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Prayer For Deceased Child

One of the most difficult things a parent can go through is having to bury their child. Hopefully, this prayer for deceased children blog post will help someone somewhere find peace in their time of . grief.. More Information on Prayers for a Child Who Has Died: Five Prayers for a Child Who Is Grieving

Dealing with the death of a child is one of the most difficult situations anyone will experience. To even begin to understand how debilitating it is to lose a child, you need to experience it yourself. Those who can sympathize with your loss are more difficult to find and don’t always understand the magnitude of what you are going through.

Prayer For Deceased Child

Prayer For Deceased Child

5 Prayers for a Child Who Is Grieving

In the midst of devastating grief, it’s hard to know what to say or do. Here are some prayers you can use to comfort children who are grieving.

Father God, we come before you today with heavy hearts as we grieve over our loss. We thank you for this child who has died and ask that you would comfort him/her with your presence and love. We ask that you would bring us peace and healing in this time of sorrow and confusion. Father God, you are our refuge and strength during this time of grief and pain; we trust in your goodness and mercy. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Prayer for a Child Who Has Died:

Lord, I pray for the soul of (child’s name). May they be welcomed into heaven with open arms and a place at your table. May they know that you are always with them.

May they know that you have not left them alone to deal with their pain, but have wrapped your arms of love around them.

You know what they need most right now, so I ask that you send the right people in their life to help them through this time.

May they find peace in knowing that there is reason for the loss of their loved one, even if it is not fully understood by us.

May they find comfort in knowing that pain is temporary and love endures forever.

Lord, please fill them with your love so that all may know how much you care about each one of us individually and as a whole. Amen

I am so sorry for the loss of your child. I pray that you will find comfort in the prayers offered here, and know that our hearts are with you and your family in this time of sorrow.

Dear Lord, I pray for __’s family who has lost their child to illness or accident. Lord, give them comfort, peace, and strength in this time of sorrow. Help them to see that your love is greater than any earthly love they may have lost. Comfort them in their grief so they can look forward to a brighter future with you at its center.

Dear Lord, please hold __ close to you now as he/she prepares to leave this earthly life. Guide him/her through this difficult transition and help him/her to understand that his/her time on earth was short but full of purpose. Comfort him/her now as he/she begins his/her journey back home with you where he/she belongs. Amen


O Lord, you know how hard it is for a parent to lose a child. I pray that you will soften their heart and bring them comfort. I pray that you will give them the strength to get through this difficult time and the grace to live life with a thankful heart.

O Lord, you know how hard it is for a parent to lose a child. Please help them not to blame themselves for what happened, but instead remind them that they did everything they could do to save their child’s life and give them peace about their choice in this matter. O Lord, please also help my friend realize that no matter what happens in this life there is always hope because of your promise of eternal life through Christ Jesus our Savior who gave His life for us on the cross so we could have hope in Him! AMEN!


Lord, please help our little boy to find peace and comfort in Your loving arms.


We know that You are able to do anything and everything, so we ask You to take this pain away from our son and bring him comfort.


We pray that you will surround him with your angels, who will protect him from all harm and evil spirits.


May your presence be felt by our son at all times so that he knows that you are always there for him and for us too.

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