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A Prayer For The Man I Love

I was going through change, a bit of a mid-life crisis. I wasn’t happy with the job I had, and I wanted more out of life.     This was the time where I got my mind on what I wanted to do with my life.

Love is important-no matter what the cynics say. But as I get older, I believe it’s also important to take a look at how different people express their feelings. In my opinion, this quote sums up very clearly (and poetically) the way that love should be expressed. My only hope of ever writing an expository blog post about this passage is that someone might find some comfort in it and realize that there are others out there who share similar emotional connections when it comes to love.

Imagine you praying, standing in the corner of your room with tears flowing down your face, your hands clutching a rosary and your heart filled with agony. That was me this morning. You might think I have lost my mind or that it’s been so long since I’ve been in love that its broken me somehow. Alas, I am not bereft of my senses but these moments of silent prayers did indeed transpire this morning because like we all are at some point in life, I’m desperately praying for the man I love to be saved.”

A Prayer For The Man I Love

A Prayer For The Man I Love

A Prayer For The Man I Love

I pray that you will always be happy.

I pray that you will never have a sad day.

I pray that you will always smile because it makes me happy to see you smile.

I pray that you will find love and happiness in your life.

I pray that you find the one who makes your heart beat faster and stronger than ever before.

I pray that the person who finds your heart is someone who will cherish it, protect it and love it unconditionally no matter what!


I pray that the man I love will find peace, comfort and joy in your presence.

I pray that he will know your love and feel your presence every day of his life.

Lord, help him to know that whatever happens in his life is all according to your plan.

Help him to know that even though he may not understand everything right now, you have a reason for everything that happens in his life.

Lord, please give him the strength to face all the challenges in his life with courage and faith. Help him to be patient during these times because all things work together for good to them who love you, who have been called according to your purpose.”

A Prayer For The Man I Love

Lord, thank you for the gift of love that you have given me. Thank you for sending your son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for my sins and for his love for all people.

Thank you for blessing me with a man in my life who loves me and is committed to our marriage. Help us Lord to always be thankful for one another and to understand that we are not perfect, but we can grow in our relationship with each other.

Lord help us to forgive one another when we have wronged or hurt each other so that we can move forward together in love and unity.

Help us God to always seek ways to serve one another and others because true love is about giving without expecting anything in return! In Jesus’ name we pray amen!

Dear God,

I pray that you will help me to find the right words to say to my man. I pray that you will help me to always be honest with him, even when it is hard.

I pray that you will give us the strength to face our challenges together and not run away from them when they come our way.

I pray that you will give us a strong marriage and family that we can be proud of and share with others.

I pray that you will help me to love him in the way he needs me to love him, and not in the way that I want him to love me back.

I pray that you will help us both continue growing as individuals so that we can become better people together than we ever could apart from each other.

I pray for his happiness, his health, and his safety, because those things mean everything to me.

But most of all Lord, I ask for your guidance in all things concerning our relationship because without it I am lost and alone in this world.”

I pray that you will find the courage to be who you really are. I pray that you will not be afraid of what others might say or think, but rather be courageous and live your life according to the values that mean the most to you.

I pray that you will accept yourself as you are, and not as others want or expect you to be. I pray that you will love yourself enough to know what is good for your health, happiness and well-being.

I pray that when people hurt you, it won’t get inside of you and eat away at your heart like acid; instead, I pray that they will pass through like water off a duck’s back.

I pray that when people hurt you again and again, it won’t damage your self-esteem or make it hard for you to trust other people in the future. Instead, I pray that each time someone hurts you, it will make it easier for you to recognize their true character so that when it happens again, there won’t be any surprises or disappointments when they let us down again.

I pray that if someone betrays us or breaks our trust in some way — whether intentionally or unintentionally — then I pray for forgiveness on their behalf because we’re all human beings who make

I have been blessed with the opportunity to pray for the man I love. In this prayer, I will offer my prayers for him and his life, and ask that you also pray for him in whatever way you feel moved.

It is my prayer that he will be a good leader and husband, that he will provide well for his family, and that he will be a blessing to others. I pray that he will find a way to balance his work life with time spent with his family.

I pray that he will be able to keep his faith strong through difficult times, and that he will always be there for me when I need him.

