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Prayer For Missions And Evangelism

You shouldn’t leave your prayer time before your mission trip to chance. If you’ve ever been on a mission trip or even just traveled abroad, you know full well that there are plenty of diversions to keep you from focusing on the fact that you’re in the midst of a people group that lacks a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Expense concerns, language barriers, and other potential roadblocks to spiritual growth are all things to keep in mind. All of these things may lessen your enthusiasm for praying for a safe and successful trip.

Sometimes I feel like a failure as a missionary. It seems the people we’ve been praying for just don’t seem to be open to the Gospel. That’s why it was so encouraging for me to see Brother Bob do a sermon on this very subject last Sunday.

Prayer For Missions And Evangelism

Prayer for missions and evangelism

Dear Lord,].

We ask that you open the hearts and minds of those who are unfamiliar with your teachings, that they may find peace and comfort through your son’s sacrifice on the cross. We ask that you open the hearts and minds of those who have already found peace and comfort through Christ’s sacrifice, so that they may be able to share their witness with others who are seeking truth.

We also pray for all those who are working on behalf of [mission organization], that you would give them strength to continue their work in spite of any obstacles or difficulties which may arise. May they be able to remain focused on serving you through their work, so that they can see it done well.

In Jesus’ name we pray, amen

Dear Lord,

We come to you today to ask for your guidance and protection for all of the missionaries who are serving in your name around the world. Please keep them safe as they go about their work, and may they have peace in knowing that they are doing what you would have them do.

Thank you for all that you have done and all that you continue to do. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.


Dear Lord, we come before you today to ask for your blessing on the missions work of [company name].

We thank you for the many ways in which you have used [company name] to help spread the Gospel. We pray that you would continue to use us in this way.

We pray that you would give wisdom and discernment to those who lead our [company name], so that they might continue to make wise decisions about how to use their time, energy, and resources to best serve you and your kingdom.

We pray that you would bless all who are involved with [company name], whether they be employees or customers, clients or donors. We pray that each person would be encouraged by the work of [company name] and find new hope in Christ as a result of it.

Lord God Almighty, we ask these things through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen

Prayers For Mission Work

Dear God,

We thank you for the opportunity to serve in this world. We ask you to guide us and help us to do your work as we are called to do it. In Jesus’ name, Amen

We come before you today, Lord, to ask for your guidance in this time of difficulty. Your will is our guide and we trust in your plan for us.

We ask that you guide us on this journey, that we may be able to use the gifts you have given us to bring glory and honor to your name. We ask that you protect us from harm and keep us safe from those who seek to do us harm. And we pray that if there are things that need to change in our lives or in our hearts, that you would help us make those changes so that we can become more like Christ and more useful instruments of your grace in this world.

In Jesus’s name we pray, amen

Dear Lord,

We humbly ask that you would continue to guide us in our mission to bring the Word of God to all who will listen. We pray for the wisdom and courage we need to continue spreading the gospel, and for the strength and perseverance we need to endure any challenges that may come our way. We pray especially for those who have not heard your word yet: that they would be reached with your love and kindness, that they would turn their hearts to you, and that they would be saved.

In Jesus’ name, amen

Dear God,

We thank you for your love and mercy that has been poured out upon us. We pray that you would guide us as we seek to serve you through our work.

We pray that you would use this company as an instrument of your grace, blessing our clients and partners with the power of your word. We pray for their eternal salvation, that they would be transformed by your Spirit and made more like Christ.

We pray for those who will read this prayer, that they may know the hope of salvation through Jesus Christ. We pray that they would be drawn to him, knowing his love and grace is offered freely to all who call on him. We pray they would trust in him alone as their Savior. May he make himself real to them through this prayer and in every other way he chooses to reveal himself today.

Lord, we thank you for being God; we praise you because of all the good things you have done; we worship you because of all the wonderful things you have done; we glorify you because of all the glorious things you will do! Amen

Prayer Points For Evangelism

Righteous Savior, as I look out over this city, I see so many who are lost and afraid. And yet in my own strength, I know that there is nothing I can do. I am shy. I am timid. Father, increase my faith. Give me the boldness I need to fill this city with the glorious hope of eternal life in Your Son, Jesus. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that as the seeds of the gospel are scattered and planted today, that they would land on good soil. Make them bear fruit, Father. Scare away the crows. Enrich the rocky soil. Strangle the weeds. Instead, give us rich, healthy soil ready to receive the seeds of the gospel. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Jesus, my Savior, unfortunately, there are so many people in the world today who are so distracted by the pursuit of money, or by their screens, that they don’t even know You are right there next to them, calling them to the greatest adventure ever: life eternal with You.

Jesus, please overcome these distractions, get their attention, and wow them with the gospel. Put the words in my mouth to hold their attention and turn them to You forever. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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