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Prayers To My King

Hey there everyone! I love being able to dig deep into prayer, share insights, and inspire others. This blog is all about helping you connect with the King of Kings. I know many people like to keep their spiritual lives private, as they should, so feel free to sign up but also feel free to just read without signing up. Also, regardless of where you are in your walk with God I hope my blog will provide some encouragement for you to run faster. in this article is included prayer for kings and those in authority

I prayed to the lord of light.   I asked him to shine his righteous light upon the world and send us his majestic savior.   I said, “Give my humble king a sword fit for a hero and eyes that see only truth.   Let him rule with justice and bring peace to the land for one thousand years.” A few suggestions on what to say to someone asking for prayers

As a member of the human race, I often find myself feeling helpless as I face global issues such as poverty, lack of access to clean water and good education. I wonder what God wants from me, for my prayers seemingly do little or nothing about solving these problems. However, once we realize that our planet is not the only one that has issues of poverty and suffering, but that there are thousands of galaxies out there with planets and civilizations on them facing similar issues, we no longer feel so helpless.

Prayers To My King

Prayers To My King

30 days of prayer for your future husband

Prayer is a powerful way to bring about change in your life. It’s also a way to demonstrate your faith and trust in God, even when things aren’t going the way you want them to.

Here are 30 days of prayers that will help you pray for your future husband. Use them as often as needed, and don’t forget to thank God every time something happens in his life that you’ve prayed for!

For more inspiration on how to pray for others, check out these books:

30 Days of Prayer: A Woman’s Devotional by Priscilla Shirer (Author), Lisa Harper (Contributor)

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, but when it comes down to it, marriage is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make. And like any major decision, you need to take time to pray about it.

Here are 30 days of prayer for your future husband:

Pray that your future husband would be a Godly man who loves Jesus and wants to follow Him with all his heart. Pray for him to have a good relationship with his parents and siblings. Pray that he will be a good provider for his family and that he will love you more than anything else in the world!

Pray that he would love you so much that he would want to spend every day of his life with you!

Pray that if there are struggles in your relationship at this point, they will be resolved before your wedding day! Pray that if there are any obstacles currently standing in the way of marriage (i.e., finances or religious differences), they will be removed by God so that He can bring you two together as one!

Continue reading this article at Christian Women Online – Christian Women Online

Prayer is the most powerful and effective tool you can use to get what you want in life.

Prayer is the most powerful and effective tool you can use to get what you want in life.

It’s impossible to know what God wants for your future husband. But we can ask Him to reveal things to us that we need to know about him or at least give us enough insight so that we will know if he is the right one for us.

Asking God for guidance and wisdom is important when it comes to choosing a partner because there are so many factors involved in a relationship, including compatibility, personality and lifestyle choices. It’s easy to fall in love with someone who has all of the qualities on our check list of “perfect man” but when it comes down to spending the rest of our lives together, it may not work out like we planned.

Prayer is the best way to find out if they are the right one because it will give us guidance from above rather than relying on our own reasoning which can be flawed at times (especially when we are blinded by love).

  1. Lord, I pray that my future husband would be a man of honor, integrity and righteousness.
  2. Lord, I pray that my future husband would be a man who is committed to his family and his faith.
  3. Lord, I pray that my future husband would be a godly man who loves Jesus Christ above all things and is willing to share the gospel with me regularly as part of our time together.
  4. Lord, I pray that my future husband would be a man who has a servant’s heart and is willing to serve me in love just as Christ did for the church (Ephesians 5:24).
  5. Lord, I pray that my future husband would be a man who has character and will not succumb to temptation in our marriage (1 Corinthians 10:13).
  6. Lord, I pray that my future husband would be a man who works hard at whatever job he has so he can provide for his family (1 Timothy 5:8).
  7. Lord, I pray that my future husband would be a man who loves his parents as much as he loves me (Ephesians 6:2-3).
  8. Lord, help my future husband to be a man who is secure in his own masculinity. Help him to love and respect me as his wife and to know that I need him to be the head of our home.
  9. Lord, help my future husband to be a man who is honest and transparent with me. Help him to share his thoughts, feelings and emotions with me because he knows it will make our marriage stronger.
  10. Lord, help my future husband to be a man who is not afraid to ask for his needs to be met by me and other people in our lives. Help him to know that it’s OK if he needs help or a shoulder to cry on sometimes too!
  11. Lord, help my future husband to be a man who doesn’t let his past or present hurt define him as a person or prevent him from becoming the best version of himself possible! Make him someone who is ready for change when needed (even if it’s hard) because he knows there’s always room for improvement!
  12. Lord, help my future husband not only know what matters most in life but also live according to those values consistently so that I can see that he truly does care about others more than just himself! Show him how important it

God makes Himself known to us through the people we keep in our lives. Bible verses about friendship even teach us that friends can be just as close as family, so we must be wise in who we choose to surround us with. Whether it is International Friendship Day or a regular day for family, we can thank the Lord for blessing us with the people around us by offering a prayer for family and friends. It is through prayer we are able to show love no matter where we are. 

As Psalm 133:1 teaches us, we experience greater joy and wonder when we honor God together. Offer a prayer for family and friends to help glorify God in unity.

