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Prayers To Get The Right Man To Marry

The modern doctrines of Western Christianity have materialized in two upheavals: the Protestant Reformation and the Great Schism of 1054[1], both being occasions when a large group left or challenged the Church establishment. Such events were once relatively common, but today a schism is rarer than in the early Christian centuries, both because there is usually little ideological disagreement among Christians as to what they believe (as opposed to their attitude towards diversity), and because there is almost invariably a single bishopric with unchallenged jurisdiction over an area, thus providing a possibility for appeal to a higher authority when doctrinal disagreements arise. Instead of schisms arising over what to believe, modern divisions typically concern how to worship or administer: One group of Christians may accuse another of failing to follow Church traditions or having lost the “true” path

Marriage has always fascinated me. It seems like a rare chance for someone to have their life be ‘complete’ or ‘entire’. People meet, fall in love, get married and have kids — the end. The truth is that marriage is much more complex than that. I loved learning about other people’s views on marriage and one of the books my mom gave me was this awesome book by a guy named David Wilkerson called ―Prayers to Get the Right Man to Marry‖.

Ladies, ever found yourself hoping for that perfect guy who will sweep you off your feet? Every girl has those moments where she is wishing that her man decides to be her hero and pop the question!

Prayers To Get The Right Man To Marry

Prayers To Get The Right Man To Marry

Prayer for The Right Man to Marry

Heavenly Father, I come to you today in prayer because I need your help. You know my heart and what is in it. Please give me the desire of my heart and the man of my dreams. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Prayers To Get The Right Man To Marry

Prayer for a good man to marry:

Heal my heart, Lord, for it is broken.

I have suffered long and can bear no more.

Forgive me of all my sins and help me to find a good husband, one who loves You and seeks Your will in his life. Give me patience as I wait for him and make him realize that he needs to be with me. Help him to see how much I love him and how good we would be together. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Dear Lord, I need your help in finding a good man. I want to find a Godly husband who will be faithful, loving and caring. I pray that you will bring the right man into my life soon. Please guide me to make wise choices when it comes to dating and marriage. I know you are always with me and have my best interests at heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayers To Get The Right Man To Marry

God, I pray that I will find the right man to marry. I know that you are sovereign, and that you want what is best for me. Please guide me in my search for a godly husband, one who will love me as Jesus loves the church. Help me to be patient, trust in your perfect timing, and keep an open heart as I wait for him. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me so much that you sent your son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins so that I could have eternal life with You. I know that You have great plans for my life, plans to prosper me and not harm me (Jeremiah 29:11). Thank You that I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). Thank You that no matter what happens in this life, You will never leave or forsake me (Hebrews 13:5). God, please help me to be patient as I wait for Mr. Right because he is coming soon! Show me how to be content where I am now until he arrives! In Jesus’ name, amen

I prayed for the right man to marry, and he came into my life.

I prayed for a good husband, and he came into my life.

I prayed for a Christian husband, and he came into my life.

I prayed for a man who would love me, and he came into my life.

I prayed that if God had someone special in mind for me that He would send him along soon after I got married so that I could have a chance to get to know him better before making a lifetime commitment, and by the time I was 30 years old, he did come along!

Prayer For Singles Desiring Marriage

Dear Lord,

I pray for the many singles who desire marriage. I pray that they would not be discouraged and that they would continue to pray and seek your face. I pray that you will give them favor with those who are available for marriage and that you will open the hearts of those who are not yet married to consider dating a Christian who is single. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for Singles Desiring Marriage:

Lord, I lift up my prayer to You. I ask that You would reveal to me the man or woman that You have chosen for me. I ask that You would bring us together in a way that is pleasing to You and beneficial to us both.

I pray that we may meet at just the right time in our lives. I pray that as we get to know one another, we will grow closer to one another with each passing day. I pray that we will be filled with love and affection for one another so that we may share our lives together in peace, harmony and unity.

Lord, please help me to put my trust in You when it comes to this matter because there is no other person on earth whom I would rather spend the rest of my life with than this person whom You have chosen for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Father, I thank you for the opportunity to come before you in prayer.

I want to pray for my future spouse who is single and desiring marriage. Father, I pray that you will guide him/her in a way that is pleasing to you. Father, please give me the wisdom and strength to wait on your timing and to follow your leadings. Father, please open up doors and windows of opportunity for us to meet each other and fall in love. Father, please help us both to see what a blessing it would be for us to come together as one man/woman and one family. Father, I pray that our hearts would be so filled with love for each other that we would never want to be away from each other ever again! Amen!

Heavenly Father, I come before you this day to seek your wisdom and direction in my life. I desire marriage and I pray that you would send me a godly mate. I realize that this is not my responsibility, but yours. I know that you have already ordained my future spouse and that he or she will be coming into my life at the right time. Please Lord, fill my heart with joy today as I wait on you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

Lord, I pray that you will help me to be content with my life as it is. I pray that you will show me what it is that I am supposed to do with my time on earth. I pray that you will lead me to the right person for me. I pray that you will help me to recognize my own needs and desires so that when I meet someone who can fulfill those needs and desires, I may know them for who they are. Help me to recognize when someone is trying to manipulate or deceive me, but also help me not to become cynical or suspicious of everyone around me. Lord, please give me the strength and courage to overcome any fears or doubts that may arise in my mind as a result of being single; but also help me not to let these fears or doubts prevent me from finding happiness with another person.

In your name…

Miracle Prayer To Get Married Soon

“God, I pray that you would bless me with a husband or wife who will be my life partner and soul mate. I know that the timing is in your hands, but please bring him/her into my life soon.”

Miracle prayer to get married soon

Oh Lord, I thank you for your mercy, love and grace. I pray that you will look upon me with favor and bless me with a wife. I am humbly asking for a miracle from you today. Please God, let me find my wife today as well as the one who will be the mother of my children. In Jesus name Amen

Miracle prayer to get married soon

My Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, I thank You for this day and for my life. Thank you that You are with me always and hear my prayers. I come before You with faith and confidence to ask for Your help in finding a suitable spouse for me. I want to marry a man who will love me forever, who will be faithful to me, who will honor me as his wife, and who will be a good father to our children. I know that You have prepared such a man for me, so I pray that he will come into my life soon. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.

Prayer to Get Married Soon

O Lord, I pray for the grace to be able to love this man or woman with all my heart, mind and soul. By your grace, I will be happy with this person and love them forever. Help me to see this person as my soul mate and help me build a relationship that lasts a lifetime.


Prayer to Get Married Soon

Oh, Lord Jesus Christ. I thank you for all your blessings. Please bless me with a loving husband who will love and care for me as much as I do for him. I pray that you will send me a man who is sincere, kind and patient just like you, my Lord. You know what is best for me so please hear my prayers and grant me my desire of having a happy family life with a loving husband. Amen!

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