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Prayers To Give Strength

Sometimes it can be easier to give in to the overwhelming swirl of thoughts and emotions that tend to arise when you are struggling in any situation. But seeking guidance through faith is one avenue to explore that may also provide you with a sense of comfort and peace. Of course, there is no “right way” on the path towards healing, but tuning in with your faith through prayer can offer a quiet sanctuary where you can find strength when you may be feeling your weakest. These prayers about strength will empower you so that you can make it through the hardest days. And if you have a family member or friend who is struggling, you can share one of these prayers with them to send a little (or a lot of) strength their way.

Hard days at work or at home can spring upon you without much warning. These difficult times can impact your well-being in mental, emotional, and physical ways, and oftentimes make you feel too weak to face what life is throwing at you today. But God already knows that you are strong enough to take on any obstacle no matter the size or weight, and these prayers for strength will give you the courage you may need to remember just how resilient you are.

Our lives can get overwhelming, daunting, and hard. We can easily get discouraged, frustrated, and burned out by circumstances or relationships that are beyond our control. In those seasons where we are feeling hopeless and helpless, the best thing we can do is turn away from the challenges and turn toward Christ. When we remember that God is in control and our lives are not our own, we remember we have a Savior who gives us strength when we are weak and who comforts us in all our times of need.

Prayers To Give Strength

Prayers To Give Strength

The following prayers can be used to give you strength:

In the name of God, I pray that he will give me the strength to face this situation.

I ask God for the strength to do what is right.

Lord, give me strength and courage to bear this trial with patience and fortitude.

Lord, give me the strength needed to face any challenge that comes my way.

God, give me strength in times of trouble and despair.

Grant us all the wisdom, courage and strength we need to endure our daily trials and tribulations.

Grant us all the wisdom, courage and strength we need to endure our daily trials and tribulations.

O Lord, grant me patience in all things that I may be more than conqueror through Christ who loves me. Amen

Prayer is a way of life for many people. It is a way to connect with God, to get closer to him and to learn about him. Prayer is also a way of showing your love for God by showing that you are thinking about him.

Here are some prayers for strength:

Forgive me, Lord, for my lack of faith and trust in you. I should have known that you would always be there for me; I am sorry for doubting you. Please help me to trust in you more often.

Lord, give me the strength today to be a better person than yesterday, and the courage to face tomorrow’s challenges with faith and hope in your ability to sustain me through them all

“Give me the strength to face each day with courage, to stand true to myself, to speak my mind and to have the courage to change things I can change. Give me the wisdom to distinguish between what I can and what I cannot change; courage not to worry about the things I cannot change.”

“And Lord who art ever present and fillest all things, vouchsafe that I may love thee above all things, and that my mind may be stayed on thee in all solitude, silence and repose. And grant that as often as I shall do these things of myself, thou wilt prepare me by grace through thy Holy Spirit.”

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, give me your strength. Your power is my power. Your joy is my joy. Your life is my life. And so help me to be true to you throughout this day.”

Lord, I lift up to you those who are suffering from illness or pain. I pray that you will comfort them and strengthen them in their time of need. Please help them to find peace and hope, even in the midst of their trials. Bless those who are caring for them and ministering to their needs. May they have the strength to help others in their time of need. Grant these things I ask through Christ our Lord. Amen

God, we come before you today with many challenges and many questions. We know that your love is far greater than any storm we face, but sometimes we need a little extra help getting through the hard times. Give us the courage and wisdom to trust in your plan for our lives and keep us from despair when things seem impossible. God, please give us the wisdom we need to handle each situation wisely at work, at home, with friends and family members who are struggling with their own problems right now. Help us be strong enough to endure these difficulties without giving up hope that things will get better soon!

To help you in thanking God, we created a 30 Days of Gratitude Prayer Guide HERE. Download and print this guide to keep with you as a reminder of God’s love and promises.

We love and serve a good, gracious Father, and we are undeserving of the love, grace, and mercy he so freely lavishes on us. What else could we do but give him endless thanks and praise in return?

We hope and pray that the following verses, prayers, videos, and resources help you find countless ways to say “thank you” to the Lord of all heaven and earth, the God who knows and cherishes our hearts. He has given us so much to be grateful for in every season– life, salvation, loved ones, tiny blessings in our busy days, kind words from strangers, sunshine… the list goes on.