Prayer For Kings And Those In Authority


We thank you for the kings and those in authority.

Help them to be just and fair in the way they rule your people.

May they always remember that they are servants of the people, not their masters.

Grant them wisdom in their decisions and courage to do what is right, even when it is difficult.

In Jesus’ name we pray.

O God, you are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. You alone are God and there is no other. You are the Author of life and death. We give you thanks and praise for all that you have done for us. We ask that you would put your Spirit upon our leaders and their families, so that they may be guided by your wisdom and grace.

We pray that they would be a blessing to us as they lead us in these perilous times. Give them courage and boldness to speak truth to power without fear or favoritism. May they be faithful stewards of your resources, wise rulers over your people, and protectors of those who cannot defend themselves against injustice.

We pray that they would be wise counselors for the people; hearing their concerns, giving good counsel, and doing justice for all. May they hold fast to what is good, just, and honorable so that our nation will prosper under their leadership. May all who live in this land know peace, prosperity, liberty, health abundance, happiness, long life and prosperity through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before you today to ask for your blessing on the leaders of our nation, the president, governors and senators. We pray for wisdom for them so that they can make decisions that will be in the best interest of our country. Please help them to make wise decisions and to be guided by your Holy Spirit as they lead our nation.

We pray for those who are in authority over us at work or school. May they know how to lead us with kindness and understanding; may they treat us as Christ would treat us.

In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen

Lord, help us to remember that our leaders are human beings, just like us. They have the same needs and struggles as we do. They have the same temptations and weaknesses as we do.

Lord, help us to pray for our leaders and those in authority over us. Give us a spirit of respect for them and for those who are responsible for making the laws by which we live.

Lord, help us to see the goodness in all people and show them Your love in ways that they can understand. Amen

Almighty God, our Father in heaven,

we thank you for the many blessings we enjoy as a nation.

We praise you for the freedom and rights that have been granted to us by our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

We pray for our President, Barack Obama, that he might be wise and make good decisions on behalf of our country. We pray that he would be filled with wisdom and courage as he leads this nation during these troubled times. We ask that you would guide him in his leadership position so that he may serve his nation well.

We pray for all those who serve in government positions at the city, state and federal levels. May they also be filled with wisdom and courage as they carry out their duties to protect our freedoms and liberties.

May all those who are in authority over others use that authority wisely and justly, since it is given by God for the benefit of those being ruled over (Romans 13:1-2).

Blessed are those who govern justly!

What To Say To Someone Asking For Prayers

If someone has asked for prayers, it’s important to give them the best support you can.

Asking for prayers is a sign of faith and hope. It can be a difficult time in your life if you’re facing a serious illness or other issue. You may have been told that you need surgery, are going through chemotherapy, or have been diagnosed with cancer. Or maybe you’ve lost someone close to you and need support during this difficult time.

Prayer is often the first thing people turn to when they’re facing something difficult. It’s natural to want others to pray for you. But it may not be easy knowing what to say when someone asks for prayers.

Here are some things to keep in mind if someone asks for prayers:

1) Let them know that you care about them and want to be there for them during this time by saying something like “I’m so sorry this is happening.”

2) Remind them that God loves them and cares about their needs by saying something like “God loves all of us, no matter what happens.”

I’m sorry to hear about your illness. I know you’re going through a tough time.

I’ve been praying for you and your family.

You have my thoughts and best wishes.

I’m praying for God’s healing touch to be upon you and your family during this difficult time.

There are many things you can say to a person asking for prayers, and some of the best answers come from your heart.

If you’re confused about how to respond, don’t worry. There’s no official script for what you should say. But if you’ve never been in that position before, it’s easy to get tongue tied and panic.

Here are some suggestions for what to say when someone asks for prayers:

“I’m sorry.” Sometimes that’s all that needs to be said. It lets them know you care about them and their situation.

“I’ll pray for you.” This is a good option if you’re not sure what else to say or don’t want to share your personal beliefs with them at that moment. Praying with someone can be very powerful!

“I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.” This is another way of saying “I’m praying for you,” without saying it directly out loud. It also gives them an opportunity to ask more questions if they like, such as “How do I pray?” or “What do I do?” You can then explain how prayer works according to your beliefs and tell them how much their faith means to others who are praying for them as well!

Now, I know it’s hard to know what to say when someone is going through a tough time. But you don’t have to say anything to make a difference!

Just by being there and listening, you can help someone feel less alone and more understood. And that can really make all the difference in their healing process.

Here are some tips for helping a friend who is going through a difficult time:

  1. Be there for them.
  2. Listen without judging or giving advice.
  3. Help them identify the problem and brainstorm solutions together if they want to talk about them (“What are some ways we can get through this together?”).
  4. Ask questions like “How can I pray for you?” or “What do you need from me right now?”

“I can’t stop thinking about you and your family. I’m so sorry for your loss/injury/illness/etc.”

“I’m here for you. Let me know if there is anything I can do.”

“My thoughts are with you during this difficult time.”

“I am so sorry for your loss/injury/illness/etc., and my thoughts are with you. Please call or email me if there’s anything I can do to help.”

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