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Prayers To Overcome Anger

How to pray to overcome Anger? It is important to first identify the exact emotion which is causing this anger. You see, there are a lot of reasons why people get angry. Take for example a father who just received some good news about his job, but is unable to share this news with his family and has to keep it to himself because of some confidentiality agreement. This could make him very angry. There are many other emotions which can lead someone towards anger. So when you are having trouble controlling your anger, ask yourself what emotion is causing this anger. Once you determine that, then start taking measures towards praying to overcome that specific emotion and prevent yourself from getting angry .

Do you get angry? Do your spouse and friends say the angrier you are the more of a nervous wreck they’ve become. Maybe you have felt that other people’s anger makes you more likely to lose control of your own emotions. If this describes you then I want to recommend a great but simple book “Prayers To Overcome Anger” by Fr Michael Anaya. The book gives very valuable prayers to help overcome anger, from the title it is clear that Fr Michael Anaya focuses on Christian spirituality as his first resource for helping with anger problems.

Prayers To Overcome Anger

Prayers To Overcome Anger

Lord, I ask that You would help me today to overcome the feelings of anger in my heart. Help me to forgive those who have hurt me and to love them as You love them. Please help me to be a peacemaker and not a troublemaker in my family and workplace. Help me Lord to be a blessing to others rather than a burden to them. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer, In Jesus’ Name Amen

Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you that you have heard my prayer. I pray that the Holy Spirit will help me overcome my anger. Please help me to forgive those who have hurt me and let go of all bitterness, resentment and hatred in my heart. I pray that you will remove all bitterness and anger from my heart, mind and soul. Help me to forgive others as you forgave me when you died on the cross for my sins. Teach me how to live in peace with others and not harbour hatred or bitterness in my heart towards anyone. I pray that you will give me the strength to control my temper so that I can live a happy life without being angry at anyone. In Jesus’ name, I pray amen (AMEN).

The Bible gives us many examples of the importance of forgiveness and the difficulty we have with it. For example, Jesus told his disciples that they should forgive others their sins against them, but if they do not forgive their brother or sister from the heart, they will be forgiven neither by God nor by him.

We all know how easy it is to get angry at someone else and how difficult it is to get over that anger. When you’re angry, you want everything to work out in your favour immediately, but life doesn’t always work out that way.

The following prayers are designed to help you overcome your anger and find peace within yourself:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.

O God our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom comes; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver

“Lord, you know that I am angry and my heart is full of rage. I am impatient and rude to those I love. I find it difficult to be kind and gentle, even with my family. Help me to overcome this sin, so that I can have a peaceful heart like the Lord Jesus.”

“Lord God Almighty, You are good and merciful. You forgive us our sins when we repent of them and humble ourselves before You. Help me to be humble before You today so that my heart will be cleansed from anger.”

“Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

“Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior, help me to forgive everyone who has hurt or offended me in any way.”

The following prayers will help you to overcome anger:

Forgive Me, O Lord, and Forgive Them Too

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

My Lord Jesus Christ, I thank You for all Your blessings and graces. But I know that I am not worthy of them. You alone are worthy to receive glory, honour and praise. I know that I am a sinner. I have sinned against you many times in thought, word and deed; through my sins of omission and commission; through my lack of love towards others; through my selfishness and pride; through my impatience with those who annoy me; through my lack of forgiveness; through the evil thoughts which fill my mind sometimes; through all the things which I said or did wrongly in the past years; through all the sins which I have forgotten but which still remain unforgiven in Your sight; through all the times when I did not pray as often and as fervently as I should have done… forgive me for everything for which I ask your forgiveness today, dear Lord!

You are so good to me that you died on the cross for me so that

Prayer For Someone With Anger Issues


I pray for (name) who is struggling with anger issues. I pray that they would be able to find peace and calmness in their life. I ask that you would help them to manage their anger in a way that honors you and makes them a better person. Please help them to forgive those who have hurt them and make amends where needed. Help them to learn how to control their anger so that it does not control them. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

Prayer for someone with anger issues

Lord, I pray that you would help my friend (name) to forgive those who have wronged him. Help him to keep his temper in check and to be a gentleman. Help him to speak calmly, even in the face of anger or frustration. Give him strength to resist the temptation to lash out at others.

Lord, I pray that you would help my friend (name) to see himself as you see him: as a child of God, made in your image and worthy of love and respect. Help him to realize that he is loved by you no matter what happens or how angry he becomes. Give him the courage not only to live up to these expectations but also to share these truths with others who may need them most.