Here are a few ways you can say “thank you, God” today:thank you god

Short Prayer For Strength And Courage In Difficult Times

A Prayer for Gratitude

Dear God,

Thank you for your amazing power and work in our lives, thank you for your goodness and for your blessings over us. Thank you that you are Able to bring hope through even the toughest of times, strengthening us for your purposes. Thank you for your great love and care. Thank you for your mercy and grace. Thank you that you are always with us and will never leave us. Thank you for your incredible sacrifice so that we might have freedom and life. Forgive us for when we don’t thank you enough, for who you are, for all that you do, for all that you’ve given. Help us to set our eyes and our hearts on you afresh. Renew our spirits, fill us with your peace and joy. We love you and we need you, this day and every day. We give you praise and thanks, for You alone are worthy!

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank You for being our strength when we are weak. Thank you for your promises that speak love and peace into our lives every day. Help me to trust your Word and claim it to be truth! Please help us to wait on Your perfectly timed plans, fully surrendering our lives to Your leading. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Thank You for Loving Me

Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me and always seeing me. I’m so grateful I am not invisible to You. You call me the apple of Your eye, the crown of creation, friend and beloved. I will echo Leah and declare that, “I will praise the LORD.” You are worthy of all praise, blessing, honor and glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (Arlene Pellicane)thank you god prayer

A Prayer of Thankfulness for Times of Struggle

God, Sometimes life gets me down and I find it hard to see things to be thankful for. Open my eyes to see the gifts you’ve given me in my life. I’m going to start by thanking you for loving me enough to come to earth and die so we can live together forever. Amen. (Wendy Van Eyck)

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thess. 5:18

Choosing Gratitude

God, we thank You for who You are and all You have done for us. We praise You when life is hard. We praise You when life is happy. We choose to thank You in all that’s in-between. You alone deserve to receive glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (Holley Gerth)

A Simple Thank You

Heavenly Father, thank You.  Thank You for being everything to me and for me.  You are faithful!  You are concerned with everything that concerns me.  I am grateful for Your Holy Spirit that comforts me during times of fear and doubt.  Thank You for everything that You’ve done for me; seen and unseen.  I will praise Your name, forever!  In Jesus’ name, Amen. (Maria Drayton)

A Prayer for Strength When Weary

Lord, I’m weary. My energy is sagging, and my motivation is lagging. And I am so in need of you. I need your strength and your fresh touch to get back on track again. Your Word says the joy of the Lord is my strength. If that’s true, then I need your joy to replace all the bone-tired parts of my mind, body, and soul.

The pressures of life sometimes push me into a corner, rendering me helpless to move forward. A hundred voices call my name, and I feel paralyzed at times to answer, not knowing where to turn. Lord, help me not to quit, to keep running the race faithfully, and to find strength in that safe, secret place of yours, under the shadow of the Almighty.

I need your strength to say no when I’m tempted to surrender to harmful things, or when selfishness clings to my clothes and won’t let go. I need your strength to say yes, when cowardice and fear nudge me to deny the convictions of my heart. I need your strength to reach out in love to those both close to me and all around me. When don’t I need your strength, God?

You are my rock, and I run to you today, believing that you will lift up my heavy arms, that you will fuel me for the tasks you’ve given me, and that your joy will completely consume the weakness of my life and make me strong again. I don’t want to stay grounded, crippled by limitations and failed attempts. I’m tired of feeble efforts. Lord, I want to mount up with wings like an eagle and not just fly. I want to soar.

Renew my strength, Lord. Fill me with your supernatural power to overcome each obstacle in my path. With my eyes on you, Lord, with you walking beside me, working through me, I can make it. Thank you, Lord!

In Jesus’s name, Amen
~ Rebecca Barlow Jordan

A Prayer for Strength When You’re At Your Weakest

Lord Jesus, give me the strength to stick it out over the long haul—not the grim strength of gritting my teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes me strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for me. Jesus, give me strength in my weakness. Amen.
~ Wendy van Eyck

A Prayer for Strength and Encouragement

Lord, like David, I need your encouragement in a time of trial and anguish. Thank you that you are always on the throne, always my God, ready to save. Thank you for being the same God to me that you were to David. Thank you for always being near and always rescuing me from my fears and hurts. Lord, help me remember that daybreak might be just ahead, that this trial will not last forever. Fill me with hope that daybreak is coming and that your love will always prevail! In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
~ A Good Thing Devotional

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