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Prayer To Prevent Pregnancy

Pregnancy is not always planned and can come as a shock to a woman and even the man involved in the situation. Here are some prayers to prevent pregnancy that you can use to help your wishes come true. A prayer to prevent pregnancy is said to be most effective if done within forty eight hours of the unprotected intercourse. Pray this whole prayer three times a day from the date of occurrence to achieve the desired result. The Christian Prayer for Preventing Pregnancy is a very powerful prayer used by Christians. Christians should, in this prayer, seek to prevent conception because it is wrong to abort the baby. It is not acceptable to terminate the baby. Abortion reduces the population of the world though it does not add any significant contribution to its growth. A woman who gets pregnant should be responsible for at least bringing up her own child.

If you’re trying to prevent pregnancy, you’re probably trying to avoid getting pregnant. Praying to prevent pregnancy is a form of birth control that helps to prevent conception. When a woman’s trying to prevent pregnancy by prayer, they participate in a variety of rituals and practice an array of religious activities with the hope that she won’t get pregnant. These prayers are usually directed at spirits or the gods they believe will help them avoid becoming pregnant. This is a prayer to prevent conception. If you are trying to prevent pregnancy, then this is the prayer for you. It will persuade both men and women not to make love for the time that is indicated in the prayer. It has been used for hundreds of years and its results have always been positive. Prayer to prevent pregnancy is as old as time itself. It mainly involves addressing the Goddess and with utmost sincerity, asking Her to cause the menstrual cycle to end, making ovulation inactive and preventing pregnancy. A woman’s reproductive organs are a part of her body that she cannot control. The ovaries produce eggs each month and these have the potential to develop into a baby. Prayer to prevent pregnancy is not something that should be taken lightly by women who may not see their hopes and dreams coming true by using this method.  Prayer is as powerful an agent as any in the world. If you believe in prayer, then follow the instructions below for Pray To Prevent Pregnancy that no doubt will show significant results for you if you have been trying for years without success to conceive.

Prayer To Prevent Pregnancy

Prayer To Prevent Pregnancy


I bring the little baby that is forming within me to You Lord and pray that You would be with me every step of the way. I ask that Your guiding hand of protection would be over and around and within this little life and may he or she grow and develop without any problems or complication.

Prepare me, Lord, for motherhood. Prepare us BOTH for the change that is going to take place when our little baby is born and help us to keep very close to You and to give You all the praise and glory.

Thank You for hearing my prayers.


Grant me a motherly heart that is pure, steadfast and generous.
I hand over to you my own concerns;
any anxious fears that may come,
my own wishes for the little person
that I still have no knowledge of.
Grant that it may be born healthy in body,
keep far from it perils to the soul.

Grace Through Pain and Discomfort

Dear God, You know the ongoing difficulties that I have had with my pregnancy – morning sickness and other ailments that seem to have shadowed this pregnancy from the moment that I conceived.

I know that there is pain and problems that are connected with the joy of having a baby, and I don’t want it to appear that all I am doing complaining of feeling ill – when my heart is rejoicing that I am carrying this precious little life within me.

I ask that You would prevent me from having any more complications and illnesses as the time passes and give me the grace and strength I pray, to carry this baby to full term – with a spirit of joy and thanksgiving.

Your joy is indeed my strength and I claim this wonderful promise today – praying that You will support and strengthen me until that wonderful day when I hold my little baby in my arms. Thank You

A Growing Family

I thank You for this baby and I give my pregnancy to You, praying that throughout the whole time You will be there to comfort and encourage and strengthen each member of the family.
I pray that You would place Your hand of blessing on this little human being that is being formed in my womb… may he or she grow up to know You and may they become a mighty person of God.
Thank You for all my children, which have become such a blessing to me – into Your hand I commit myself, my husband, my family and this precious little addition to our home – for which I praise You

My Baby

Thank you for choosing this baby to be my child, and me to be its mother. I know this is no accident.

– Psalm 139:13-16

My Pregnancy

Thank you for this day, your holy presence, and this new baby growing within me. Thank you for who you are – a loving, good, and trustworthy God. Oh God, thank you for being in control, and for the wonderful plan you have for our lives.

– Jeremiah 29:11

Through My Pregnancy

I pray for courage to make hard decisions and the ability to rest in your perfect peace, knowing that, in your strength, I am doing my best (Isaiah 41:10). Thank you for being my peace in the storm (Mark 4:39) and my purpose in life. I love you, Lord.

On My Due Date

This week is my due date.
I thank You for helping me make it to full term in my pregnancy.
I am looking forward to welcoming my baby into our home.
Lord, please help my baby come at just the right time.
Bless my labor and delivery.
Give the medical staff wisdom to make all the right decisions.
Help me be strong during delivery.  Help me trust in You.
I pray that Your sweet presence would fill the room with joy as I deliver the baby and we welcome it into this world.
I choose to put my trust in You, God.
Be with me now and every moment of the day.
Let me be aware of Your presence with me.
Reveal Yourself more to me so I can know You and love You more.
Thank you.

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