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Special Prayers For Friends

I’m always having to stop myself from cussing out people on the internet BECAUSE OF THEIR BAD SPELLING. And, one of the most frustrating things that could happen while you’re working is to accidentally delete ALL YOUR WORK. Both of these things have happened to me on a multitude of occasions, but none of them have prevented me (or anyone else) from being successful.

Here is a Blog Intro for a blog that has information about special prayers for friends. The Blog is aimed at giving moral courage to those who come across distressful times in their lives, during which they are unable to find the right channel to work through their problems. This blog was created with a vision of helping individuals get over their issues easily and restore their faith in Life again!

I know that prayers mean a lot to everybody. People use their favorite prayers to get rid of the pains or get positive thoughts or knowledge. But, not each and every prayer knows by heart. So for the people who need special prayers for their friends, here are some spiritual and customized prayers which will help you a lot to be delivered from your painful times or to get awareness or wisdom in your life and to make it effective .

Special Prayers For Friends

Special Prayers For Friends

Dear Lord,

Please watch over my friend (name) and her family. They are going through a difficult time right now. Please help them to stay strong and let them know that we are all praying for them. May the Lord give them strength and comfort during this time of need. Amen

Friendship is one of the most beautiful relationships in life. It is a relationship that can last through good and bad times, through thick and thin.

The following prayer can be said when you are feeling lonely or are going through a difficult time.

Lord Jesus Christ, You are the friend of sinners; I am a sinner. I have fallen short of Your glory, but You loved me enough to die for me. Help me to see myself as You see me–sinful and lost without hope apart from You–and help me to open my heart to Your friendship today. In Your holy name, Amen


Lord, you know the heart of my friend and the struggles she faces. You know that she is in need of your comfort and strength to face the days ahead. Lord, fill her with your peace so that she may trust in you and not be afraid. Give her courage to keep going and faith that she can accomplish what lies before her. Help her to see that you are with her always and will never leave or forsake her. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Dear God,

Thank you for being my friend.

I pray that you will help me to be a good friend to others, that I may always be there for them when they need me.

Please help me to forgive those who have hurt me and those who have wronged me. Please help me to understand that it is not always possible for people to change their behavior or actions. I pray that I will be able to accept them as they are and still love them.

Help me to realize that each of my friends is different, but all of them love me dearly and want what is best for me. Amen

  1. Prayer for Friends

Lord, thank you for the friends who have come into my life. They are special to me, and I ask that they always be safe and protected. Lord, fill them with Your Spirit so that they can be all You want them to be. Thank You for being my friend. Amen.

  1. Prayer for a Friend Who Is Not Religious

Dear Jesus, thank You for all the wonderful friends who have been in my life. I pray that You will bless them as well as their families by protecting them from harm and bringing them closer to You each day through their lives. Please help me be a better friend by listening more than talking and by being there when they need me most. Amen

Prayers For Strength And Guidance

Friendship is one of the most precious relationships in our lives. Friends are there for us when we need them most, and they always have our backs through thick and thin. I believe that true friendship is one of the best things God has given us in this life. It’s like having an angel on earth who will love you no matter what happens! SPECIAL PRAYERS FOR FRIENDS is designed to guide one on how to intercedes on behalf of a dear friend who needs one love and support.

100 Short Prayers for Friends

Prayer is a powerful tool. It can change your life and the lives of people around you. The following prayers for friends were written to help you reflect on what’s important in your life, and to remind you that God is always there for you.

If one of these prayers speaks to your heart, feel free to share it with someone else who might need some encouragement today!

Prayers for Strength and Guidance

It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, but it’s important to remember that we all need a little help every now and then. We’re not perfect; we all make mistakes. Sometimes we need a friend who can remind us that no matter what happens, they have our back and will always be there for us.

If you want to pray for a friend who is going through something difficult or confusing, here are some ideas:

  • Pray for strength—to face their problems head-on with courage and determination
  • Pray for guidance—that they will know what steps to take next
  • Pray for courage—to stand up against any obstacles that may arise (and there will be obstacles!)
  • Pray for patience—because sometimes things take time! The best way out is always through. Don’t rush yourself or your loved one through anything when patience is what’s needed most. Sometimes it’s best just to wait until everything falls into place naturally on its own time frame rather than forcing the issue because then everyone gets frustrated with each other later on down the road when things don’t happen quickly enough like originally expected/planned out by their own mindsets before acting upon them at first glance).

A Father’s Prayer

A Father’s Prayer

Dear God,

I pray for a friend who has lost their earthly father. I pray that you would send them an angel to guide them through life, who will show them how to love and protect themselves like a parent would. I pray for a friend who is in need of someone to show them the ways of the world and guide them through it safely. I pray for a friend who has had no guidance from their own father or guardian because they are not there for them as much as they should be. And if this is your will, let this person find someone else whom they can turn to in times of need; this person would not have been meant for me but may be meant for another friend I know or perhaps someone unknown yet close by my heart who needs help right now and doesn’t know where else turn in times when things seem too hard.

