw them to yourself. I pray that you would give them a desire to know you and be in your presence. I pray that they would want to obey you.

I pray that they would want to serve you, and not themselves. I pray that they would be humble enough to accept your love, grace, mercy and forgiveness.

I pray for those who don’t believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, but are searching for truth in this world full of deception and lies.

I pray that they will be willing to accept the truth when it is presented to them by someone who has been touched by the love of Christ in their own life.

Lord God Almighty, please help these people see what we cannot see ourselves because we have been blinded by pride and selfishness in this world where we live today. Please open up their eyes so they can see what we cannot see ourselves because of our stubborn prideful hearts! Help us Lord!

Heavenly Father please help us all realize how lost we all are without you! We need you in our lives more than ever before!

God, your love is so great. It is so amazing how you are always there for us to help us and guide us. You have given us everything we need in life and in this world. Help me to be aware of the people around me who need your guidance and help. Help me to see the needs of others and lend a hand when needed. Let me see the lost souls who need your teachings and love.

Show me how to help them, Lord, so that I may bring them closer to you and give them the strength they need in this life. Let me show them that you are real, that you do exist, because they are searching for answers in all the wrong places. Show them the truth about yourself through my actions and words because I want them to know what it means to be saved by your grace and mercy.

I pray that all my time will be used wisely for this purpose: To lead others onto the path of salvation so that they may know true happiness in this life as well as eternal life with God after this one ends on earth. Amen

Lord, help me to understand my responsibility in their loss.

The first step to accepting your own responsibility is to recognize that we are all accountable for the actions and inactions of others. We take full account of our own actions, but often fail to see how our words and attitude affect the lives of others. Our relationship with God is no different—it requires our active participation in order to be effective. We cannot sit back and expect God to do all the work while we do nothing; if we want our prayers answered, then we must also act on them!

The next step is taking responsibility for those around you—your family members, friends, acquaintances…each one deserves at least a little bit of your time and energy on his or her behalf. You might not know what’s going on inside someone else’s head (and sometimes even if you did), but there are ways you can help those who need it most: listen carefully when someone speaks; ask questions about what’s bothering them or causing anxiety; offer suggestions that might ease their burdens; provide encouragement when necessary…these are just some ideas off-the-top-of-my head but hopefully they’ll get your wheels turning!

Lord, please forgive me for allowing the enemy to distract me.


Pray that God will forgive you and help you to forgive yourself. Pray that He will help you to recognize the ways in which the enemy has distracted you, and pray that He will give you strength to avoid such distractions in the future.

The battle is never easy, but we must not give up on ourselves or others. Even if a person seems lost, we have no right to say they are lost forever because Jesus came so that “whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

Lord help me to see You in all of Your beauty and majesty.

When you search for God, seek to know him. Learn about who God is and what he has done. Seek out his beauty and majesty. See him in all his glory. Learn that even though we may be far from God, he is still near us and working in our lives (Isaiah 63:9).

Make it a priority to deepen your relationship with Christ by spending time with him each day through prayer, reading scripture or other spiritual things such as listening to worship music. This will help you see him more clearly because when we spend time with someone we love it helps us see them better too!

Lord, help me to daily seek your will for my life.

  • Lord, help me to daily seek your will for my life.
  • Lord, help me to daily seek your will for my children’s lives.
  • Lord, help me to daily seek your will for my marriage.
  • Lord, help me to seek your will for our finances.

Lord, guide me as I cast down my cares and worries to You.

Lord, guide me as I cast down my cares and worries to You.

I know that sometimes I don’t do this enough because of fear or doubt. But with Your help, I am determined to cast down my cares and worries onto You each day.

I will trust in Your plan for my life and not worry about the future. Instead of worrying about what might happen tomorrow or next week, I will focus on today—what can be done right now? How can I serve others with what you have given me today?

Lord, please forgive when I have failed at being loving and kind.

Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling. When we forgive someone for hurting us, we don’t condone their hurtful behavior—we simply choose to release them from the power their actions hold over us. Forgiving does not mean that bad things become good; it means that you no longer let them control your life.

Forgiveness can be incredibly difficult if you’ve been deeply hurt or traumatized by someone’s actions toward you, but learning how to forgive will bring freedom from being controlled by past pain and anger. Not only that, but forgiveness is actually good for your health: studies show that those who experience more daily stressors are less likely to live as long as those who manage their stress better or who were raised in healthy environments. Forgiveness helps people heal both emotionally and mentally so they can move forward with their lives instead of being held back by past trauma or pain associated with others’ actions against them

God, show up in my life today.

