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Prayer To Protect Family From Sickness

That’s where I am today.   I’m very mindful that despite the fact that I know I’m safe and protected, people around me are not.   They are surrounded by evil entities and forces that don’t think twice about consuming a human being, spiritually or physically. This air of impending doom can be depressing especially if you’re a sensitive type of person like me.  We tend to overthink things when we are aware of the dangers looming all around us.   And sometimes it doesn’t help that we have beliefs in spirits and entities from before when we lived in more traditional societies. Unfortunately, it’s hard for us to sever ties with the religious paradigms we were born into, which is why this prayer to protect our family from sickness is so important to me.    I need it because I’m always looking at things from different perspectives—especially those that originate in metaphysical spheres. Now and then, all of us have prayed for our families protection from sickness. With the level of stress in today’s world, we can easily catch colds, flu and other illness that lurks around the corner. I have been there with my family where I have to look for a cure to their illnesses. But now that my family and I have a strong faith in God, we have also learned certain ways on how to protect our family from sickness. Our prayer has become a special and powerful weapon to prevent our family from sickness mainly because it has been proven ineffective in protecting us from all kinds of harm, so why don’t you join me as I share to you an effective prayer that can surely help your family members especially during uncontrollable situations that cause serious effects on health and wellness just like during a sick weather season or an environment where sickness is already prevalent.

The history of prayer for sick loved ones goes back to the beginning of time and continues up to this very day. There are many reasons why a person may ask for prayers for an ill family member or friend. When a member of the family is seriously ill, prayer may be the only hope of recovery in some situations. Prayer is a healing balm that gives hope to family members who are suffering from a sickness in their home, such as a genetic disease. We understand that you have a lot of problems. But we also know that there is something more important than all of your problems combined, and that’s the safety, welfare, and protection of your family. If you have always wanted to help others but didn’t know how, this could be an opportunity for you. You will be able to touch people’s lives and also get rewarded for doing it. The best part is that you can do it from the comfort of your home.

Prayer To Protect Family From Sickness

Prayer To Protect Family From Sickness

The world is currently facing many challenges, including sicknesses and diseases. It is, therefore, out of the fear of the unknown that we turn to God for His ultimate protection. Prayer gives us hope, even amid confusion and distress. Hence, it is essential to offer prayers for protection from sickness and disease.

Prayer is always an essential element in a Christian’s life. It is advisable to depend on the power of prayer, especially in the face of ailment. In as much as God is always watching over us, prayer for sickness and health is a recommendation. We’ve compiled a list of 10 powerful prayers for protection from sickness and disease to get you started.

Can prayers protect against sickness and diseases?

We often wonder whether talking to God can prevent uncertain occurrences. Well, prayers for sickness and disease can protect us from these phenomena. Prayer in a Christian’s life is like a weapon for the battles that we cannot fight physically. God grants our needs in accordance with the pleas we offer him.

Does God listen to our pleas?

God listens to our pleas whenever we run to Him. He listens to us and gives responses according to His wishes upon our lives. In times of need, always run to Him for help. Offer any sickness prayers to God, and He will certainly listen.

Prayers for protection from sickness

Dear God, my Lord, I pray for your protection against any form of illness in my life. It is always under your wings that I find my shield and protection. May your goodness, love, and faithfulness surround me forever, and I shall not be fear. God, I give thanks to you for your protection.

Dear Lord, may your right hand shield me from any illness. Thank you, Lord, for your promise to heal and protect us from diseases. Please preserve my testimony and keep my faith firmly and deeply in you, my God. You are my sure defense for being the only one who can genuinely keep me safe and secure.

Prince of peace, command your Angels, to keep us safe in all our ways. It is not by might neither by power, Lord, but I believe it is because of your love and mercy that I am healthy. Lord, I am confident in your eternal security. As long as you are with me, I shall fear no evil that comes my way. Amen.

My father in heaven, I thank you for the excellent health and utmost protection against diseases. God, I know that I do not deserve everything that I have, but I believe it is because of your grace. I am grateful for the heavens that keep watch of me whenever I go and those that I meet. King of kings and Lord of lords, thank you for your care.

My Lord and my God, I come before you with a heart of gratitude and joy. I appreciate your protection from sickness and diseases. I pray that you send your angels to keep guarding me against any form of illness. My faith is in you, Emmanuel.

Lord of Abraham, the promise keeper, thank you for the love you show me. I am grateful for the gift of life and good health the sufferings in the world. Thank you for protection against diseases. I pray your continued security, dear Lord.

Our Father in Heaven, I pray for protection from sickness and disease. Without you, God, I am nothing, and my efforts are useless. It is at your feet that I rest. I pray that you may keep me in good health. May you continue to protect my family and me from any form of illness.

Spiritual healing prayers for illness and sickness

Talking to God can still aid in times of sickness. It is always advisable to turn to God amid illnesses. Here are powerful prayers against sickness.

Dear Lord, I come before you with a heart full of humility. I offer this prayer in time of sickness. My heart is crying out to you to take control of my health. Lord Jesus, it is at your feet that I plead for healing. Let your healing power descend and take control. Unto you, Lord, I put my hope and faith.

Precious Father, I offer this prayer in sickness and pain. I come into your presence asking for strength to overcome the body pains that I have. I look up to you because that is where my hope is. Thank you for the love and mercy you have shown me. Due to your compassion and complete understanding, I opened my heart to you. Thank you for your healing and love.

A powerful prayer for the sick

Sometimes our beloved friends and family fall ill. We always want to see them healthy and up on their feet again. Whisper this short prayer for the sick and God will listen to your pleas. Christian prayers for the sick always give hope to the ailing.

Dear God, my loved one is sick. Thank you for the gift of life that you have granted us. Give my loved one the spirit of hope. May you stretch your healing hand on them—the sick run unto you for healing. Please be with us.

Prayers for protection from sickness and disease are vital when we are looking to keep our health in check. The Lord is always our shield. A powerful prayer for the sick can work great miracles. More so, a prayer to God for protection will always shield us from any danger.

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