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Prayer For Family And Friends: Best Prayers For Loved Ones

“I’ve lost my best friend…and I miss him like a hole in my heart.”You used to tell stories of how you were the most ‘bad ass’ kid at school, skipping from one rooftop to another, jumping from tree to tree, racing across playgrounds. No one could keep up with you…not even me! We had plans for our lives; we would find fame and glory, fortune and riches for ourselves…or at least you would. And it was always going to be together.

No matter how dire the circumstances, we know that God, our ever present source of strength in times of need, will hear the prayers we offer for a friend. We cannot always know how our prayers will be answered, but we trust in God’s infinite wisdom and boundless love for us all.

Prayers to My Friend is a bereavement resource center supporting you through prayers and inspirations. Inspirational Scriptures are provided that will help you teach your children about grief, dealing with grief as family members and friends, encouraging them and also helping them to understand the magnitude of loss. We wanted to create a tool that would be empowering and comforting in the midst of your grief journey.

Prayer For Family And Friends: Best Prayers For Loved Ones

Prayer For Family And Friends: Best Prayers For Loved Ones

Dear Lord,

I pray that you bless my friend, __. I pray that you give him strength in his struggles and comfort in his sorrows. I pray that you work miracles in his life. I pray that you will guide him to your path and help him to follow it completely. Lord, please give my friend a new lease on life, peace of mind and soul, happiness and joy. Lord, please let him find what he is looking for in life. Let him be successful at whatever he does, Lord! Please help my friend to have a wonderful day today and every day! Amen

“Help my friend, Lord.

He’s going through a lot right now.

He needs your strength, Lord. Give him the strength to carry on.”

“Please give my friend the strength to deal with this difficult time in his life.”

“In Your name, amen.”

Dear Friend,

I pray that you are doing well. I also pray that you have been kept safe and protected from all evil.

I have been praying for you a lot lately, as I know you are going through some difficult times. Please know that I am always here for you if you need someone to talk to or if you just want to vent about something.

I will continue to pray for the best for you and your family, and hope that things will get better soon!

Dear God,

Please help my friend to know that she is not alone in her struggles. Let her know that you are with her and will never leave her. Give her comfort and strength during this difficult time in her life.

Help my friend to understand that there is no shame in admitting a need for your help. Help her to find the courage to ask for assistance when she needs it most. Let her know that you are always there for her, even when she cannot see you.

Help my friend to realize that she does have worth as an individual and can be loved as such. Show her how valuable she is by giving her the strength to believe it herself. Help her realize that she will accomplish great things if only she gives herself a chance.

Let my friend know that even though others may not understand what she is going through right now, they do care about how she feels and want nothing but good things for her future.

Let my friend feel your presence at all times and always know that even if no one else can see or hear you they may still know you exist because of how much they feel you being near them at all times even when they are alone

In Jesus name I pray amen

Dear God,

Please help me to be a friend like you.

Help me to be loyal and faithful.

Help me to be honest and trustworthy.

Help me to love others as you loved me.

Help me to listen when others need someone to talk to.

And help me remember that even when people are angry with me, they are still your children too and need your love just as much as I do.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

God makes Himself known to us through the people we keep in our lives. Bible verses about friendship even teach us that friends can be just as close as family, so we must be wise in who we choose to surround us with. Whether it is International Friendship Day or a regular day for family, we can thank the Lord for blessing us with the people around us by offering a prayer for family and friends. It is through prayer we are able to show love no matter where we are. 

As Psalm 133:1 teaches us, we experience greater joy and wonder when we honour God together. Offer a prayer for family and friends to help glorify God in unity.

A Thanksgiving Prayer For Family And Friends

The relationships we cultivate are all part of God’s plan for us. We can thank him through this gratitude prayer, offering our thanks for the blessings that are the people in our lives.

Dear God, thank You always blessing me with the people in my life. When I am down, they are always there to lift me up. I know that You make Your holy presence known in my life through them. I am never alone, because You are here with me through my loved ones. With so much gratitude in my heart, I offer You this prayer for family and friends in thanks. Thank You for showing me that love and care can be found anywhere, especially in the people in our lives, because I can now share my knowledge with those around me. Amen.

Image by Marina Helena Muller on Unsplash

Job 42:10 After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before.

A Short Prayer For Family

Our family keeps us grounded, as they are the foundation of our home here on Earth. Offer this prayer for family and ask the Lord to look after our loved ones’ happiness and health, as prayer is one of the highest forms of love we can show those around us.