  • Pray that God will show up in your life today.
  • Pray that God will show up in your heart today.
  • Pray that God will show up in your circumstances today.
  • Pray that God will show up in your family today.
  • Pray that God will show up in your future today.*

Help me to trust you even when I can’t see the way forward.

You are not alone.

You are loved, and God has a plan for you. He will provide for you, and he will take care of you when no one else can or will. He will never leave you nor forsake you, because his love endures forever (see Psalm 23:6). He is with me always (Matthew 28:20).

God show up in my heart today.

God is the source of all hope. He is love and He wants us to know Him intimately. God is our Father, our strength, provider and healer. His grace overflows in every situation I go through as I daily surrender to His will for me so that I may follow His purpose for my life.

He gives me peace when my heart is heavy with pain or sadness because He knows what it’s like not being understood by others who should be there for you during hard times but instead they reject your love because they don’t understand the beautiful gift that God has given us: Our sexuality!

Pray for those that are lost but don’t forget about those closest to your soul.

Pray for those that are lost but don’t forget about those closest to your soul. Pray for your family, friends and those close to your soul. Don’t forget to pray for yourself. And don’t forget to pray for those who have sinned against you

Powerful Prayers for Those Who are Lost

For those who have not been brought close to the Lord, we must pray for their salvation and for them to draw near to Christ. These powerful prayers for those who are lost serve as some examples of prayers you can recite for those in need.

Know the Truth Prayer
Jesus, my Savior, your word says that you chose us before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in your sight.  Jesus, my friend is living contrary to your word. She has chosen to walk in the way of sinners. Jesus, help her. May she come to the end of herself by knowing the truth that is found in your word. Save her soul from the lies of the enemy. Show her that you are the way, the truth and life. Jesus, I pray to you, for you are doing something new in her life. In your glorious name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Remove Satan’s Influence Prayer
God of Heaven’s Armies, we are living in challenging times when the enemy has convinced the people of this world that he does not exist and that you are a harsh God.  Many people are rebelling against you because they do not understand who you are.  God, help these lost souls to know your Son, Jesus, so that they can start worshiping you in truth. Indwell your Holy Spirit in them.  God, remove the evil influences from their lives that are blocking them from accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Use Me as Your Vessel Prayer
Righteous Savior, thank you for your unconditional love.  It is because of this great love that I live in the freedom that Jesus has given me.  Thank you for opening my eyes to the truth that is found in your word. Mighty Savior, thank you for rescuing me from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of your Son, Jesus.  But Father, I am so heartbroken because some of my family and friends have not accepted your Son, Jesus, as their Lord and savior.  Use me as your vessel to go and preach to them the gospel so that they can become part of your family.  In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Heal Their Hearts Prayer
Jesus, the Great Physician, so many people are hurting today, and because of the pain that they carry on the inside, they have turned against you, Jesus. They think that you are behind their pain and have therefore decided to rebel against you just the way the devil is telling them to do.  Jesus, we know the real enemy is the devil, and he is out there to destroy them.  Jesus, your word says that hell was made for the devil and his angels. I pray that you may heal the hearts of your children who are lost and bring them back home so that they can serve you wholeheartedly.  In your righteous and holy name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Conviction Prayer
Sovereign Lord, I pray that you send your Holy Spirit to convict the hearts of those who are living in sin.  Prepare the hearts of those who don’t know you to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Send the right people to preach the gospel to them so that they can know how much you love them and the great sacrifice you made at the cross. Lord, we thank you, and we honor you.  In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

Atoning Sacrifice Prayer
Compassionate and Gracious God, thank you for your Son, Jesus, the atoning sacrifice of our sins and the sins of the whole world.  God, make those that are lost in the darkness to know the atoning sacrifice that Jesus made for mankind at the cross.  Open their eyes that they may see how much Jesus loves and cares for them.  God, may the sacrifice you made touch their hearts in ways that they cannot deny the power of the cross.  In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Heart of Flesh Prayer
Lord of Unfailing Love, we know that the enemy has blinded the hearts of sinners so that they are not able to hear your voice when you call them.  Lord, remove the heart of stone from them and replace it with the heart of flesh so that they can be able to receive your Son, Jesus, and to hear your voice.  Let every lie that the enemy has told them over time be exposed by your word. Let the truth prevail over their lives. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

