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Prayer To Protect My Daughter

Dear Daughter, you must be 20-something now, and perhaps you are moving out of home. You were a difficult child, and your proud parents were often criticized by society. Perhaps they had to smother you with love in order to reinforce the bond and not be constantly judged. learn more on prayer for protection ,prayer for protection from evil.

I pray for the strength of an eagle to keep my daughter safe and healthy. I pray for the eyes of an eagle to always keep her surroundings in sight in case of danger. I pray for the wings of an eagle so that she may be lifted above any tribulations. I pray for the intelligence of an eagle so that she may make smart decisions in times when others are left without answers.

Prayer To Protect My Daughter

Prayer To Protect My Daughter

One of the most important and often over-looked prayers available to the Christian is a Prayer for Protection. Different situations happen in our lives, so you can say a short prayer for protection against evil, harm, or prayer for protection from enemies you face in your life. What is this type of prayer? Why is it over-looked? And should you add this prayer to your daily disciplines? These are the questions this article seeks to answer.

If you feel an instinct or small voice inside telling you to pray… then stop what you are doing and pray.

Here are some simple and short prayers of protection against evil, harm, enemies you can use in your daily life.

  • Short Prayer for ProtectionPrayer for protection from enemiesPrayer for Protection from EvilShort Travel Mercy PrayerShort Medical Protection PrayerProtection from Natural Disasters Prayer

These are designed to get you started, as you grow spiritually you will begin praying regularly and it will become like second nature.

Prayer for Protection

The Light of God – surround us.
The Love of God – enfold us.
The Power of God – protect us.
The Presence of God – watch over us.
The Mind of God – guide us.
The Law of God – direct us.
Wherever we are – God, be our strength and harbor.

Prayer for protection from enemies

God, hear my voice. Lord, listen to my prayer.
Save me from my enemies and their evil ways.
Help me to recognize their bad intentions.
Do not let the false and hurting words of them touch me.
Protect me from devastating enemies’ actions.
Please don‘t let evil destroy and triumph over my life.
God, I can rely only on you this hard hour and only you can save me

I believe and trust you, please listen to my prayer. Amen.

Prayer for Protection from Evil

Our loving Heavenly Father, I pray that you protect my family and me from all the evil, as well as from those who would like to harm us. Guard us, and also protect us from all the evil that surrounds our lives. We hope you give us your shield of safety and security, so please place guards at our home door. Father, please keep our hearts fearless and fill us with your peace, which surpasses all our understanding. Thank you for being our refuge and strength. You are the omnipresent help in difficult times. In your faithfulness, we will not be afraid of all the world’s dangers. Stay with us wherever we go and keep us in your loving hands. I pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Short Travel Mercy Prayer

Heavenly Father, please give protection to my Christian brother and sister as they make a long road journey this week. Help them arrive safely at their destination and protect the other drivers along the way. Lord, they have much work to do here, building your Kingdom. Please bring them home safe and sound, in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Short Medical Protection Prayer

Father in Heaven, tomorrow I must go to the doctor to get some test results. Father, you know the outcome before it happens, and you are in control of all things. I pray that, if it is your will, those results will come back negative and I will receive a clean bill of health. Please protect my health, so I can continue here on Earth. I say this prayer in the name of my King of Kings, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Protection from Natural Disasters Prayer

My Father, My God, and My Lord. A storm approaches, we have been told and warned of it, but still, we are unprepared. Please protect us and protect our friends and neighbors and anyone in the path of the storm. Father, you can calm any storm with but a word, and if it is your will I ask that you do so, but if we find ourselves in the middle of the storm, I know you will be with us always. May your name be glorified in all things. I love you and thank you. Amen.

Why We Need Prayer for Protection?

A short prayer for protection can be used in many circumstances for protection against evil, harm, enemies, travel mercies, natural disasters, health and medical situations, childbirths, and spiritual warfare just to name a few. They can also take the form of physical protection as well as emotional and spiritual.

At the start, I mentioned that a prayer of protection is often overlooked by Christians, especially by newborn Christians who are just beginning to explore their faith. So if this describes you, let me first share how much God loves you and wants a very close relationship with you.

A prayer of protection can be used for yourself or others

Obviously being the God that stitched you together in your Mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13). He knows you far better than anyone, but He wants more than just physical knowledge of your existence. He wants you to freely share all of your life with Him, He wants you to ask him for your heart’s desires, to share your needs and concerns with Him, to rely on and trust in Him for all things. “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” (2 Thessalonians 3:3)

A short prayer of protection can be used for yourself or others, often people pray for family and friends when they travel long distances, have medical conditions, are involved in an accident, natural disaster, or other tragedy. You can (and should) even pray for your country, its military, and its leaders for protection.

Always remember, use a short prayer for protection at any time, and if you feel an instinct or small voice inside telling you to pray… then stop what you are doing and pray. The Holy Spirit of God exists within you to guide you and help in times of trouble. Listen to the spirit and pray. Never stop praying.

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