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Happy Birthday Prayer To My Daughter

Happy birthday to my daughter! I can’t believe you already have one. Where does the time go? I can remember holding you in my arms, and now I’m looking at this beautiful, growing girl. You have brought so much joy into our lives, and we thank God each day for bringing you into our family!

Draco started talking while still in his crib, which made sense considering he was named after a dragon. Now that he’s a walking, talking boy, we spend a lot of our time saying “no” to things like: cookies before dinner, jumping off the swing, driving home in daddy’s car, etc. Though he can debate and plead for hours, sometimes you just have to teach him a lesson by saying sweet and short “no”. His favorite is “Happy Birthday Prayer To My Daughter” which ends with “There will be no more asking and/or pleading.”

Happy Birthday Prayer To My Daughter

Happy Birthday Prayer To My Daughter

I pray to Allah that He gives you a good health and blesses you with never ending happiness in your life. I pray to Allah that He protects you from all evils of the world and makes your life a success. I pray to Allah that He give you all what is best for you and me. I pray to Allah that He makes you a kind-hearted person and always keep smiling in this world. I pray to Allah that He keeps your heart pure and soul clean from every kind of sin or evil deed. I pray to Allah that He gives you wisdom to make right decisions in life. I pray to Allah that He guides your steps towards the path of success so that there will not be any obstacle on your way to success in life. I pray to Allah that He gives you everything which is good for human beings on this earth, so that we may have some benefit from it after death also. And lastly I pray to Allah for all these blessings for my beloved daughter

Birthday Prayer For A child

O Allah, send Your blessings on my daughter (child’s name). Bless her with good health, happiness, success and make her a blessing for our family.

O Allah, send Your blessings on my daughter (child’s name). Bless her with good health, happiness, success and make her a blessing for our family.

O Allah, make her a source of comfort for us in our old age and unite us through her. O Allah, make her a great support for me and my husband in raising our children properly. O Allah, keep my daughter away from all evil things and bring peace to our home through her presence. O Allah protect us from all evil matters and allow us to benefit from this life by having a pious daughter like You have blessed us with. Amen

A Prayer for My Daughter

In the name of Allah, I begin this prayer for my daughter. O Allah, bless her with health, wealth and success in both worlds. Increase her knowledge and let knowledge be a source of light for her. Make her righteous deeds attractive to others so that she may earn their love and respect. Make her noble character a source of happiness for her parents, brothers and sisters.

O Allah! Bless my child with special blessings on the day of birth, marriage and death as well as all other occasions. Protect her from evil eyes and make all her actions good. Grant me the ability to guide her towards Islam and keep me away from all kinds of sins so that she may live a happy life in this world as well as in The Next World.. Ameen!

Dear Allah,

I pray that you will make my daughter a blessing for me and for her family, that You will bless her with wisdom and knowledge and help her to be steadfast in following the straight path, that You will protect her from evil things and bad company and guide her to good deeds.


Dear God,

I pray that my daughter will be a great success in all her endeavors and achieve her goals. I pray that she will be happy and healthy. May she follow the straight path of Islam and lead a life of righteousness. May Allah bless her with happiness and success in this world and the next. Ameen!

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