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In the bible who lived the longest

The Bible is full of stories about people who lived for hundreds of years. Noah lived 950 years. Methuselah lived 969 years. And Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all lived over 100 years each. But which character in the Bible lived the longest?

Maybe it’s not fair to ask this question because there are two ways to look at it: how long these characters were alive for, and how old they were when they died. For instance, if we were only interested in how long someone was alive for, then Methuselah would be our answer: he was alive for 969 years! But if we wanted to know how old they were when they died, then Noah would win—he died at 950 years old!

In the bible who lived the longest

In the bible who lived the longest

So who did live the longest in the Bible? It depends on what you’re looking for. But if you want someone who died at an extremely old age without having any major health problems or accidents along the way… then your answer is probably Methuselah!

Who lived the longest in the Bible?

The Bible is full of stories about people who were living it up, but how long did they actually get to enjoy their lives? Here are some of the longest-lived characters in the Bible:

Adam and Eve – Both Adam and Eve lived for 930 years. They were created on the sixth day, so that would make them around 1,200-years-old when they were expelled from Eden.

Noah – Noah was 950 years old when he died. He was born after Adam and Eve had already been kicked out of Eden, so he would have been around 2,200 years old when he drowned himself in whiskey and passed away.

Enoch – Enoch was 65 years old when he was taken up into heaven by God. He didn’t technically die (or live) while on earth; however, we can guess that he lived at least another 2,000 years in heaven before God finally decided to end his life on earth by taking him up there too.

Methuselah – Methuselah was 969 years old when he died, which means he probably spent at least another 1,000 years enjoying his life before dying peacefully at home surrounded by loved ones (the

Who lived the longest in the Bible?

It’s a question that has puzzled many throughout history, but it’s one we can answer with confidence.

In this article, we’ll look at how long each of these people lived and what made them so special.

Methuselah is considered by many to be the oldest person in the Bible, but there are several other contenders for this title as well. For example, Adam lived until he was 930 years old (Genesis 5:5), but Methuselah was 969 (Genesis 5:27). This makes Methuselah’s lifespan almost twice as long as Adam’s!

We could also consider Noah as another contender for longest life in the bible. He lived 950 years (Genesis 9:29). Again, this is longer than Methuselah’s lifespan by a few years. But who knows? Maybe they both had incredible genes and passed them on to their children!

The Bible is full of stories about people who lived long, full lives. But who was the oldest person in the Bible?

Let’s find out!

The Bible doesn’t give us an exact age for anyone, but we can get an idea of their ages by examining the information it does provide. Here’s what we know:

Adam and Eve were created at the same time and lived together in the Garden of Eden. After they ate from the Tree of Knowledge, they were banished from Eden and began a new life outside its walls. Eve was made from Adam’s rib (Genesis 2:21-22), so she was younger than him—how much younger is unclear. She may have been thousands of years younger or just a few hundred years younger; either way, she was definitely much younger than Adam.

After Adam and Eve were cast out of Eden, they had children together (Genesis 5:4). Their son Seth was born when Adam was 130 years old (Genesis 5:3), meaning that he himself could not have been more than 100 years old when he fathered his first child with Eve (even though she would have been much younger than him). In fact, many Biblical scholars believe that Seth was born when his parents were both 80

Jesus Christ was the only person who lived to be over 70 years old.

He was born in Bethlehem, Israel and raised by his parents Joseph and Mary. Jesus eventually became a carpenter and married Mary Magdalene. During his lifetime, Jesus had many followers who believed him to be the Messiah. His teachings were often controversial, which led to his crucifixion at the hands of Pontius Pilate. After he died, Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven.

The Bible is an incredible book, but it can be hard to figure out what’s true and what’s not. After all, it was written thousands of years ago by lots of different people, and there are so many stories in it that it can be hard to tell which ones are real or not.

But one thing that’s definitely true: the Bible says that Adam lived 930 years!

That’s a lot longer than we’re used to living here on Earth, but then again, he never had any doctors or medicine to help him stay healthy.

So how do we know for sure that Adam lived for 930 years? Let’s start with how long he was born:

In Genesis 5:3-5, we read that Adam was created on the sixth day of creation (which means sometime between 6 AM and 6 PM). And then God put him in Paradise—a garden full of trees that were “pleasant to look at” (Genesis 2:8). But soon enough Adam sinned by eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 3:6) and getting kicked out of Paradise (Genesis 3:22).

So now we have our first clue about how old Adam must have been when he

The Bible is full of superstars. Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus—all of these men were pretty much the best at everything they did and they still get a lot of attention today.

But what about the women? What are their stories?

Well, we’re here to tell you that there are some really cool women in the Bible too! In fact, many of them are actually more interesting than their male counterparts—maybe because they had to overcome more obstacles or maybe because their stories were just plain more compelling. Here are a few of our favorites:

In the bible who lived the longest

Noah 905 years

Noah, who lived for 950 years, was the first human to father children after the Flood. He was 500 years old when his son Shem was born (Genesis 5:32) and 600 when he had Japheth (6:10). After leaving the ark, Noah became 601 years old (8:13), so he lived an additional 51 years after that.