A Mother’s Prayer

A mother’s prayer is a special gift to the one who prays. It comes from a place of deep love and compassion, and it can be especially helpful when you’re worried about your friend or family member.

The following prayer was written by Mother Teresa for her own daughter:

“Dear Lord, help me to be the person my daughter thinks I am.”

A Prayer for a Friend

Dear Lord, I ask that you would renew the spirit of my friend and give them the strength to overcome all obstacles in their life, especially those struggles that have been weighing down their soul. I pray that you would fill my friend with courage as they face their challenges head on. Bring peace and comfort to them in their time of need and grant them wisdom so they know what path is best for them to take next. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!

A Prayer for a Friend in Need

A friend in need is a friend indeed. You’re there for your friends through thick and thin, so it’s only fair that you can count on them too. That said, sometimes your friends may find themselves in need of a little extra support. Even the healthiest among us will encounter certain challenges and difficulties at some point in our lives. We must learn how to help one another through these trying times with love and compassion—and this goes both ways!

A friend who is sick needs our prayers even more than we do during those difficult periods of sickness and pain (and sometimes death). If a close friend of yours has been diagnosed with cancer or another terminal illness, then my heart goes out to you both—but keep in mind that they will still need your presence more than ever before. And remember: sometimes all that people need from us is not necessarily words of wisdom but simply someone who will sit next to them on the couch while they watch reruns of Law & Order: SVU together (or whatever else floats their boat).

If any of this sounds familiar—or if you just want some general prayer guidance for those around you—then look no further than The Prayer Book Society’s website page for “Prayers For Friends In Need.” Just click here!

A Prayer for a Friend Who Is Infirm

Dear Lord, please hear my prayer. Please heal [your friend’s name] completely and completely soon. Free [them] from pain and suffering so that they may once again be well and whole.

Please also bless each person who is caring for [your friend], whether they are a family member or a nurse at the hospital where they are being treated. May those who care for [them] be able to do so without worry or anxiety about the outcome of this difficult time in their life. May all those who love [your friend] find strength in times like these to bring comfort and hope to one another as well as themselves, knowing that there is nothing more powerful than love when it comes to healing wounds both physical and emotional alike!

A Prayer for a Friend with Cancer

Dear Lord,

We thank you for this day and for the strength that comes from knowing that we all need to lean on you at different times. Please comfort our friend, [name], as he/she goes through treatment. Give him/her strength, courage and peace of mind during these difficult days. We pray that they may remember how much they are loved by family and friends who are praying for them every day. May their faith in your power grow stronger each day until they are healed completely. In Jesus’ name we pray Amen!

A Prayer for a Friend with Eating Disorders

  • Pray for their health.
  • Pray for the healing of their mind and heart.
  • Pray for their family members, friends and other loved ones, who are also affected by this disease.
  • Pray that God will heal the person with eating disorders and restore them to a place where they can be at peace, truly enjoy food again and not be controlled by it anymore.

Pray that they will soon break free from this bondage, which has held them in its grip for so long; pray that they will be able to live without fear or shame; pray that they will have the courage to face their past failures and move forward into a new life where food is not the enemy but something enjoyed in moderation with friends and family as part of an enjoyable lifestyle filled with laughter, love and joy!

A Prayer for a Friend with Health Problems

O God,

We ask you to comfort our friend who is suffering greatly from an illness that is incurable.

Give her peace and strength during this difficult time so that she will be able to accept your will in all things.

Help her know that You are with her always, guiding and protecting her through each day as best you can.


A Prayer for a Grieving Friend

When we are hurting, we all need to know that we are not alone. We need friends who will be there for us and make us feel less alone. Being with a grieving friend can be difficult because grief is not a normal emotion and it doesn’t look the same on everyone. You might feel like you’re walking on eggshells around your friend, but don’t worry—that’s normal. Here are some things to remember when you’re supporting someone through their grief:

  • It’s OK if they don’t react the way you think they will—or even what they expect themselves!
  • Don’t make them feel guilty about their feelings or actions (but also don’t feed into those feelings). If your friend is sad, let him or her cry without making comments or asking questions like “Why are you crying?” Just hug them and hold their hand until he/she stops weeping (or ask if there’s anything more than just physical contact that would help comfort them).
  • If your friend wants to talk about his/her loss—or just doesn’t want to talk at all—listen carefully without judging how much time should go by before talking again about something else entirely different from what happened earlier in life; remember this person has lost someone important who now cannot be replaced no matter how hard anyone tries!

