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Prayer To Forget Someone You Love

Sometimes in life, we find ourselves in tangled relationships over which we appear to have no control. We think they were supposed to be forever, but then things take a turn for the worst, and we push the person out of our lives—sometimes without even realizing it. Learn more about praying to stop obsessing over someone or praying for someone who doesn’t love you back.

You’re in love with a girl. She loves you too. You spend every waking moment together, and she tells you that she’s never been happier. She is the most important person in your life, and you’d do anything for her happiness. Every night you two make plans for your future together, but soon enough those plans begin to crash and burn right in front of your eyes.

Prayer To Forget Someone You Love

Prayer To Forget Someone You Love

Prayer to forget someone you love can help in the healing process. It will help you move on and let go of your feelings for them. You will feel better when you realize that they don’t deserve your love and you deserve someone who will love you back.

If you are obsessed with someone or can’t forget about someone who does not deserve your love, try this prayer and it will help you get over them.

Prayer To Stop Obsessing Over Someone

“Dear God, I ask for your help to forget about this person and let go of this obsession. Please take away all these feelings from my mind so that I can move on with my life.”

I pray to forget someone you love. I pray to be free from this pain I have inside me. I pray that my heart will heal and start to feel alive again. I pray that my mind will stop thinking about this person, and what could have been, but won’t be because they didn’t love me back!

I pray that the memories of us together fade away until there are no thoughts left. I pray for peace in my heart so that I can move on with my life and find someone else who will love me as much as this person did not!

Lord, I come before you today asking for your help. I need to forget about this person that I love so much and is breaking my heart. I know that you can do this and I ask for your help in forgetting him/her. Please take his/her face out of my mind, take his/her name out of my mouth, and take him/her out of my heart and soul. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen

Prayer is a powerful tool that can change your life. It is one of the most effective and powerful ways to get what you want.

Prayer opens up a channel of communication between you and God. When you pray, it is impossible to ignore God’s presence in your life.

Prayer can help you forget someone who has hurt you or left your life. Prayers allow you to communicate with God and ask Him for things that are important to you. When we pray, we allow God to be involved in our lives so that we can experience His peace, love and comfort.

According to the Bible, God listens to our prayers and will answer them if they are according to His will (1 John 5:14-15). Prayer does not always mean getting what we want though; sometimes prayer may involve asking for something that may not be good for us (James 4:2).

Prayer To Forget Someone

If you’re looking for a prayer to forget someone you love, here it is:

God is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. So I will not be afraid, even if the earth changes and the mountains slip into the heart of the sea, even if its waters roar and foam and mountains tremble at its swelling pride. Selah. Though its waters roar and foam, the mountains quake at its swelling pride. Selah. I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds. Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is as great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the people. With your right hand, you save your people; with your arm, you redeem them from oppression (Psalm 46:1–11).

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