Dear Lord,

I ask that you help my friend with her anger issues. Please guide her and give her strength to control her temper. Help her to be patient, kind and loving towards others. Let her know that her anger is not from You but from the enemy trying to destroy what You have created. Help my friend not to be afraid of who she is but stand up for herself and fight for what she believes in. In Jesus’ name I pray amen.

Lord God, I come before you today to ask for forgiveness for the hurtful things I have said and done. I ask that you please help me control my anger so that it doesn’t control me. Please give me the strength to walk away from situations that make me angry, as well as help me find a way to deal with my anger in a healthy manner. In Jesus’ name, amen.

God, I come to you today with an urgent prayer request. My friend is struggling with anger issues, and I’m afraid that she might do something terrible. She’s been through a lot of trauma lately, and I worry about her. Please help me to be a good friend to her and help her to get the help she needs. In Jesus’ name, amen.

How To Pray For Someone With Anger Issues

There are many reasons why people become angry. They may be frustrated by circumstances, or perhaps they’re struggling with a problem that’s causing them anxiety. Whatever the reason, anger is an emotion that can be difficult to control.

Prayer is a powerful tool for overcoming any type of sin in our lives, including anger. In fact, there are several prayers that we can pray when we have someone in our lives who struggles with this problem. Here are some examples:

Forgive me for my anger, Lord Jesus Christ. Forgive me for my impatience, Lord Jesus Christ. Forgive me for my harsh words and actions toward others, Lord Jesus Christ. Help me to overcome this sin in my life through your grace and mercy

Prayer can be a powerful way to bless and encourage those who are struggling with anger. The Bible teaches us that we should “cease from anger, and forsake wrath” (Psalm 37:8).

The following prayer is based on the Lord’s Prayer and can be prayed for yourself or for others. It is also helpful to recite this prayer when you are in a situation where anger is brewing.

Father God, I know that I am not perfect and that I have trouble controlling my anger occasionally. Please forgive me for any times when I have sinned by being quick-tempered or angry with someone else, especially _ (name of person). Help me to see things through Your eyes, not my own limited perspective. Father God, thank You for loving me even when I am at my worst. Thank You for forgiving me when I sin against You or others. Help me to remember Your love for me so that I may forgive others who have hurt me in any way. Help me to cultivate a forgiving spirit so that others will not be afraid of being around me or telling me about their hurts; rather they may come to me as friends with confidence in our relationship

The first step to praying for someone who has anger issues is to pray for yourself.

As I’ve said before, anger is a sin. It’s wrong and it’s destructive. But there are times when we feel angry, even righteous, about something that has happened to us. A person who has been hurt may feel justified in being angry at the person who hurt them, or they may feel justified in their own anger toward God.

But how do you know if your anger is justified? Is your anger causing you to sin against God? Are you letting your anger control your actions? If the answer to either of these questions is “yes,” then it’s likely time to seek some guidance from a trusted friend or pastor who can remind you of what God wants from us in our relationships with others and with Him.

If your anger isn’t causing you to sin against God or others, then it’s time to pray for yourself and for others involved in the situation.

Pray for Yourself

First of all, pray for yourself because you’re going through a difficult time emotionally. Praying for peace and comfort can help keep you sane during this difficult time and give you strength as well as courage

  1. Pray for the Spirit to convict them of their sin.
  2. Pray that they will be aware of their anger.
  3. Pray that they will become self-controlled and not act impulsively in anger.
  4. Pray that God would give them wisdom to handle difficult situations wisely, without resorting to anger (James 1:19-20).
  5. Pray that they would not take out their anger on others, especially those closest to them (Ephesians 4:26-27).
  6. Pray for them to have a godly perspective on life, which includes being able to see things from another person’s point of view (Philippians 2:1-4).

Prayer is not a magic wand that will make all of your problems go away. But it can be a powerful way to bring you closer to God, and that can make a difference. Here are some ways to pray for someone with anger issues:

Pray for them to have the patience they need. Prayer doesn’t change the other person’s actions, but it does change us. As we pray for patience, we grow more patient ourselves. This will help us respond better when we encounter anger in others.

Pray that God would give them a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26). This means that God wants them to know Him as Father and Friend rather than judge or condemn them as judge or critic.

Ask God to give them peace (John 14:27). God promises peace — even in the midst of trials (Romans 5:1-5). We can ask Him to give it now, so that our friend can experience it now instead of later when things go wrong again.

Ask God to forgive their sins and heal their wounds (Psalm 103:3-4). We’re all sinners who need forgiveness and healing from the wounds caused by sin — including anger, which is rooted in pride.

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