Lord, please guide my husband in all things; keep him safe from harm; protect him from those who would do him harm; give us wisdom in our decisions; make us both wise enough to know when we need help; show us how best to serve others; inspire us with creativity and innovation; give us peace of mind so we can sleep soundly at night knowing there are no worries on our minds.”

Dear God,

I pray for the man I love.

I pray that you will guide him to make good choices, that he will be able to find his way through the darkness that he faces.

I pray that he knows your love is always with him and that you are always there to help him.

Help him to find joy in the world and in his life. Help him to understand why you have made him who he is today.

Help him to know how much you love him and how much you care about all of your children.

Dear Lord,

I pray for my man every day. I pray for his health, for his happiness, for his safety and wellbeing. But most of all, I pray that he will always know how much he means to me.

He is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I want to be with him forever. That’s why I ask you today: please give me the strength to make sure he knows how much I love him.

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Marriage Prayers Daily Archives - Page 44 of 241 - Unveiled Wife

Prayer To Make Someone Love You Deeply

If you are in a relationship, and you want to make that love grow stronger, then this prayer is for you.

Prayer to Make Someone Love You Deeply

I pray that God will help me make the right decision in my life. I pray that he will guide me on the right path in life because I know that he knows what’s best for me. I pray that God will guide me in finding my soulmate so that we can have a long lasting relationship and have children together. I pray that whoever my soulmate is, they will be honest and faithful towards me, they will treat me with respect and love me no matter what happens in our lives. I pray that whoever my soulmate is, they will not cheat on me or lie to me because those are things that break up relationships and ruin people’s lives. I pray that whoever my soulmate is, they will be by my side through thick and thin no matter how difficult things get between us because we were meant for each other. I pray for God to send someone into my life who truly loves me for who I am as a person and not just for physical attraction or lust but for real love; someone who

Prayer to make someone love you deeply

This is a prayer to make someone love you deeply. This is not a spell or magic potion, but it can help you to get what you want. It is also one of the most powerful prayers I know of and it works very well.

The best way to use this prayer is to say it as many times as possible every day until your wishes are granted.

For example: if your wish is that someone will fall in love with you deeply, then say the prayer while looking at the photo of the person or while thinking about him/her. Make sure that you really mean what you say and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want!

Please dear Lord Jesus Christ,

I wish to be loved by a man who will love me deeply and passionately. I want to be loved so much that he will never leave me alone because I am the best woman in the world. This is my prayer and I pray that it comes true in Jesus name Amen

I believe with all my heart that this prayer will come true because it was answered before when I prayed for something else and it did happen just as I asked for it. So now I know that this prayer will come true too. Please help me Lord Jesus Christ. In Jesus name Amen

God of love, I come to you today in prayer. I am asking for your divine intervention in my life and the life of _.

I ask that you would help me to understand what it is I need from him/her. I pray that you would give us the courage to face our fears and take a leap of faith.

I pray that you would help him/her see that we are meant for each other, and remove any obstacles that might block this union.

Thank you for hearing my prayer, Father God! In Jesus’ name, Amen

Dear Lord, please help me to make someone love me deeply. I know that this person is special to You and I know that he/she would be a great blessing to me if we could be together. Please help me to get over my fears so that I can see this person for who they really are. Help me to see their good qualities, not just what they lack or how much they need work in their life. I want to love them for who they are and build them up, not tear them down by pointing out all the things that are wrong with them.

I pray for strength today Lord; strength to do what is right even when it’s hard; strength to do what is kind even when it’s hard; strength to do what is loving even when it’s hard; strength to do what is best for others even when it’s hard; strength to do what is best for myself even when it’s hard; strength to speak truthfully even when it’s hard; strength to listen compassionately always but especially when it’s hard; strength in all things because without Your power none of us can do anything at all! Amen

My lover, you have captured my heart with your sweet love and I am yours forever. I need to love and be loved. I look forward to more years of happiness and joy with you in our relationship. I pray that God blesses our union, heals every hurt in our lives and brings joy into each of our days. I love you with everything that I am and all that I ever hope to be. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and you make me so happy. Please give me your grace so that I can continue to show you how much I love you. Just like magnets stick together so will our hearts be united by love forever!