Almighty Father, I praise and glorify Your most holy name. Thank You for giving my family and I another day to enjoy the blessings You so generously provide us with. I offer this prayer to You, humbly asking that You continue to watch over my loved ones and protect them from harm. Please continue to keep their happiness in Your loving embrace. I pray for their good health so that they may continue to use their God-given gifts to spread Your good word. We are brought together through You, as our love for one another remains strong with You at the center of our hearts. Amen.

Image by Jess Zoerb on Unsplash

1 John 4:19 We love because he first loved us.

3. Family Prayer Before Meals

We must always thank the Lord showering us with blessings. Praying before meals is not only a show of thanks for the food on your table, it also brings your family closer together in harmony.

Dearest Lord, we thank You for blessing us with the food on our table today. We never go hungry because You always provide us with everything we need. Thank You for bringing us together today as a family, so that we may enjoy Your blessings together. We pray that we may continue to live like this, as a loving family who lives harmoniously in Your name. Our bellies will be full of this food, but it is our hearts that will be truly nourished by Your most loving grace. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


Welcome to our 14 day journey in “Prayers for our Future Husbands”! We are so excited that you decided to join us for praying for your future husband. This is going to be awesome! And did you know that your future husband needs these prayers? He truly does.

So, of course you can just read these prayers but I would like to ask that you also write these prayers out in your own words in your journal, diary, notebook or whatever works for you. Then, after this 14 day journey, you can save those little prayers in a special box or chest. Then on your wedding day give them to your husband. He can read them whenever he’s having a bad day. He will really love this girls. You can hold onto these prayers forever! But we want them in your own words so that it’s really coming from you and the Lord.  Ok, ready to start?! Great!  Thank you again for joining! God bless.

Here are the steps simplified:

Step 1.There are 14 payers for you to pray for your future husband for 14 days.

Step 2.We want you as the reader, to read it,

Step 3.Pray it, and

Step 4. Write/or pray it in your own words.

Step 5. Save all your written prayers for your honeymoon! Give your husband one prayer a day on your special honeymoon, it will make it even more special. 

But after the 14th prayer it doesn’t have to end there. This 2 week journey is just a jump-start for you! After Prayers for our Future Husbands ends, you can continue to pray in your daily devotions, before you go to bed, when your sitting in the living room, when your doing dishes, ect. Whenever you remember to, just pray!
We hope you will join us in our 2 week prayer journey. Your future husbands need it ladies! 

P.S. We also made a 2 week prayer journey for future wives as well! It’s called Prayers for Becoming a Future Wife. Make sure to give that a try as well!


Let’s Get Started!

Prayers for Our Future Husband

Prayers For Our Future Husbands

Our future husbands, we place you before our Lord and ask that He bless you with a wonderful marriage and a happy life together. May the love you share be strong and lasting. We pray that God will protect you from all harm and keep you safe from all danger. May He give you wisdom as you make important decisions about your lives together.

We pray for your dreams to come true. May God guide your feet along the path He has chosen for you. Help us to remember that if it is not God’s plan for our lives, then nothing can change it or stop it, but if it is His plan, He will give us the ability to accomplish whatever we set out to do. Help us to trust in Him completely, knowing that whatever happens is what He wants for us at this time in our lives.

Help us to understand that we need each other; therefore, let us not judge one another too harshly but let us strive always to love and respect each other as God loves and respects us all.

Pray for your future husband, that he would be a godly man who loves you, honors you and leads you in a biblical marriage.

Pray for his family, that they would be a blessing to him and support him in his walk with Christ.

Ask God to give you wisdom as you seek out a husband. Pray for discernment when it comes to friendships and relationships with men. Pray that you will have the ability to see past the facade of a person’s life, so that you can recognize true character and godliness.

Pray for yourself as well, that God will help you grow in maturity over time so that when the right man comes along, he will recognize what an incredible gift God has given him in you!

Prayer for a Future Husband

Lord, I lift up to you all the men who have not yet found their true love. May they hear your call and come to you as soon as possible. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayer for my Future Husband

Lord, I thank you for the man that you have placed in my heart. You know how much I long to be with him and be his wife. I pray that he will come into a relationship with Christ and be ready to marry me when it is God’s time. Please help me to be patient while waiting on him, Amen.

