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Prayers To God For Guidance

Dear God, how did I get here? There’s been a lot of sordid affairs, shady dealings, and casual violence. Maybe I had it coming but it wasn’t my intention when I started this. I could’ve just followed the rules: No Smoking, no drinking, no funny stuff. Live a good life and everything would be fine. But that wasn’t living; That wasn’t living at all. And now? Now I’m so deep that every step I take is in quicksand. But I can feel you there, God, pulling me closer to you with your right hand while guiding me with your left hand — though sometimes I wish the latter was holding a baseball bat instead.

Some people are so lost that they need prayers to be sent to god for guidance. Because no matter how hard you try, it just seems like life is not going your way and you just cannot stop thinking about all the negative things that could happen.

Here are some prayers to guide you in your life even if have no God at all. All is there for everyone but not every one sees it clearly. The insights and ideas, everything can help you in improving your life as well as keeping your peace, love and happiness.

Prayers To God For Guidance

Prayers To God For Guidance

Lord, I pray that you would guide me in the right direction.

Lord, I pray that you would lead me to the path that you have planned for me.

Lord, I pray that you would give me strength to do what is necessary.

Lord, I pray that you would show me what my purpose is in this world.

Lord, I pray that you would give me direction and guidance in my life.

Lord, please guide me.

Help me to see what I need to do, what decisions I need to make and where I need to go.

I commit my life and future to you, God.

Dear God,

Please help me find my way. I don’t know where to go or what to do. I feel lost in a sea of people and emotions. I have no idea what is right or wrong. Please guide me through these troubled times and find my way back home to You. Amen

Guide me, God, and I will be guided.

Guide me in the right path,

the path of those whom You have favored,

not the path of those who earned Your anger, nor of those who went astray.

Prayers for Guidance:

1) Allahumma inni as’aluka shafqatahu wa rahmah tawfiqan wa ila’tahu min kulli shaytanin wa mu’atin wa min kulli ‘ibad.

2) Allahumma inni as’aluka al-fadli lil-ilmiya wal-fadhli liz-zulmiyati wal-faqri lil-nar wal-faqi liz-zinariyati wal-faqi li yusrani yasrani yassirani yasrahni yastahziyanaka wa ashamni warzuqnaka wa arhamni warzuqa fi ajalin musammana salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin salawaatu wa salamun alayha

Dear God,

I come to you today in prayer asking for guidance. I have been trying to decide what path I should take in life and I am confused about what to do. I have a job that pays the bills but it is not something that I enjoy doing. My heart is telling me that I need to find something that allows me to use my skills and talents to make a difference in people’s lives. Please show me what path I should take. Help me find what makes me happy and fulfilled. Please give me the strength and courage to follow through with whatever decision I make. Amen

It took me a while to grasp how to pray for love. Because I’ve always had a tendency to think about love, and worry about love, rather than pray about it. 

I’m quick to analyze, figure out, and try to put the pieces together. But it takes me a while to turn to prayer. 

I’m realizing that my tendency to over-analyze is the opposite of what God’s word tells me to do.  All through Scripture Jesus is challenging us: Don’t just dwell on things, pray about them. 

Prayer is the act by which we mentally hand over our problems, concerns, fears, desires, and dreams to someone who actually has the power to control. 

And it makes so much sense, because if we’re going to allow these things to fill our brain, we are better off doing it in a way that has the power to impact the things that are weighing us down, rather than simply allowing them to consume us. 

If you find yourself consumed by your love life – or lackthereof, here are some ways to mentally and prayerfully hand those things to the One who can actually do something about it. Here are 8 ways to pray for love. 

Prayers For Guidance In Decision Making

Prayer is a way to communicate with God and ask for help with your life. Prayer can be a powerful way to receive spiritual guidance, but it must be prayed in faith. You cannot pray for guidance in decision making unless you believe that God will answer your prayer.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to know when or how to pray for guidance. The following prayers can help you pray for guidance in decision making and other areas of your life:

“Father, I need your wisdom today as I face so many decisions.”

“Dear Lord, please show me the right path to take.”

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.”

Dear God,

I pray for guidance in decision making. I have a difficult situation in which I must make a decision. Please help me to know if this is the right thing to do or if there is another way to handle it. Help me to discern whether this situation is from you or from someone else.

Please give me the strength and courage I need to make the right decision for everyone involved.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Dear God,

I need your help. I am at a point in my life where I have to make a decision about what I want to do with my future. I know you have given me talents and abilities but I don’t know how to use them or even if they are being used for good or bad. Please give me direction and guidance on this matter so that I can make the right choice for myself and those around me. In Jesus name, Amen

I pray that I may be led to make wise decisions. I pray that I may be led to make decisions with kindness, love and understanding.

I pray that God will guide me in the choice of my friends.

I pray that God will guide me in the choice of my occupation.

I pray that God will guide me in the choice of my companionship.

I pray that God will help me to choose wisely in all things, so that I may become a better person each day.”

We do not know what the future holds, but we can be sure that God knows exactly what it is. We cannot see the whole picture, but God sees the whole picture. He knows how our lives are going to turn out and he sees what is best for us.

We may pray for guidance in decision making because we want to make good choices or because we want to avoid bad choices. We may pray for guidance in deciding between two different jobs or between two different schools. We may pray for guidance when considering marriage or whether or not to have children.