Mercy Prayer
God of All Mercy, you have been merciful to man since the creation of the world.  There are so many things that we have done that go against your word, but because you are a loving Father that cares deeply about his children, you have forgiven us and set us free from any condemning charges.  Father, I ask for mercy on behalf of those who are lost.  Let your mercy fill their hearts that they may be able to know that you’re the true living God who was and is to come.  Help them to know that it is only in surrendering themselves to you that they will find real rest and unconditional love.  In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Open Their Heart Prayer
Father, my Miracle-Worker, sinners cannot come to you unless you open their hearts.  Lord, as evangelists all over the world prepare to go and preach the gospel of Jesus, may you open up the hearts of those who are lost that they may be able to hear the word and accepted it as the truth.  Uproot every lie that has been planted in their heart. Open their understanding that they may be able to see the truth that is found in your word.  In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Freedom from Enslavement Prayer
Oh God of my Salvation, it is for freedom that Christ came that we may not be yoked to the yoke of enslavement.  Sadly, very many people in this world are yoked to enslavement.  They prefer the pleasures that the world offers to them instead of the freedom that you’ve given us through your Son, Jesus Christ.  Father, help them to understand the freedom that you’ve provided to us freely and how to walk in it so that they can turn their lives around and I start worshiping you. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Grant the Lost Repentance Prayer
O God of Victory, grant the lost grace for repentance. Lead these men and women to the knowledge of the truth which is found in scripture.  Open their spiritual eyes that they may know that life is beyond the physical and earth is just where we prepare for eternity. Cause them to hit rock bottom in areas where their hearts are hardened so that they can listen to your voice and follow it.  In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

Prayer For The Lost And Confused

Dear God, we pray for the lost and confused. We know that many have been deceived by Satan and have departed from you. We ask that you would send your Holy Spirit to convict them of their sin, and bring them back to repentance. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Dear Lord,

I pray for the lost and confused. I pray that You would open their eyes to see the truth of Your love for us. I pray that You would give them an understanding of Your grace and how it can set them free from their sins.

I pray that You would touch their hearts and draw them near to You. I pray that they would turn from the ways of the world and follow You instead. I pray that You would give them a hunger for Your Word so that they can grow in their faith through reading Your Word and praying about what they read.

I pray that You would give them a hunger for Your presence so that they may know how much You love us, as well as how much we need each other in order to grow spiritually.

Lord, please bless those who don’t know Christ as their Savior today! Thank You, dear Lord! Amen

Lord, I pray for those who are lost and confused.

I pray that you would lead them to the truth that you have given to us in your word. I pray that they would find peace in your love and not be deceived by the enemy of their souls.

I pray that you would soften their hearts and open their eyes so they can see your goodness in all its glory.

I pray that you would give them a hunger for what you have to offer, that they may come to know your love and desire more than anything else, even if it means giving up sin and turning away from what is evil.

Lord, there is no one who can save them but you. You are the only one who can bring them back into your fold where they belong. I come before you on behalf of these lost sheep and ask that they would be returned safely into your fold so they will never wander away again!

O God,

Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

I come before You today in the name of Jesus Christ to pray for the lost and confused.

I pray that You would give me strength and courage to share Your Word with those who need it most. I pray that You would open my eyes so that I may see those who are lost and confused, that I might draw them to Yourself.

Lord, please forgive me for my apathy toward others. Forgive me for being self-focused instead of others-focused. Forgive me for being judgmental toward those who are different than me. Help me to see people through Your eyes so that I will not be afraid to share You with them or to show them affection even if they reject You outright. Help me to love them unconditionally just as You do. Amen

Almighty God,

I pray for all my friends who are lost and in need of your love and care. I pray that they will find their way back to You and discover the joy that only comes through a relationship with You. I pray that they will recognize their sinfulness, but not be discouraged by it, but rather see it as an opportunity to come to You for forgiveness, healing and restoration. I pray that You would give them a hunger for Your Word so that they can grow spiritually and know more about who You are and what You have done for them on the cross when Jesus died for our sins. I pray that as they read Your Word and study about Your Son Jesus Christ, they would come to know Him better each day until they too have a love for Him like we do.

In Jesus’ name I pray, amen

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