Dear Father,

I pray that my future husband will be a man who is strong in faith, who knows his purpose in life, and who is confident in the Lord. I pray that he will love me for who I am, not for what he can get from me. I pray that he will be patient with me when I make mistakes, and will forgive me when I fall short. I pray that he will always encourage me to be the best version of myself that I can be.

I pray that my future husband will be full of integrity and honesty; that he will live by principles rather than by feelings; and that he will follow God’s word instead of following his own desires.

I pray that my future husband will always put God first in our marriage – before family, friends, or even his own needs – so that our relationship with Him may grow stronger each day.

Dear Lord, please bless my future husband with a good job so that we can provide for our family; protect him from any danger or harm during his daily activities; help him make wise decisions when making important decisions about work or finances; give him wisdom and knowledge about all things financial so that we can live within our means

I pray that the man who will marry me will be a man of God and a strong leader. I pray that he will be someone who loves the Lord with all his heart and soul, and who loves me unconditionally. He should be ready to commit to me and our future family, and willing to walk through life’s ups and downs together. I pray that he is handsome on the outside but even more beautiful in his heart.

I pray that he will love children, because I want to have many children someday. I also pray that he has a good sense of humor because it makes life so much fun!

I pray that my future husband would be able to provide for me financially, as well as emotionally and spiritually. I want him to love me so much that he cannot stand living without me, but also have enough respect for himself not to put up with any nonsense from me either!

I pray that my future husband will not only love me but also respect me; treat me like his queen without being controlling or domineering; provide for not only my material needs but also my emotional needs; encourage me in every aspect of life; make me feel safe enough in his presence so


Lord, I don’t know who my future husband will be but you do. So I willingly trust you with my life and his. I want to lift my future husband up to you this weekend Lord. Please give him a great weekend! Help him to enjoy his friends and family. Give him peace and rest from the hard work week. Help him to keep his eyes on you and to encounter your presence in a whole new way! I pray that he would be able to make the right choices and decisions when it comes to his plans this weekend. Help him to be a light and shining example to his friends this weekend. Lord, whatever he does let it be a reflection of his love for you and may he bring you glory. Please help him know you love him and are looking out for him. Thank you Jesus. I love you and want to bring You and my future husband honor.


Lord, please bless my future husband today with the gift of friends. Please bring him godly mentors and companions that will spur him on in the pursuit of godliness. I pray especially that he would have examples of godly men to look up to. I ask that You would give him friends his own age who are seeking You with their lives. Please help him to be surrounded with the people that will draw him nearer to You and not farther away. And please give him friends that will bring laughter and joy into his life.

Prayer to our Guardian Angel

Angel sent by God to guide me,
be my light and walk beside me;
be my guardian and protect me;
on the paths of life direct me.

Angel of God

Angel of God, my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me here,
ever this day (or night) be at my side,
to light, to guard, to rule and guide.

Prayer to St. Michael

This prayer is commonly said after the Rosary.

Saint Michael, the Archangel, defends us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. We humbly pray that God will punish him and that you, Prince of the heavenly host, will use God’s power to send Satan and all other evil spirits who roam the world trying to destroy souls to hell.

Prayer For A Friend Happiness

Dear God,

I pray for the happiness of my friend. Please help him to find the joy he is seeking. May the happiness he finds be a reflection of your love for all of us. Amen.

Prayer for a friend happiness

Prayer for a friend happiness

Lord, please let my friend be happy. I want her to be able to smile and laugh without feeling guilty or ashamed. Please Lord, help my friend find the right man who will treat her well and make her feel loved. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Dear God,

My friend is going through a hard time. Please give her the strength to get through this difficult time and help her make the right decisions. Please guide my friend and protect her. Help her to find happiness and peace in her life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Dear Lord,

I pray for my friend. I pray that she finds happiness in her life. I pray that she goes through this difficult time with grace and peace. I pray that she learns to be at peace with herself and her circumstances. I pray that she knows that you are always there for her, no matter what happens in life. I pray that she is blessed with a family and friends who love her dearly and support her through anything. Amen

I pray that the Lord will bless my friend with happiness and joy in this time of need. I pray that he will be blessed with good health, strength to fight the battle, and the courage to overcome his illness. I pray that God will give him a long life filled with happiness and joy. I also pray that God will grant him wisdom and understanding so that he can make good decisions in his life. May God grant him peace of mind so that he can cope up with all these difficulties in life. Lord, please help him find strength to get through this difficult time. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen

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