There are many ways that we can ask for God’s help and guidance in making decisions. Here are some examples:

“Dear Lord, please help me make a decision about…”

“Lord, show me what you want me to do…”

“Lord, I need your help making this decision…”

“Help me make the right choice.”

Prayers for Guidance in Decision Making

Help me to make the right decision

God, please guide me in making the right decision.

Guide me to the right path

Lord, I pray for your guidance. May this decision be in line with your will for me.

I pray that you will direct my steps and lead me to a decision that brings glory to Your name. Enable me to make decisions based on what is right and just, not what is easy or convenient. May I be able to discern between good and evil and choose wisely according to Your will.

I pray that no matter what happens, You will give me wisdom and understanding so that I may make decisions that are pleasing to You.

Dear Lord,

I pray for guidance and wisdom in making decisions today.

I don’t want to make the wrong choice and regret it later.

Please lead me down the right path and help me make the best decision possible.


Prayer is a powerful way to get guidance, but it can be hard to know what to pray for.

There are some prayers that can help you make decisions, especially when you’re unsure about which direction to go.

Here are some of those prayers:

Pray to know the right thing to do.

Ask for help in making the best decision for yourself and others. For example: “Dear Heavenly Father, I need your help in choosing between two job offers. Please give me wisdom and guidance as I decide which job will be best for my family and me.”

Pray for peace of mind.

Ask God to give you peace if he wants you to take a certain course of action. If he doesn’t want you to take it, ask him for comfort and patience while waiting on his guidance. For example: “Dear Heavenly Father, I am so confused right now about whether or not I should accept this job offer. Please give me peace of mind so that I know what is right for me.”

Prayer for Guidance in Decision Making

O God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. Amen.

Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.

Lord, help me accept those decisions that are not mine to make. Give me the wisdom and courage to make those decisions which are mine to make and let me have enough faith in You that You will help me with those which are not Yours or mine.

My God, you can do anything and everything; help me with this decision. If it is right for me, let it come as an inspiration from above; if not, let an inspiration from above help me avoid it.

Lord, help me to know Your will for my life and help me to follow it. Please show me what is right and what is wrong. Give me wisdom and understanding so that I can make the right decisions.

God, I pray that You would give me wisdom to discern between good and evil. I want to be able to see the difference between that which is pure and that which is impure, between light and darkness, between the things of this world and those of eternity.

Lord, please help me to make decisions based on Your will for my life and not on my own selfish desires or those of others. Help me to seek Your face when making important choices so that my decisions will lead me closer to You rather than farther away from You.

Lord Jesus Christ, You have said that You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6). I believe Your Word is true because You are Truth itself. Therefore, I ask You to guide me in my decision making process by providing wisdom beyond my own understanding so that all of my decisions will bring glory to Your name

How Do You Pray For Strength And Guidance

This is a prayer that I have found to be very useful. You can use it to ask for strength, guidance, or anything else you need.

God, thank you for your strength and guidance. Help me to have the courage to face my fears and overcome them. Help me to make the right decisions and guide me in making the right choices. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Prayer is a tool that Christians use to ask God for guidance and strength.

The Bible has many examples of people who prayed for strength, wisdom and guidance. Here are some examples:

“O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.” (Jeremiah 10:23)

“I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5:23)

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” (Ephesians 6:18)

I pray for strength, guidance and courage. I pray for the strength to face my fears, the courage to take risks, and the guidance to make good decisions. I pray that these prayers are answered in a timely manner, so that I can be at peace with myself, my family and those around me.

I pray for strength because sometimes it takes a lot of strength to do what is right or just. Picture your favorite superhero looking down on you from above as you face your enemies and battles. You know he or she will give you the strength needed to defeat them.

I pray for courage because sometimes it takes courage to stand up for what you believe in or stand up against something wrong being done by someone else. If we don’t stand up for what we believe in then we have no right standing up against anyone else’s beliefs.

I pray for guidance because sometimes we need help deciding what path in life is best suited for us and our family members. We may think we know what is best but sometimes we need help from someone who knows better than us whether it be God or someone else who has been there before us

How do you pray for strength and guidance?

The Bible tells us that God’s Word is truth. In Psalm 119:105, we read: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” If you are looking for strength and guidance in your life, then the Bible can be your guide.

Prayer is more than just asking God for things. It is talking to Him and listening to Him as well. When you pray, you should talk with God like you would talk with a friend or family member. You don’t have to worry about what to say, because God already knows what you need and how best to help you with whatever situation you’re dealing with right now.

You can pray in any language that you want, but it’s probably best if you use words that come from your heart rather than trying to memorize a prayer from another book or website (unless it’s from God’s Word). If you get stuck, just ask God for help: “Lord Jesus Christ, I need Your wisdom right now; give me some ideas about what I should do next.”

The words of the Our Father are so beautiful. They help us to keep our minds on what is important in life: God, his love for us and our love for him. Here is a beautiful translation of the Our Father:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen.

This is a wonderful prayer that reminds us that God’s love is always available to us and gives us strength to face any challenge we might face today or tomorrow. To pray this prayer every day will help you develop a closer relationship with God and strengthen your faith in him.

When you say this prayer each morning, you can make it personal by adding something from your own life: “Give me the strength today to do what needs doing.” Or “Help me to be kind to my sister.” Or “Show me how I can use my talents at work today.” This way it becomes more than just an impersonal recitation of words; it becomes an expression of your own thoughts

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