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Prayer For Child In Surgery

Many people who are facing surgery feel anxious and often stressed. Be it a surgical procedure or even just a check-up, the idea of having to go through a lot of pain is incredibly frightening. But not everyone has to face the danger of surgery. Many people, however, are given this reprieve. However, this should not be taken to mean that they should not pray for their loved ones undergoing surgery. Here is how you can pray when your child is going through dangerous surgery.

You can have trouble finding the proper information online, so we’ve provided the greatest and most recent information on prayer for child in surgery and scripture prayer for surgery in the following post to help. Learn more by reading on. We at churchgists have all the details you require regarding the prayer for son in surgery. Learn more by reading on.

Prayer For Child In Surgery

Prayer For Child In Surgery

Dear Lord,

We pray for [child’s name], who is in surgery today. Please watch over him, and guide his doctors as they work to heal him. We ask that you give them wisdom and knowledge, so that they can make the best decisions for your child. We know that you are here with us, and we are grateful for your presence in this difficult time.

In Jesus’ name, amen

Dear God,

I pray for the health and safety of the child who is currently in surgery. Please watch over him/her and provide protection throughout the procedure.

Please guide the doctors, nurses and other medical professionals through this process. Give them wisdom as they care for your child. I ask that you heal this child’s body so that he/she can be returned to his/her family healthy and whole. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen

Dear God,

We thank you for the opportunity to pray for [name of child]. We ask that you watch over him/her and keep them safe while they are in surgery. Please help the doctors and nurses to do their best work. We know that you will direct their hands and minds, so that they can give our child the best care possible. Thank you for your love and guidance. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Dear God,

We pray for [child], who is undergoing surgery today. Please watch over them and keep them safe throughout the procedure. Please guide their doctors and surgeons as they perform this important work. Please give them wisdom and strength in all that they do, so that the patient may be healed and returned to us healthy and whole. We ask this in Your name, amen

We pray that you will watch over our child as they undergo surgery today. We know they are in good hands, and we are grateful for the doctors who are taking care of them. Please help them to be brave and calm, and to feel your love surrounding them throughout their procedure.

Please guide the staff in this hospital today as they perform their duties with professionalism and compassion. Let them feel your presence as they work on our child’s body. And please guide us parents as we wait for news about how the surgery is going—we ask that you give us strength during this time, so that we can be present for our child at all times.

We pray for peace throughout the hospital today, and for peace within our hearts as well. May there be no fear or anxiety among those who work here or visit here today; may there be grace on every face; may there be love in every heart; may there be peace in every room; may everyone leave here feeling better than when they arrived; may everyone who works here today go home at night feeling fulfilled by what they have done for others during this day’s shift; may everyone who comes here seeking help find what they need most from God’s abundant grace; may

Heavenly Father,

We come to you today with a heavy heart. We ask that you watch over our child as he is being operated on by the doctors in the hospital. We know that you are good, and we know that you love us. Please help us through this difficult time and give us peace in our hearts.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen

Dear God, we come before you today in prayer for [name] and her family. We ask that you protect her during surgery and that the doctors be able to do all they can to save her. Please hear our cries and keep us in your care as well. Amen.

Prayer For Son Having Surgery

I bring my son to you for protection and healing. Please be with him as he goes through surgery today. Please heal his body and mind. Protect him from any infection or complications. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to you today to ask for your help. I ask that you guide the doctors as they perform surgery on my son. I ask that You protect him from any harm and heal him completely. I pray that he will be given a speedy recovery and that we would be able to take him home soon. Thank you for being our provider, healer, and protector. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

Dear Lord,

I come to you today asking for a special blessing over my son who is scheduled to have surgery tomorrow. I pray that you will watch over him and protect him from any harm or danger that could happen during this procedure.

I pray that you will keep him calm and relaxed so that he can get through it without any problems or complications. Give him the strength and courage he needs to get through this procedure with flying colors.

Please bless the surgeons who are performing the operation. Guide their hands and give them wisdom when they are working on my son’s body. May they perform this surgery with care and expertise so that all of his organs are protected from harm.

Lord, please keep him safe from any infections or other complications that could happen during this time period of recovery after surgery. I know it’s going to be hard for me being there at home alone while my son is in the hospital recovering from surgery, but please help me remain strong during these difficult days ahead until he comes home again healthy and whole once again!

I pray for my son who has been diagnosed with a brain tumor and is having surgery this morning.

I ask that you watch over him, guide his doctors and surgeons as they perform the surgery. Please let them know where to cut and not cut so that they do not injure any other part of his body in the process.

Please protect my son during this procedure, keep him calm and allow him to breathe easily throughout the operation.

I ask that you touch the hand of each doctor and surgeon performing this surgery, instructing them on how best to treat my son’s condition. If there are any complications or issues arise during the operation, please give them wisdom in dealing with these situations.

I ask that you heal my son’s body from all forms of harm caused by this tumor or any other illness he may be facing today. Grant him peace of mind during his recovery period so he will be able to focus on getting better rather than worrying about what lies ahead for him in life after this surgery or if he will survive this ordeal completely unharmed physically and mentally wise.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

What To Pray For Surgery

I pray for my son to have a successful surgery. I pray for his doctors and nurses to have wisdom in the decisions that they make. I pray for strength for him, especially as he faces the next few days before his surgery. I pray that he will have peace and comfort during this time of waiting. I pray also for myself, that I would be able to handle all of this with grace and love. Amen

Dear Lord, please be with my son. He is having surgery today and I’m so scared for him. Please protect him from any harm and allow the surgeon to do his job well. I pray that he will have a speedy recovery and be able to return home soon. Thank you for being there for my son during this difficult time in his life. Amen

I have been asked to pray for my son who is having gallbladder surgery today. I have never prayed for my son before and don’t know what to pray. Can you help me?

What To Pray For Surgery:
1- The Lord be with him, giving him strength and courage.

2- The Lord comfort him, giving him peace of mind and heart.

3- The Lord bless him with a quick recovery from surgery and a speedy return to health.

If you’re the parent of a child who is having surgery, you want to be there for them during this difficult time.

You can help your child by praying for them and also by being a positive influence on their life.

Here are some things to pray for as your child goes through surgery:

A sense of peace. Your child may be nervous about having surgery, so pray that they feel calm and relaxed.

A safe recovery. Pray that God will protect your child during the procedure and that they’ll make a full recovery afterward.

Healing in their body. Pray that God will cure or heal any physical problems that are causing their pain or discomfort.

The ability to focus on their healing rather than worry about other things (such as school or friends). Pray that your child will have the strength to stay positive and focused while they heal from their surgery instead of worrying about other things in life right now.

My son is having surgery tomorrow morning. He is a young man who has been in and out of the hospital with various medical problems. He is so young, only 22. I am so worried about him, but I know that God can heal him if that is HIS will. Please pray for him, his doctors and nurses and everyone involved in his care. Also pray for me as my mind is going crazy with worry over this surgery. Please pray for God’s peace for me, for His healing touch to be upon my son and for guidance as I navigate through all of this.

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