The Bible doesn’t say how long Shem’s and Japheth’s lifespans were, but it does say that Abraham died at 175 years of age (Genesis 25:7).

Shem 600

You may have heard of Shem, the son of Noah and the founder of one of the three major races descended from him. The other two were Ham’s sons (Cush, Mizraim and Put) and Japheth’s (Gomer, Magog, Madai).

Shem was 600 years old when he died at age 3632 (Genesis 11:11-26). He is credited with having five sons: Elam; Asshur; Arpachshad; Lud and Aram. His son Elam founded an ancient civilization in central Iran which came to be known as Elamite Empire. Abraham was a descendant of Shem through his father Terah who was born in Ur Kasdim where Abraham grew up before moving on to Canaan (Genesis 11:31-32).

Methuselah 969 years

Methuselah was the son of Enoch, the father of Lamech and the grandfather of Noah. Methuselah is considered by Christians to be one of the oldest people in recorded history at 969 years old. The Bible says he lived so long because God granted him this “unique” lifespan as a special blessing because he was righteous (Genesis 5:23).

Adam 930 years old died when Eve gave birth to Seth.

Adam and Eve were created perfect. The Bible does not say how old they were when they were created, but it does give their ages at certain points in their life. Adam was 930 years old when he died and Eve was 130 years old when she died.

The Bible says that God gave Adam and Eve everything they needed to live on earth in the Garden of Eden. He told them only one thing: “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

After they disobeyed God’s commandment, the Bible says a snake spoke to Eve: “You will not surely die,” he said to her.”For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God…” (Genesis 3:4-5) She ate some fruit from this forbidden tree and then gave some to Adam who also ate some fruit from this same forbidden tree.

Jared 962 years

According to the Bible, Jared lived for 962 years. There are no exact dates given for his birth or death, but Genesis 5:20 says that he was 162 when he fathered Enoch and lived until 962.

Jared’s age at his death is one of the longest life spans in recorded history and by far the oldest listed in Genesis 5:21-29. Moses himself died at 120 years old (Deuteronomy 34:7). The second oldest recorded individual was Methuselah who lived for 969 years (Genesis 5:27).

Abram 175 after Ishmael was born. Genesis 25.6–8

Abram lived 175 years after the birth of Ishmael. Genesis 25:6 says he “died in a good old age, an old man and full of years; and he was gathered to his people.” At this time, Abram (now called Abraham) had been living in Canaan for 25 years, Ur for 75 years, and Haran for 75 years.

Once again we have another example to show that we should not let our lives be full of sadness or disappointments but rather make them full of joy and happiness so when our time comes we can go out with peace in our hearts knowing that we had a good life on earth and now it is time to go home where there will be no more sadness or pain just eternal peace with God forever!

Isaac 180 years old when he dies. Genesis 35.28–29

You might think Abraham was the oldest man who lived in the Bible, but he wasn’t. The longest living person in the Bible was Isaac, who lived to be 180 years old.

Isaac was born when Abraham was 100 years old (Genesis 25:20–26). Jacob and Esau were born 20 years later, when Isaac was 60 years old (Genesis 25:26). So when you add these three numbers together you get 160—the number of years between Isaac’s birth and his death (180 – 60 = 120; 120 + 20 = 140).

Jacob 147 years old when he dies. Genesis 47.28, 50.26

The Bible says that Jacob lived 147 years. He was born in Ur, which is in Iraq today.

When Jacob moved to Canaan with his family, they settled in the area around the city of Shechem (Genesis 12.6).

Jacob had 12 sons and one daughter: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun (Genesis 29-30). Gad and Asher had a sister named Dinah who married Shechem son Hamor (Genesis 34). Joseph was the son of Rachel who died shortly after he was born (Genesis 35:19-20). Benjamin’s mother Rachel died while giving birth to him when she was pregnant with twins; so before they were born she gave them names because they would die soon too (Genesis 35:18-19). Levi did not have any children because he served as priest at Mt. Sinai/Horeb where God spoke to Moses many times during Exodus 32-34 & Deuteronomy 9–11

Abraham 175 when he died Genesis 25:7-8

Abraham lived to the ripe old age of 175. He fathered Isaac at 100 years old, who was 60 when his sons Esau and Jacob were born. At 130, Jacob fathered Joseph, who grew up to be a great leader in Egypt.

It’s interesting that both Abraham and Joseph reached such an advanced age (though not as long as some people believe). This could be due to their diet. For example, eating vegetables from the garden could have helped them live longer because they contain antioxidants that protect cells against damage from free radicals that cause aging and disease.

Methuselah is the oldest person in the bible, and lived for 969 years.

Methuselah is the oldest person in the Bible, and lived for 969 years. He was a descendent of Adam and Eve, who were the first humans on earth.

Methuselah’s grandfather Enoch walked with God and was taken up into heaven without ever experiencing death.

Methuselah had many children: Lamech lived 777 years; Noah 950 years; Shem 600 years; Arphaxad 438 years; Salah 433 years; Eber 403 years; Peleg 239 years; Reu 225 years; Serug 230 years;; Nahor 148

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