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8 Evening Prayers To End Your Day

I know I always say that I don’t see a difference between morning and night prayers, and that you should just pray whenever. But if your schedule only allows you to wake up early and pray then sleep, I’m at least going to offer you 8 evening prayers for ending your day.

What to say when the picture looks more like a blurred image and the kids have become disinterested in our conversation? I’d definitely pray. And you might ask what is a great evening prayer to end the day. Don’t you know that Allah is listening even in the smallest whisper of your heart? Don’t you know He hears better than your mother on your right side? Keep reading…

A few years back, it was during one of my travels to Bethlehem, that I decided to say a prayer every evening. I wrote down the prayers and came up with a list of 8 Evening Prayers To End The Day. My intention was to end my day with reverence and gratitude, remembering who revealed himself as the beloved God of Israel to us.

8 Evening Prayers To End Your Day

8 Evening Prayers To End Your Day

Evening prayers are important because they help us slow down and reflect on what we’ve done during the day, and also give us a chance to get prepared for the next one.

Here are 8 evening prayers you can use to end your day:

  1. Praise God for your family, friends, and pets.
  2. Thank God for all the blessings you received today, including health, food, shelter, and love (or whatever else you’re grateful for).
  3. Ask for forgiveness if you’ve done something wrong today—and then forgive yourself! This will help you let go of any negative feelings from earlier in the day so that you can start fresh tomorrow morning.
  4. Make a list of things you’re looking forward to tomorrow—this will help get your mind focused on positive things instead of worrying about everything else that could go wrong later tonight or tomorrow morning when everyone else wakes up too soon after getting up late last night!

When the day is over and you’re ready to head to bed, we want to make sure you have everything you need to end your day on a high note.

That’s why we’ve put together a list of eight evening prayers that will help you feel more relaxed and at peace as you settle into your pillow.

Evening prayers are a great way to end your day. Here are some of our favorite evening prayers:

  1. Pray for the soul of [person’s name] as you remember them and their life.
  2. Ask God to help you be a better person today than you were yesterday, and give Him thanks for all that you have in your life.
  3. Thank God for all the good things that happened today, and ask that He bless tomorrow with more good things as well.
  4. Pray for the people who have been kind to you today, or those who have helped you out in some way. Thank God for these blessings!
  5. Pray for those who are suffering or going through hard times right now (or even just people who have been in your thoughts throughout the day). Ask God to help them out of their situation, or at least give them comfort while they’re going through it!
  6. Thank God for His blessings on Earth—for example, that He created us all different so we could learn from each other; or that He gave us free will so we could choose how to use it; or maybe even just thanking Him for creating something beautiful around us today so we could enjoy it

I pray for the grace to accept my own imperfections, and to accept that others are not responsible for them.

  1. I pray for the strength to forgive myself, and to forgive others.

I pray for the courage to follow my heart, even when it leads me astray.

  1. I pray for the wisdom to understand what I do not know, and the humility to admit it.

I pray for the patience to wait until tomorrow before judging today’s events as good or bad, right or wrong, fair or unfair—and instead just let them be what they are: part of a larger journey through time and space that I cannot control or predict but can only experience with wonder and joy as it unfolds in front of me every day (even if that day is filled with sorrow).

  1. Praise Him in the morning
  2. Praise Him at noon
  3. Praise Him in the evening

Powerful Night Prayer For Family

Powerful Night Prayer for Family

In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful

O Allah! Have mercy on Muhammad and his Household (Ahlul-Bayt). O Allah! Bountifully send Your blessings on Muhammad and his Household (Ahlul-Bayt). O Allah! Bless Muhammad and his Household with Your blessings. O Allah! Save Muhammad and his Household from every calamity. O Allah! Protect Muhammad and his Household from every evil eye. O Allah! Preserve Muhammad and his Household from every evil whisper. O Allah! Bless Muhammad and his Household with safety from every harm until You resurrect them all together on the Day of Judgement in peace and security.”