A Thanksgiving Prayer for Friends

Thanksgiving Prayer for Friends

God, thank you for your love and grace, which are at work in the lives of all my friends. Help me to be aware of the ways that you have blessed them, and how I can show my appreciation by giving thanks on their behalf.

The most precious relationship that we have is friendship. You may have good friends, but what are the qualities of true friendship? What does the Bible say about it? Friendship is rooted in love and requires reciprocity, honesty and trust.

The most precious relationship that we have is friendship. You may have good friends, but what are the qualities of true friendship? What does the Bible say about it? Friendship is rooted in love and requires reciprocity, honesty and trust.

Friendship is a very important part of one’s life because it gives us companionship, support, encouragement and help when we need it when we are alone. It brings joy to our lives when we share all our troubles with them with no hesitation or fear of judgment from them at all times! I know that my friends are those who will stand behind me even though they don’t agree with me sometimes because they know that by doing so would mean losing their own opinions just for my sake or for some other reason which will make me happy!

Short Prayer For Someone Special

The following is a short prayer for someone special that you can pray anytime in your life. It helps you focus your thoughts on what you want out of life and how to recognize the blessings God has given us.

The prayer message for someone special can be considered a prayer for yourself, but it’s more about focusing your thoughts on what you want out of life.

The prayer message for someone special can be considered a prayer for yourself, but it’s more about focusing your thoughts on what you want out of life. In this way, it includes an element of gratitude for all that you have in life and the blessings you may not even realize you have. That said, if you’re feeling especially down and need some encouragement to get through the day—or week—this prayer is also right up your alley!

Here are 10 daily prayers that will help make sure every moment counts:

It also includes an element of gratitude for all that you have in life and the blessings you may not even realize you have.

  • Have you ever gone through a time when things were so bad that you couldn’t think of anything good in your life?
  • If yes, then this short prayer will help to lift your spirits.

The prayer expresses gratitude for all that you have in life and the blessings you may not even realize you have. It also includes an element of gratitude for all that we have in our lives. We should be grateful for what we have, who we are, and where our lives are leading us. We should be thankful for our friends and family who support us through thick or thin; those who hold us up when times are hard and lend an ear when we need someone to talk too; those who pick up the pieces after something terrible has happened; those who bring joy into our lives on a daily basis because they know how much it means just being around them!

God keeps providing me with so many people that love me and care about me.

God has given me so much in life. I have so many people that love and care about me, and I am grateful for all the support that God has provided for me.

In fact, just recently a friend told me how she was grateful for her friends. She said that she loves being around them because they help make her feel better when she is sad or lonely, or when something bad happens in her life.

She also said that when you have good friends then it makes things easier to deal with because you can talk about your problems with them instead of keeping it to yourself all the time like some people do!

I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for one very special person in my life who always picks me up when I need it the most.

God has given us so much and we should be grateful and thankful to Him, everyday! We have a lot of things to be thankful for. For example, I would not be here today if it wasn’t for one very special person in my life who always picks me up when I need it the most. He is always there when I need him and is someone that I can trust with my life. He is truly a blessing from God! God gave him this ability so that he could help others who are struggling with their problems by listening to them talk about how they feel or by giving them advice on how they can solve their problems.

I want all of you out there reading this article remember these two things:

  • Always be thankful for what you have because people do not realize how good they have it until something bad happens like getting sick or having an accident where all hope seems lost but then suddenly someone appears out of nowhere just after midnight looking like an angel sent right from heaven above -this person will change your life forever! 🙂
  • We should always be grateful even when times get hard sometimes because when we start complaining too much instead of being grateful then things won’t go well anymore so remember guys “a good attitude produces good results”.

That person is You Lord, and I just want to say thank You for not giving up on me.

If you’ve been reading this blog, then it’s likely that you love someone. Maybe it’s your spouse, or perhaps a child or grandchild. Perhaps even a friend or family member who means the world to you. The person that comes to mind when I write this is my mother; she has loved and cared for me all of my life, and there was never a moment where I was not aware of her unconditional love and support.

In any case, if there is someone special in your life whom you want to share with today…this prayer can be adapted for just about anyone! The message here is one of gratitude — thanking God for being there with us throughout our lives as we go through good times and bad ones too!

God has given us so much and we should be grateful and thankful to Him, everyday!

God has given us so much and we should be grateful and thankful to Him, everyday!

You are blessed with the ability to love. You have been given a family and friends who care about you as well as people who love God too.

Imagine how wonderful that feels; being loved by someone else, having someone who wants to spend time with you because they enjoy your company or even just because they want someone to talk to when things get tough?


I hope that this list of prayers for friends will help you find the right words to say when someone needs your support. The most precious relationship that we have is friendship, and it should be nurtured every day because it’s so important in our lives.

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