You are the most loving and caring man that I have ever met. You are so kind and gentle, yet you are also strong and courageous. Your eyes sparkle with love for me when we look at each other, and your smile warms my heart with joy every time I see it.

I am proud of all that you do in our relationship; from taking care of things around the house to making sure that I am happy and healthy every day, I appreciate everything that you do for me. Every moment spent together makes me feel like the luckiest woman in the world because every time we spend together is an adventure filled with new discoveries about ourselves, our relationship, or even just life itself!

I am so grateful for all of this experience because without these experiences there would be no growth between us which means there would be no future together either! If only everyone knew how much joy true love brings into their lives… Then maybe they too could find someone who loves them like this one day too!”

How To Pray For A Man To Fall In Love With You

Prayer is the most powerful force in the universe. When you pray for something with the fullness of your heart, it will come to pass.

When you pray for a man to fall in love with you, what do you really want? Do you want him to just have feelings for you? Or do you want him to commit his heart and life to you?

If it’s the latter, then make sure that your prayers are not selfish ones. Ask God to give him wisdom and guidance about how to treat you well. Ask God to help him be kind and loving towards everyone he meets — especially toward you.

Ask God to give him strength in his weaknesses, so that he can be strong enough for both of you in difficult times. Ask God to give him courage when things get tough between the two of you.

Ask God to make sure that any decisions he makes are always made with your best interests at heart… even if they might not seem like it right now!

Prayer is an important part of our lives. Prayer for a man to fall in love with you is a very powerful prayer, but it is not the only one that can help you find love.

The first step towards praying for a man to fall in love with you is to believe that this can happen. This can be difficult if you have no experience of it happening to yourself or someone else, so I would recommend finding various examples of people who have prayed for a man to fall in love with them and been successful at it.

You could also try asking those around you if they know anyone who has prayed successfully for a man to fall in love with them, as this will help build up your confidence and belief in this type of prayer working.

Once you have built up enough confidence and belief in yourself and your ability to pray successfully for a man to fall in love with you, then I would suggest starting your prayers immediately! Do not wait until tomorrow or next week; start today! My advice would be to start by praying while you are at home alone or while out walking or shopping somewhere without distractions such as phones or computers around. This will help focus your thoughts on what you are doing so that when

Prayer is the most amazing tool that God has given to us. It is the ultimate relationship builder and can bring about change in our lives in ways that are almost impossible without it.

If you want a man to fall in love with you, pray for him every day. If you want your husband to be more loving, pray for him every day. If you want your son to respect you more as a woman, pray for him every day. If you want your daughter to understand how important it is to be a woman of virtue and honor, pray for her every day.

Prayer is not just a way of asking God for something or thanking Him for what He has done; it’s also a way of asking Him to help us become better people and learn how to use our gifts for His glory!

How to Pray for a Man to Fall in Love with You

Having trouble finding a man to date? You’re not alone. In fact, one out of four women have trouble finding a good man. If you’re tired of being single, it’s time to learn how to pray for a man and find the one who will love you unconditionally. Praying for a man requires that you know what you want in a relationship and how to ask God for it.

1) Make sure your heart is pure before God.

If you want God to help you find a good man, then make sure your heart is right with Him first. The Bible says that our actions speak louder than words (James 2:14-16). A man knows if he can trust a woman by looking at her past actions and her current attitude towards others (Proverbs 11:13). If you’ve been involved in an immoral relationship or have lied about previous relationships, then chances are people will assume that’s what kind of person you are as well.

2) Ask God for guidance in choosing the right man for marriage.

God knows exactly what kind of person would be best suited for marriage and raising children with because He created us all (Genesis 1:27-28

Pray for a man to fall in love with you

Last night I was talking to some of my friends about how to pray for a man to fall in love with you. They all told me that the best way is to pray for him every night before you go to bed. They said that if you do that, then he will find himself falling in love with you.

I have tried this many times and it really works! The only problem is that when I pray for my husband to fall in love with me, he doesn’t seem too happy about it. He just walks away from me as soon as I say “I love you.”

I don’t know what else to do except keep praying for him every night before bedtime. I hope that someday soon my husband will finally fall in love with me, too!

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