Powerful Night Prayer for Family

Lord, I pray that my family will be blessed with health and happiness. Please bless them with Your grace and wisdom. Lord, please give me the strength to endure all hardships in life, especially those faced by my family. Help me to lead them on the right path always. Amen!

Powerful Night Prayer for Family

O Allah! Bless our parents, our children, our wives, our husbands and all the members of our family with Your mercy and Your love.

We ask You to keep us safe from illness and other calamities. We ask You to give us the strength to bear their burdens without breaking down and we ask You to forgive us for any shortcomings or wrongdoings we may have committed against them.

O Allah! Help us to be good to them so that they can be good to us, keep our hearts soft towards them so that they can do the same. Grant us all a peaceful life together as brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters.

O Allah! Make our homes a place where love flourishes and peace abounds. O Allah! Give me wisdom in raising my children so that they may grow up to be righteous adults who will benefit humanity with their knowledge, wisdom and actions (Ameen).

Powerful Night Prayer for Family

I know that the family is the basic unit of society and its good health is vital for general welfare. I also know that parents have a duty to pray for their children, so I make this prayer on behalf of my family at night.

Prayer from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

“O Allah! Forgive me what I have done in the past and what I will do in the future, and take my sins away from me, wash them with water, snow and hail.”

Lord, I pray for my husband (wife) and our marriage.

I pray that You would bless us to be one in You; to be able to come together in unity, love and harmony.

Lord, I pray that we will not allow any evil spirit or demon to come between us and destroy what we have built.

I pray that you would bind any evil spirit or demonic force trying to destroy our marriage.

Lord, please keep us safe from all evil forces of the enemy and provide protection around our home.

I pray that You would give us strength to fight against anything that comes against our relationship as husband and wife.

Lord, please forgive me for any wrongs I may have done against my spouse and help me to be the best husband (wife) I can possibly be for him/her.

What To Say When You Pray At Night

The power of prayer can help you in your daily life. Prayer is talking to God. It is a conversation between you and God.

Prayer is not just saying a few words, but it is talking to God from your heart.

When you pray, don’t just say anything that comes into your head, but pray with all your heart. The Bible says in the book of Psalms: “Let my prayer be set before You as incense; And the lifting up of my hands as an evening sacrifice.” (Psalm 141:2)

So here are some ways to pray when you say them at night:

1.Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for being born into this world to save us from our sins! I thank You for dying on the cross so that we would be forgiven by God! I thank You for rising from the dead so that we will have eternal life with You! Thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit into our hearts to help us obey Your commandments and know Your Word! In Jesus’ name we pray…

“I pray for the strength to forgive those who have hurt me.

I pray for the courage to try again when I fail.

I pray for the wisdom to know that I do not know everything there is to know.

I pray for the compassion to feel others’ suffering as my own.

I pray for the humility to accept that I am not perfect and never will be.”

“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

“Now I lay me down to sleep…”

“Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift.”

I’m so glad that you’re here. I love you and I’m proud of you.

You are loved beyond measure, more than you can ever imagine. You are so precious to me, and I am so proud of who you are and what you do.

I know that sometimes it feels like there’s no one out there who cares about you. That’s not true. I care about you. And God cares about you too.

Sometimes when we pray at night (or anytime), our minds wander to the things that bother us and make us anxious about our future or the way things are going for us right now — but God knows all about those things too! He knows everything about you — from how many hairs are on your head to how much money is in your bank account — because he created everything in this world including yourself! And he knows what it feels like to be human too; he knows what it feels like to be afraid, worried, or hurt by other people… because he lived here on earth as a human being before he became God himself!

So when we pray at night — whether we’re asking him for something specific or just talking with

Dear God, thank you for this day. Thank you for this world and the people in it. Help me to be a better person, help me to do more. Help me to live the life that you want me to live. Bless my family and friends, especially my wife and daughter. Keep us safe from harm and keep us healthy too. And if I should die tonight, let me go with no regrets, knowing that I gave it all that I had to give. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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